

Design and Implementation of AC Transmission Test System of Electric Power Locomotive

【作者】 李幼媛

【导师】 杨世武;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 交流传动技术己成为当今世界上牵引动力高新技术的标志。随着我国铁路事业的发展,交流传动电力机车已经成为机车发展的主要方向。又由于铁道部规定,机车出厂前必须进行相关的试验和调试。因此建立交流传动电力机车出厂试验台就显得尤为重要了。传统的电力机车交流传动系统测试装置开发研制比较落后,性能单一,通用性和扩展性差、开发和维护相对复杂,且不能进行远程通讯和控制,再加上测试点分散,散布距离远等问题。传统的测试装置已不能满足电机厂的测试需求。本文在研究以往的传统仪器的基础上,设计开发了一套基于虚拟仪器的电力机车交流传动测试系统,主要是对交流传动系统中牵引变压器、四象限变流器、辅助变流器、牵引逆变器和交流电机的电压、电流、功率等的测试,并且介绍了传感器、信号调理模块及数据采集卡的软硬件设计;然后基于图形化的LabVIEW开发环境,基于模块化思想设计了集数据采集、数据存取、信号分析、数据管理于一体的交流传动虚拟仪器测试系统;并用DataSocket技术及LabVIEW的Web服务器实现了交流传动测试系统信号的实时采集的控制和远程发布;最后对整个测试系统进行了实验调试,验证了测试系统的软硬件性能。采用分布式设计的基于虚拟仪器的测试系统运行性能良好且具有远程操控、扩展性好、开发维护简单等特点弥补了传统仪器的不足。论文所设计的测试系统已应用于某电机厂实际测试过程中。

【Abstract】 Technology of AC transmission has became the milestone of new technology in the tractive power field around the world. With the development of the railway industry in our country, AC transmission locomotive leads the direction of the development of Electric Power Locomotive. In accordance with the Regulations of Ministry of Railway, locomotive must pass relevant test and debug before output. Therefore the establishment of the out-of-factory test-bed is an indispensable and crucial part in the production of AC transmission Electric Power Locomotive.Traditional device of AC Transmission System in Electric Power Locomotive is lag in development, these devices have less performance, hard to expand, develop and maintenance, and can’t communicate and control in long-distance. Besides the testing points spread around, the distance between the point and the system is far away. So the traditional testing device can’t adapt to the electrical factory.On the basis of traditional instruments a set of measurement system based on the VI is designed and developed in this paper. Mainly to test the voltage, current, and power of transformer, four quadrant convertor, assistant convertor, adverse transformer and AC electromotor in AC Transmission System, Introduce the design of sensor, modulation and data acquisition. The software of the system is written by graphical programming language LabVIEW, and it has the functions of data acquiring, dynamic displaying, signal analyzing, save data and so on. Real time acquiring and controlling of the signal has been implemented by DataSocket. An experiment testing is conducted to demonstrate VI system functions. The result shows test system’s higher performance.Based on visual instruments of the distributed testing system offset the shortcomings of traditional instruments, because easy to expand, develop and maintenance, remote control.The test and control system that is designed in the paper has been applied in actual testing.

  • 【分类号】U264
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】235

