

The Analysis about the Control of Sale Logistic Cost of MW Corporation

【作者】 王祥勇

【导师】 路世昌;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO),企业现在面临融入世界经济浪潮中前所未有的机遇和挑战,在这样新的竞争环境体现了企业竞争优势要素的改变,在二十世纪的七十年代以前,成本是主要的竞争要素,而八十年代是质量,九十年代则是交货时间,即基本时间的竞争,到二十一世纪初,这种竞争的趋势已转移到敏捷性上来。现代企业并不担心是否有足够的生产能力,而是担心企业的产品能不能实现从价值形态向货币形态的转变。所以,越来越多的企业家把企业经营管理的重心由生产领域转向流通领域。而物流恰恰是沟通生产和消费的重要纽带,这也是近年来“物流热”产生的基础条件。本文首先从理论分析入手,阐述了物流、物流成本、销售物流等相关概念及国内外研究现状,分析了供应链管理,运输成本和库存成本控制的策略。其次经过对MW公司销售物流成本系统的分析,提出了MW公司销售物流成本的影响因素和销售物流成本控制存在的问题。紧接着针对MW公司库存存在的问题,提出了ABC分类法,EOQ经济批量法,减弱牛鞭效应降低库存等库存成本控制方法;针对MW公司运输存在的问题,提出了职工的“成本-效益”双项绩效考核制度,应用霍撒克法优化了配送方式。最后针对MW公司部门协调配合差、销售物流成本之间效益背反的问题,提出事前、事中和事后对销售物流成本进行预测、计划、计算、分析、反馈、决策等的销售物流成本综合控制措施。

【Abstract】 After china entry to WTO , chinese companies will face huge challenge and opportunities. In the new environment, chinese companies have to carry out some changes. Before 1970s ,the most important is cost ; in the 1980s ,it is quality ; in the 1990s ,it becomes delivery date; when time comes to 21st century , the most important is the acute of the company .Now ,company do not worry whether they have enough energy to produce products, just worry whether they can turn true the change from value state to currency state. So more and more entrepreneur begin to think that the the key of contest should turn from production area to transportion area. And the logistics is just the bridge between the production and expense . So it is why logistics becomes more and more hot these years .This passage firstly begin from the analysis the definition of logistics , the logistics cost and the sale logistics cost . Then I analysed the method of supply chain ,the storage and the transport . Secondly , with the analysis of the sale logistics cost of MW corp, I proposed the factor which affect the sale logistics cost of MW corp and the problem of the control of MW corp sale logistics cost.Thirdly , in view of the problem of the storage MW corp ,I proposed ABC method ,EOQ method ,and weaken the Niubianxiaoying phenomenon to control the sale logistics cost ,and in view of the problem of the transport of MW corp, I proposed“cost-value”two factor checking method of driver and Huoshake method to optimize transport way .At last , in view of the problem that the coordination of MW corp different department is not well, I proposed a“before , now and after”Synthesis control method .

【关键词】 物流销售物流成本控制库存运输
【Key words】 logisticsstoragetransportionsale logistics cost
  • 【分类号】F253.7
  • 【下载频次】700

