

Anesthetic Control System Based on Multiple Inputs Data Fusion

【作者】 郭丞

【导师】 王林;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会不断发展进步,当代人类关心的问题不仅仅是生存,更多的是高质量的生活。医学的进步为人们追求这一目标提供了客观条件。外科手术,在人们生活中经常扮演着救死扶伤的角色。外科麻醉技术作为减轻人们痛苦,方便手术进程的重要手段,在外科手术当中是必不可少的。多年以来,各大医院所使用的麻醉技术多为人工手动麻醉,对于医生经验和技术要求很高,客观条件要求实现自动麻醉技术。为了更方便的进行自动麻醉,本课题提出了以多输入变量为测量变量,通过观测病人的生理特征,对整个麻醉过程实现基于数据融合的闭环自动控制。论文详细阐述了麻醉深度和监测手段,介绍了麻醉机的原理,结构和发展趋势,然后详述定量吸入麻醉理论和实践,以及如何使用数据挖掘技术进行数据的预处理,如何使用聚类方法进行数据融合。论文提出了以输入的多数据融合为手段,解决不同输入变量对麻醉深度的影响问题。数据融合充分利用多数据中的冗余和互补信息,最大限度地估计出被测对象的真实参数。同时,数据融合大大方便了控制算法和控制器的设计,为系统简化提供了可行依据。最后对于基于数据融合的麻醉自动控制系统的前景和目标做出总结和回顾。这种技术是对以往基于人工经验的麻醉技术的改进,节约了人力,提高了麻醉效率,避免了资源浪费,缩短了手术时间,进而保障手术的顺利进行。虽然项目的研究多在理论层面,但是其应用价值也是很乐观的。非常期待麻醉自动控制系统能够彻底取代手工麻醉的一天。

【Abstract】 With the development of society, human beings nowadays concern about not only how to survive but also how to increase life quality. The development of medical science provides enough objective tools to pursue the goal. Surgeon aims to help those in need. The surgery anesthetic technology, as a method to alleviate people’s pain and accelerate the process of surgery, plays an essential role in surgery. Until now, most hospitals use the technology of human anesthetic, and this process requires experienced and skilled doctors. So this situation demands the realization of automatic anesthetic technology. In order to make the process more convenient, this thesis offers the idea of using multiple inputs as variables, to analyze the physical features of patience, and finally achieve the goal of closed-loop automatic control based on data fusion.The thesis gives the detailed information about the anesthetic depth and monitoring methods, illustrates the basic principle of anesthetic machines--its structure and developing trend, then talks about the theory of quantitative anaesthesia and its realization, shows the ways of using data mining technology to preprocess data, specifies the how to utilize the clustering method to fuse data.The thesis provides the method of using multiple inputs fusion to solve the problem of measuring influences of different variables to anesthetic depth. Data fusion utilizes the information of redundancies and compensations to evaluate the actual parameters of controlled objectives to the greatest extent. In the meantime, data fusion makes the designing of controller and algorithms much convenient, and offers feasible conditions to simplicity of the system.The thesis casts the vision forward and makes a summary of anesthetic control system based on data fusion in the end. This technique is advancement towards old system which based on human experience, saves a lot of human resources, enhances the effectiveness of anesthetic, avoids the waste of resources, compresses the surgery time length, and in the end, guarantee the smooth process of surgery. Although the research over the project is almost at the level of theory, but through carefully analyzing the application value, the vision of the project is optimistic. I am looking forward to the day when anesthetic control system could completely replace human anesthesia.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】184

