

Research on Simulation and Evaluation Technology of Megapolis’ Transit Network Based on Complexity Analysis

【作者】 柴大胜

【导师】 申金升;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着大城市经济的迅速发展,大城市人口的机械增长率与自然增长率之间已经出现了严重的不平衡性,而大城市公共资源确是有限的,这导致大城市交通状况日趋紧张。所以本文从大城市公交网络复杂性建模分析入手对公交网络中的公交线路和公交线网分别进行了评价分析。主要原因有二:第一,大城市公交网络就是由公交线路和站点组成的线网性结构是大城市公交系统的核心;第二,由于目前大城市中公交网络外部环境的特殊性和公交网络内部环境的复杂性。城市公交网络是与城市交通系统和社会经济环境相联系的复杂的、开放的大系统。而复杂系统理论和复杂网络理论又是最近系统工程学科研究的热点,所以本文将大城市公交网络复杂性建模同GIS-T技术相结合建立了北京市公交网络仿真模型。并在此基础上总结出基于复杂系统理论的大城市公交网络评价与规划技术的具体原理、方法和应用流程,最后以实际工程项目为依托完成了北京市公交网络的实证分析,得到了大量的定性、定量的分析结果,并针对这些结果给出了北京市公交网络规划的相应建议,取得了较好的效果。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of megapolis’ economy, the imbalance between mechanical growth rate and natural growth rate of urban population becomes serious. And the limits of city’s public resources make urban traffic even worse. So this paper values and analyses the traffic line and network, proceeding with the complexity modeling of megapolis’ transit network. There are two reasons to use this method. One is that the core of megapolis’ transit network is a structure combined by transit lines and transit system.. The other reason is the particularity of transit network’s exterior environment and the complexity of transit network’s intramural environment.Transit Network is a Open and Complicated Macro-system, which is contacted with urban traffic system and social economic system. The research on the Complex System Theory and Complex Networks Theory is a hot topic in the field of system engineering. This paper builds up a Simulation Model for transit network of Beijing, combined the complex modeling of megapolis’ transit network and GIS-T technique. Based on the research, this paper gets the theory, the flow of application and methods of the key technology of urban transit network planning. Finally, this paper uses a construction project to analyze the transit networks of Beijing. We get lots of Results of Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses, and make suggestions for Beijing’s transit networks planning. All these suggestions have a great effect on the planning.

  • 【分类号】U491.17
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】425

