

The Research of the Competitive Strategy of a Auto Parts Manufactory

【作者】 葛玉明

【导师】 余颖;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国入世以来,伴随着中国汽车的“井喷式”增长,汽车零部件业也实现了持续快速增长。近年来跨国汽车零部件企业争先恐后地来到中国,更严酷的竞争已经来到中国汽车零部件企业的家门口。如何把握发展的机遇,抢占市场,在未来的竞争中赢得主动,是汽车零部件企业必须面对和思考的问题,这是我选择A企业作为研究对象的根本原因。本论文共分六章,首先对本论文的研究背景和意义进行了剖析,同时介绍了竞争战略理论发展历程及本论文所用到战略分析工具,然后通过PEST方法、波特“五力”理论和竞争对手分析方法对公司外部环境进行分析评价,找出A公司所面临的机会和威胁,接着对A企业进行深入细致的财务分析、管理状况分析和核心竞争力分析,评价A企业所面临的优势和劣势,然后根据A企业的愿景和使命制定出公司层战略,再通过SWOT汇总分析,细致探讨得出A企业的竞争战略,然后针对A企业能有效实施竞争战略,对其职能战略提出实施设想。希望对国内同处于快速成长汽车零部件企业的发展也有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Since China goes into WTO,accompanying with“blowout”growth of the Chinese auto, The auto parts industries also increase together quickly.After the multinational auto parts manufactory had arrived in China falling to be the first, in recent years the domestic auto parts manufactories had already faced on the harder competition. How to hold on the opportunity of the development, snatch on the market, win the competetion actively in the future, are problems which the domitric auto parts manufactory face on and think about.This is also the basic reason that I choice A manufactory as my research object.This thesis is divided into six chapter totally. Firstly there analyse to the research background and the research meaning of this thesis,in the meantime introduce the development process of the competitive strategic theories and the used strategic analysis tool of this thesis, then use the PEST method,the“porter five forces”model and the rival analysis method to analyse and evaluate A company exterior environment, and find out the exterior opportunities and threats that A company face on.subsequently find out the advantages and the weakenss of A manufactory through which analyzed by the financial analysis model,the management condition analysis and the core competency analysis method,ect.then evaluate the interior advantages and the weakenss which A manufactory face on,then draw up a company future strategy according to the wish and mission of A manufactory,and estabish the SWOT analysis matrix again, study deeply the competition strategy chioce of A manufacory, then some suggest of the functional strategy is put forward to adapt for the competition strategy,I hope my thesis is also helpful to the domestic similar auto parts manufactory to better develop.

  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】619

