

Design of Long Wavelength InN Single-photon Detection System Used in Quantum Cryptography Communication

【作者】 王欢

【导师】 万春明;

【作者基本信息】 长春理工大学 , 凝聚态物理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 密码学主要是研究通信安全保密的学科。量子密码学是密码学与量子力学结合的产物,利用量子不可克隆定理和海森堡测不准原理等量子特性,量子密码通信理论上已经证明是绝对安全。量子密码通信在密钥分发上的实验已经得到巨大进展,预计很快能投入应用,在军事、电子银行保密等方面将有广泛的应用前景。在光量子信息处理过程中,单光子源和探测器是很重要的一个方面。由于具有独特的本征特性,InN材料已经成为最近两年国际上最热门的研究单光子源的材料之一。本文介绍了InN材料的基本性质。探讨了材料的生长技术和应用方向。采用低温氮化铟(InN)缓冲层,利用射频等离子体辅助分子束外延(RF-MBE)方法在蓝宝石衬底上获得了晶体质量较好的单晶InN外延膜。并且设计了以1 310nm激光波长作为光源的单光子探测装置系统。

【Abstract】 Cryptography is the subject study of the secure communication. Quantum cryptography (QC) is the combination of classical cryptography and quantum mechanics. The characteristics of quantum mechanics, such as no-cloning theorem and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, provide the perfect secrecy for quantum cryptographic communication. Being the first application of quantum physics, quantum key distribution has been developed very fast experimentally in recent years. It would impact thoroughly the existing secure communication, especially in military affairs, e-banking and so on.Important elements used in optical quantum information processing are single-photon detectors and sources. Due to the great application potential and the secrets of the characters having been revealed, the InN material is one of the most attractive materials by way of single-photon sources in recent two years. In this paper, the basic properties of InN were introduced. The growth techniques and applications of InN material were discussed. Finally, some questions and the prospect of the InN material in the future were given. InN films with low-temperature InN buffer layer are successfully grown on sapphire substrates by radio-frequency plasma-excited molecular beam epitaxy. A single-photon detection system with laser of the 1 310nm wavelength as light source is designed.

  • 【分类号】O413.1;TN918.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】133

