

Research on the New Technology and Equipment of Oil Sludge Treatment

【作者】 李军

【导师】 王忠伟;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁科技大学 , 机械工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 油泥是指在油田生产活动中产生的,主要来源于修井作业、原油集输及处理过程的各个环节,被原油及其它有机物污染了的泥、砂、水的混合物。由于油泥所含的烃类物质对环境危害较大,被列入《国家危险废物名录》中的危险废物。现在全国各油田在生产过程中都有大量的油泥产生,油泥的排放已成为危害当地环境质量的重要因素。而按国务院《排污费征收管理条例》(国务院令第369号)规定,每吨油泥将征收1000元的排污费,如果不加以处理直接排放,势必会给企业带来严重的经济负担,因此研究寻求一种高效的方式处理油泥成为油田发展的当务之急。为解决油田发展当务之急,作者与辽河油田有关技术部门合作对油泥的无害化处理技术与设备进行了研究。首先,本文对国内外油泥的无害化处理方法进行了分析研究。研究表明当前使用的多种处理方法存在着不能满足现行环保要求、处理成本很高、二次污染、操作复杂不具备工业化生产条件等缺陷。其次,在此基础上对油泥处理新技术与设备进行了进行攻关研究,并选择辽河油田进行实验。使用新技术与设备在回收利用油泥中的石油类物质的热量的同时实现对油泥的无害化处理,达到了综合利用的目的。最后,对实验的结果进行先进性、经济性、社会性分析。油泥处理新技术与设备研究实验表明,该项技术与设备对油泥处理彻底,并能有效回收油泥中所含的石油类物质的热量和泥土资源,同时具有较强的实用性、可操作性及良好的环境效益和经济效益,已具备了大规模推广的条件。

【Abstract】 Oil sludge, the mixture of mud, sand and water polluted by oil and other organics, is the byproduct of the oil field production activities, which comes from the processes of crude oil collection and transportation. Because the hydrocarbon contained in the oil sludge is harmful to the environment, oil sludge is listed as a danger waste in the《the list of national danger waste》(HW08term).At present, there is a great amount of oil sludge produced in the course of oil field production. Therefore, the oil sludge discharge is one of the most important factors to affect the quality of local environment. Due to the stipulate of《The fee collection statute for the waste discharge》stated by State Department(No.39 order of the State Department), one ton oil sludge will cost¥1000 .If the oil sludge is discharged without any process, it will definitely be a serious economic load to the company. So an efficient and effective way to process the oil sludge is the urgent need for development of the oil-field company.In order to solve the problem, author cooperated with the technical department of Liaohe oil-field Company and did the relative research about the harm lessen process. Firstly, the paper researches on the present treatment of oil sludge in the worldwide scope. And it indicates that these methods could not meet the need including environment protection, high processing cost, the second time pollution, high complexion for industry realization. Secondly, we did a target research on the new technology and equipment, and did Experiment with the new technology and equipment in Liaohe oil-field Company. This can realize the oil mater caloric-recycle in the harm lessen process. Thirdly, the author analyzed the advanced nature, economic nature and social nature of the new technology and equipment.Base upon our research about the new technology and equipment, we can conclude that it not only can process the oil sludge completely, but also is able to effectively recycle the oil’s caloric and clay contained in the oil sludge. So it has a prosperous developing foreground and strong practicability and maneuverability.

  • 【分类号】X741
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1081

