

Research of Hull Block Building Sequence Based on DAP

【作者】 顾新涛

【导师】 马登哲; 刘建峰;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工业工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 分段建造是整个船舶建造过程的重要组成部分。随着船舶工业的迅猛发展,造船企业年吨位产量的不断提高,企业对自身分段制作能力也有了全新的要求。在分段制造水平方面,国内造船企业与国外相比尚有一定差距。日、韩大型船厂制造一个分段平均周期约为7~10天,而我国同样吨位则需要25~35天。因此,研究分段制作流程,提高分段制造场地利用率显得尤为迫切与需要。分段详细组立流程(DETAIL ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE)设计是以分段划分为基础,建立分段从小组立、中组立、大组立三个阶段所有零件、部件、组件的装配关系和先后顺序。本文首先阐述了课题的研究背景、目的和意义,后基于DAP分析来研究船舶分段制作流程,主要内容有:1、基于中间产品原理对组立件进行分析,研究了中小组立特性,形成中间产品族;随后对零部件的托盘管理及零部件流向进行了形式化表达,在此基础上实现零部件的专业化生产和分段组立工作量的前移,从而改善了分段施工条件,即高空作业平地做,封闭舱室敞开做;减少大组的装焊工作量及焊接变形,有利于精度控制。2、选取一分段为模型,以装配工作量、装配条件、焊接总长度、开敞焊接工作量等为指标,利用模糊综合评判法,对分段建造流程的评判各参数进行量化分析,从四种常用分段建造流程中优选出一最佳建造流程。3、对各类结构化舾装件特性及其分类进行分析,特别对作业类舾装件进行了重点研究;并对结构化舾装件与DAP的联系进行了分析举例,通过安装阶段前移实现结构化舾装件的托盘优化,缩短分段建造周期。4、在前文分析的基础上,研究各类典型分段的制作流程,形成典型分段之DAP,逐步推广到全船、全企业分段,提高单位场地分段周转率。

【Abstract】 Hull block assembly is a very important stage of shipbuilding. Shipyard now has a high requirement on block assembly ability with the development of shipbuilding industry and improvement of large tonnage vessels built. Shipyard in china still has a big difference on hull block assembly efficiency compared with foreign advanced yard. The period of one block building in Japan and South Korea in about 7 to 10 days, but Chinese average time is about 25 to 35 days. So it is very important to analyze the block building sequence.The design of DAP also consists of structure outfitting pars. The outfitting parts have less relation with system can be fitted during hull sub assembly and unit assembly.The main contents of this paper as follows after described the background, aim and meaning of the project:1. Study the character of unit assembly based on mid-product theory. Describe the piece management and movement. On this base shipyard can product with high efficiency and improve working condition: High stage working changed to plat areas; closed working changed to open areas; Reducing welding work at grand assembly stage and deformation at the same time.2. Take use of fuzzy comprehensive assessment based on one block model, with the parameters of fabrication work, fabrication condition, length of welding etc., analyze these parameters, choose one best building procedure from four basic procedure.3. Analyze the character and types of structure outfitting; analyze the relation between hull structure and structure outfitting parts with examples. Shipyard can get the result of shorting building time with structure outfitting to be fitted at forehead stages.4. The practice of DAP. Study different types of blocks based on DAP, put the analyze method into use to all types of blocks of all vessels building at shipyard.

  • 【分类号】F407.474;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】300

