

Research on NGN NI Key Technology and Application

【作者】 李臣

【导师】 薛质; 胡祥海;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 经过多年的建设和发展,电信业固网市场的有效竞争格局已经形成,市场竞争局势日渐明朗,固网已经跨入了精细经营的时代。固网运营商已越来越多的将关注点从产品本身转移到客户的需求、业务的赢利能力及网络的运行效率等上来,通过提供更具个性化、层次化的服务来提高APRU(每月每个用户的话费消费额)值、提高客户忠诚度进而挽留在网客户。通过NGN技术和网络智能化技术的结合,可以有效的满足运营商对网络建设、演进、业务开拓等多方面的需求,既弥补现有PSTN业务提供能力的不足,也符合长期PSTN向NGN、3G演进的思路。NGN网络智能化通过汇接层的改造和全网集中的数据库,实现业务属性与端局的分离,不仅有效的解决了目前固定电话网上无法大规模推广用户签约类业务的问题,而且由于屏蔽了大量端局层业务特性,也使得面向全网用户快速推广智能新业务成为可能。提升了固网对新业务的支持能力,为丰富业务种类奠定了基础。过去一些难以实现的个性化业务都得以方便、灵活地开放给任何用户,既不需要用户更改现有的号码,同时在使用时也不需用户拨打各种接入码,极大地扩展了新业务用户群的范围。上海贝尔阿尔卡特作为这一应用的主设备商,承担了“北京网通NGN网络智能化”项目的实施工作,笔者作为主要技术人员,全面参与了整个项目的实施,包括设备安装调测和应用研究工作,对NGN网络智能化的组网方案、业务架构、设备间的互联互通、新业务的应用等进行了研究,同时也对NGN网络智能化实施过程中遇到的一些关键技术解决对策进行了研究和实践,最终对于从PSTN向固定移动融合网络的演进方式和步骤进行了研究和探讨。

【Abstract】 With many years of construction and development, the competition structure of telecom operators have come into being especially in the fixed network market. The market competition situation is becoming more and more clear, it has been entered the times of excelsior. At present, the fixed network operators focus on customers’requirements, service profit ability and network efficiency instead of product itself. By providing abundant individuation services, the fixed network operators are exerting themselves to increase APRU & customers’loyalty so as to retain customers. Along with the combining of NGN and Network intelligence, the innovation effectively satisfies the operators’requirements in the fields of network construction, evolvement, service deploitation and so on. It not only improves PSTN service abilities, but also accords with long term transition trend from PSTN to NGN or 3G.NGN NI successfully separates the service attribution from the local exchange, by using of layer’s reconstruction & the entire network database centralizition. Which not only solves the problem that fixed telecom network is unable to spread service for its end users, but also make it possible to spread IN service to the entire network. Also, it improves the capability to support new service business for fixed network and establishes the foundation of enriching service categories. Some individuation service which is difficult to implement in the past can be open to any customer now expediently and neatly, further more customer can keep their original number and don’t need dial any access code, which extremely expand the customer scope of using new services.Shanghai Bell Alcatel corp. , one of the most main device provider, take charge of implementation of BeiJing CNC NGN NI project. As one of technicians, the author attended the whole project implementation including equipment installation, test and application reasearch,NGN NI solution, service construction, communication between equipments and new service applications and so on. At the same time, I also researched and practised some key technical problems during the periond of NGN NI project implementation. Ultimately researches and discussions are accomplished regarding the evolution methods & steps in the convertion process from PSTN to fixed & mobile network.

  • 【分类号】TN915
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】124

