

The Application of International Practice in the Construction Industry of China

【作者】 王家利

【导师】 李冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 国际惯例,指的是各国在长期交往的实践中逐步形成的具有法律拘束力的默示行为规则。在现如今的国际社会国际惯例同国际法一样在调整国家之间的关系和协调国家之间的经济往来方面,发挥着不可或缺的重要作用。20世纪50年代,建筑业国际组织为适应国际间的项目建造和管理的客观需要开始编制FIDIC《施工合同条款》。现如今,FIDIC《施工合同条款》作为建筑业国际惯例的“圣经”已经得到了国际上的广泛认可和使用,并被世界银行、亚洲开发银行及美国总承包商协会(FIEG)、中美洲建筑工程联合会(FIIC)等众多的国际组织推荐作为土木工程实行国际招标时通用的合同条款。与此同时,随着全球经济一体化的快速发展,我国建筑市场呈现出国际资本大量进入和建筑企业走向国际化竞争的特点,因此,越来越多的建设项目开始选择适用FIDIC合同文本。当然,FIDIC合同条款在中国的应用和推广对于提高我国工程项目管理的水平,加快与国际惯例接轨的进程无疑是大有裨益。然而,毋庸讳言,FIDIC合同条款进入中国已近二十年了,却并没有得到更为广泛的推广,可见如何适应和结合中国的实际情况仍然存在问题。因此,充分熟悉和了解建筑业的国际惯例FIDIC合同条款便显得尤为重要。而本文也正是从这一角度出发,通过系统的阐述建筑业国际惯例法律的内容,科学地指出建筑业国际惯例同中国法律的冲突以及解决的有效途径,从而最终提出在如此全球化发展的大背景下中国的建筑企业将如何利用国际惯例在国际工程项目承接、管理、保险、索赔等方面实现自身竞争力的提升。

【Abstract】 International practices are the legally binding implicit rules which form in the long-term contacting practice between various countries. Nowadays international practices play important role in adjusting and coordinating relations and economical relations between countries just as international laws.In the 1950s, construction of international organizations begin making FIDIC to adapt international construction and project management. Now, FIDIC as the international industry’s "Bible" has been widely recognized and used, for example, the World Bank, FIEG,FIIC and so on.At the same time, with the rapid development of global economy, a growing number of the China’s construction projects started opt FIDIC. Of course, in China opting FIDIC can promote the application, improve our project management level, and accelerate the process of international practices. But FIDIC has entered China for almost 20 years, it is not more widely promoted, so how to adapt and application the practical situation in China remains a problem. So it is very important to understand the FIDIC.So this paper is from that perspective to describe the construction international practice content, point out the differences between the construction international practice and Chinese laws and how to deal with them, ultimately to raise in the development of globalization China construction enterprises will be how to use the international practice in international projects undertake, management, insurance, claims to improve their competitiveness.

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】284

