

The Research of Business Process Reengineering in ERP Program of STO

【作者】 戴伟涛

【导师】 朱启贵;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是知识经济的时代,新的思维、新的理论、新的解决方案层出不穷。与此相适应的,是整个社会节奏的加快以及竞争的多角度和残酷性。一个企业,要想在这样的市场环境中站稳并谋求发展,必须改变思想方式,以创新的理念审视当前自身所处的环境,分析自己的优劣势,才能找出自身的存在价值以及应该努力的方向。但是,我们也遗憾的看到,很多很有见地的想法、创意,在具体实施过程中遇到了重重阻力,难以推行,或者不了了之,或者成了鸡肋,食之无味,弃之可惜,成了企业在发展的道路上“心中永远的痛”。ERP进入中国已经有20个年头了,在经历了前期的风风雨雨之后,近年来,逐渐为人们所接受,尤其是在制造业,似乎成了寻求发展的不二法门。但是,更多的企业仅仅是又多了一个处理日常工作的工具而已。究其原因,并不是ERP系统本身出现了问题,而是我们实施ERP项目的动机、方法出了问题。很多人,把技术解决方案当作灵丹妙药,自身解决不了的难题,全部推给了系统,这样实施的结果必然是系统迁就现有的流程,而所谓的实施,就是不断对系统进行二次开发,使之符合现有流程的需要。本来上ERP系统就是为了能求新求变,而现在却成了为原有的流程找一个更先进的工具而已,这样的系统是不能称其成功的。作者认为,企业的求新求变的初衷是正确的,但企业的管理者更应该清醒地认识到,如何求新求变,企业自身的局限性体现在哪里,内部的运作产生了哪些制约,应该做何种改变,这样问题归根到底就是企业流程再造的问题,这些问题想通了,技术解决方案等(ERP)也就水到渠成了。而且,由于技术的进步又能反过来实现过去无法实现的想法和流程。所以ERP和BPR应该是一种相辅相成的关系。上海申得欧有限公司(STO公司)在ERP实施过程中所进的BPR实践,是上述观点的有力佐证。STO公司成立于1994年,是一家专业生产建筑涂料和相关产品的德国独资企业。随着国内经济的迅速发展,房地产市场也迅速升温,与之相关的涂料产品出现了巨大的需求,而且,随着环保意识的逐渐深入和强化,环保节能型建筑材料也有巨大的市场,而STO公司作为外墙外保温体系的专利拥有者,这无疑是一巨大的商机。如何把握机会,提高市场占有率,是公司决策层一直思考的问题。显然,旧的管理模式、营销理念、运作方式已经不能适应未来发展需要,必须进行一系列的变革。在这样的背景下,STO公司的ERP项目以及BPR就应运而生了。作为该项目的组织者,笔者有幸参与了该项目的全部过程,对其中的成败得失也比其他人有了更多的体会,这些内容为本论文的论点提供了较丰富的素材和数据。本文首先分析了信息化的发展给企业带来的机遇和挑战,接着,在理论层面,阐述了ERP和BPR的关系,指出他们相辅相成的特性,然后,介绍了在ERP实施中,如何进行BPR,如何寻找切入点,涉及的范围,重组的时机等,并指出了可能出现的问题,应该在何种层面上加以防范。论文以STO公司为实证,运用SWOT分析法,深层剖析了公司进行流程重组的方方面面,用理论指导BPR的全过程,在已经实施的内容中寻找理论的依据,文章选取了订单处理、生产计划、投诉处理、财务控制等典型流程来证明笔者的论点。文章最后进行了总结,指出了其中的成功和不足,并根据持续更新的原则对STO公司的BPR工作列出了未来的工作计划。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy. New thoughts, new theories and new solutions are booming. With accordance to those, the pace of the whole society is getting faster; the competition is getting more diverse and fierce. The corporation should think in a different way in order to survive and develop in such a market environment. It should critically think about the environment it lives, its advantages and shortcomings. Then it will find where it should stay and what destination it should reach. Keep changing; keep developing seems to be the only way for a corporation to live long. However, we are sorry to find a huge opposite examples. A lot of good thoughts, creative minds are getting diminished in the process of implementation. Even the lucky ones that becomes reality don’t have a good situation. With reference to the big investment, the results of such thoughts, minds, etc. can not make the owners happy.There has been more than 20 years since ERP was getting to be known by Chinese. After the hard time at the beginning, ERP is getting popular recently. Especially in manufacturing industry, ERP implementation seems to become the only way to improve competitive ability and get development. However, the system is just an expensive tool for daily routine work for most owners. In fact, it is not the fault of the system. The original goal to implement ERP system is to try to find a way to change the unreasonable business processes, while in fact; the system becomes an advanced tool to support the existing processes. This could not be a successful implementation.The author believes that it is correct to get something new, while further more, the owner of the enterprises should think about how to get things new. What are the restrictions in the company at present? What obstacles are there during the operation? When and how to change the situation? These questions focus on the business process reengineering. If we solve these problems at first, the decision on technical solution becomes easy. And the development of technology will be helpful to fulfill the new thoughts and process. So, ERP is a good for BRP and vice versa.The practice of BRP in the ERP implementation in Shanghai STO Co., Ltd is a powerful explanation of the opinion mentioned above.Established in 1994, STO is a German WOFE which mainly focuses on the manufacturing of constructional painting and relevant products. With the rapid development of domestic economy, the market of real estate is getting prosperous. This results in the huge demand on constructional paints. On the other hand, with the concern of environment protection, the products which are environmental friendly are encouraged to be used. As the potent owner of Exterior Heat Isolation System, STO should grasp the big opportunity. How to take the good chance, how to enlarge the market share is a main project for the management group. Obviously, the existing management style, marketing and sales strategy, the operation model is somewhat out of date. A serious of change should be conducted. Under this circumstance, the ERP and BPR program is on the board. As the organizer of the project, the author took part in the whole procedure, and has got deeper feelings on the success and loses of the project. That is valuable to support the opinion in this paper.This paper analyses the challenge to enterprises with the development of information technology at first, then, describe the relationship between ERP and BPR, points out that they are good to each other. The paper takes big pieces to introduce how to conduct BPR in the implementation of ERP, how to find the break point, how to define the range of BPR, even how to find the proper chance to get access in. The paper also points out the potential risks and how to avoid. The author takes STO Company as a real example, using SWOT method to analyze the current situation of the company. The whole BRP program is under the theory, on the other hand, the practice will support the theory. The article takes four typical processes as the examples, which are Order Processing, Production Plan, Complain Processing and Financial Control. At the end, the author summarizes the success and loses of the project, and lists the job for the future.

【关键词】 ERPBPR流程重组实施
【Key words】 ERPBPRProcess Re-organizationImplementation
  • 【分类号】F270.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】257

