

Development of MIS on Maintenance of Domestic EMU Components

【作者】 曹新平

【导师】 宋永增;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国目前引进了四种动车组,虽然铁道部已经针对即将开行的国产高速动车组拟定了修程修制方案,它基本上是国外原形动车组修程修制的简单综合,其中没有考虑到我国动车组的实际运行条件,方案中存在诸多需要补充与完善之处。由于我国高速铁路起步相对较晚,在高速动车组运用与维修方面面临着先期经验严重匮乏的客观现实,目前制定的修程修制是否科学合理,尚无科学系统的评价方法;而且动车组是高新技术的集成体、技术含量高,其运用与维修方式与现行的客货车辆都有较大差异,因此,开发国产动车组零部件维修管理信息系统已成为当务之急。本论文使用Visual C++语言开发了国产动车组零部件维修管理信息系统,该系统主要包括数据库管理、零件编码管理、维修记录管理、数据输出管理、数据统计分析及帮助。数据库管理用于数据库维护,开发用户登录模块,控制数据库的用户管理权限,本系统投入使用时,零件编码只能生成一次,多次使用将造成数据重复,所以零部件名称表及其编码表必须设用户管理权限。零件编码是整个系统的基础,本论文参照HMIS公用数据编码规范,制定了动车组及其零部件相关数据的编码规则,将动车组零部件按结构大部位、小部位、具体部位进行分类,按照本论文制定的规则将零部件名称及其编码分别输入数据库中的零部件名称表及其编码表,只要遵循本论文制定的规则输入完整的数据,即实现零件编码的自动生成功能。根据可靠性理论,本论文建立了维修履历库,维修履历是数据统计分析的基础数据。维修履历管理包括维修履历的添加和查询,添加的履历有故障机理、故障模式、维修等级等,故障机理及故障模式要用于主次图分析,维修等级的统计用于确定零件的最佳维修等级。数据统计分析模块主要利用数理统计方法统计分析维修履历数据,统计零件故障机理,找出发生故障的主要原因,从而改进设计,找出我国现行修程修制的不足之处,达到完善修程修制的目的。本系统的开发,实现了国产动车组的信息化管理,加快了高速铁路现代化建设的进程。

【Abstract】 China has introduced four kinds of EMU, and MOR has instituted maintenance schemes for the EMU ,but basically it’s the synthesization of foreign EMU maintenance schemes, which didn’t consider domestic actual running conditions, so there are many disadvantages in the schemes. Because Chinese high-speed railway was built a few years ago, so China is short of experience on EMU running and maintenance, and China hasn’t scientific evaluation system for the schemes’ rationality evaluation; EMU is the integration of advanced technoloty, and it’s running and maintenance modes differ from domestic wangons and passenger cars, so the development of MIS on maintenance of domestic EMU components is very urgent.MIS on maintenance of domestic EMU components is developed using Visual C++. which includes six modules such as: database management, components coding management, maintenance records management, data output management, data statistics and analyzation management and help management.Database management is used for maintenance of the database, in order to control the popedom for user management, logging on module is developed. When this system is put into use, components coding is only used for one time, otherwise it can result in repetition of datas, so user popedom must be set for the database of components codingComponent coding is basis of the system,rules on components coding are instituted referring to HMIS data coding rules, EMU components are sorted into three kinds according to affiliation, and all the datas are input into the database according to the rules, so you can get the auto-coding result.Maintenance records is the basis of data statistic analyzation, maintenance records database are eatablished according to reliablity theory.maintenance records management include records accession and query, malfunction reason, malfunction modes and maintenance grade are added to the maintenance records, malfunction reason and modes are used for analyzation and maintenance grade for the ascertainment of the optimal maintenance grade.Data statistics and analyzation module is used for malfunction reason statistics using mathematical statistical methods, main reason is found after analyzation, so design and Chinese present maintenance schemes are improved.Development of this system realized informationization management and quickened modern construction of Chinese high-speed railway.

【关键词】 动车组维修管理信息系统
【Key words】 EMUmaintenanceMIS
  • 【分类号】U269.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】307

