

Design and Imlementation of Embedded Control System Based on Wince and ARM9 for Biologic Fermentation

【作者】 张盈啸

【导师】 邵惠鹤;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 生物发酵工业作为现代生物技术工业的重要组成部分,已经被广泛用于食品、制药等各个领域,并显示出良好的发展态势和巨大的市场潜力。但由于生物发酵过程是一种复杂的生化反应过程,控制变量众多且相互关联度较大,要对其进行有效控制而达到工业生产目标实属不易。因此,本文根据生物发酵的流程特点和当今国内市场的切实需要,详细介绍了一套基于嵌入式系统的生物发酵控制系统的设计、实现和改进措施。整篇文章以生物发酵流程为主线,分别提出了针对该系统的一套基于“一体化工控机”的嵌入式生物发酵实时监控系统的设计和实现方案以及如何改进控制系统集成度的讨论和尝试。主要内容包括:(1)本文介绍了生物发酵的概念和特点;生物发酵工业的发展现状以及具体的生产流程,了解和分析了整个生物发酵过程中的关键系统变量及其作用;向大家介绍了本实验室自主研发的生物发生器及其成套控制系统,说明了我们在此基础上将对此控制系统进行的二次开发;最后介绍了一体化工控机的概念和发展现状,使大家对嵌入式一体化工控机有总体的了解。(2)对嵌入式系统的实时监控软件进行了需求分析和功能描述,介绍了嵌入式系统的硬件环境(基于ARM 920T内核架构的CPU: MC9328MXL),和软件开发环境(包括软件平台Windows CE.net和应用程序开发平台eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0),最后对软件的每个模块的设计和实现做出了详细描述,并介绍了其中出现的困难和相应的解决方案。(3)对目前产品和目标产品进行了比较,分析了需要改进的几个方面并对提高系统集成度的一种方案进行了尝试-实现ARM CPU与底层数据采集模块的IIC通信。由于稳定性和实时性的需要,此通信模块的实现通过WinCE.NET的驱动程序开完成,于是详细介绍了Windows CE系统的架构以及Windows CE下驱动开发的流程并分析了部分代码片断。(4)最后对整篇论文进行了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 Biologic fermentation industry has been a key component of contemporary biologic industry and turn out to be a prevalent usage in the production of food and medicine, which demonstrate a bright future and prosperous development in market. However, as biologic fermentation is a complex biochemical process combined with a huge amount of control variables and a high cohesion itself, it’s very hard to perform a effective control on it.Thus, according to the profile of biologic fermentation process and the current market requirement, a detailed description is performed on the design, implementation and improvement of embedded control system for biologic fermentation. With the process of biologic fermentation as main stream, a control scheme, a real time system supervisory software and a measure to improvement the integration are discussed as follows,(1) A brief introduction on the concept and characteristics of biologic fermentation is conducted at the beginning stage; followed by the current status and production procedure of biologic fermentation industry; followed by an introduction of the fermentation cylinder and the control system developed by our lab, demonstrating the foundation of my tasks.; followed by an introduction of the concept and characteristics of integrative industrial computer.(2) Give out an analysis on customer requirements and a description of function modules of real time supervisory software. Then the hardware and software development environment is introduced, followed by the design and implementation of each modules in software and the difficulties encountered and corresponsive solution.(3) A comparison between the current and target product is conducted, followed by a discussion of the improvement aspects of current product. Then an attempt to improve the system density of integrity is carry out: Implementation of IIC communication between ARM CPU and bottom layer data collection module. As the module is developed on Wince.NET platform, the procedure of Windows CE driver developing is introduced and pieces of key code are in analysis.(4) Finally give out the summary and outlook of the thesis.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】265

