

The Stylometric Analysis of James Joyce’s Works and Virginia Woolf’s Works

【作者】 尹凤丽

【导师】 谭万成;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪英国文学作品中的意识流模式开创了现代小说的新纪元,并在当代以不同的形式频频进入人们的视野。意识流小说作家通常以内心独白,无所不知的描写为主要创作手段,把人类心理活动中的意识形态如流水一般描述成一个个生动的形象。而这种共性中又存在着差异,其两大代表作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯和弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙,因性别,视角等的不同在分享共性语言特点的同时又有着很大差别,本文试从语言学的计量文体学角度对二者作品进行客观,全面的比较分析。本研究以计算机软件FoxPro和SPSS为工具,以计量文体学为理论基础,通过对乔伊斯和伍尔芙超过260,000字的作品分别建立语料库,对其在标点,段落,词长,词频,词汇增长率以及句长方面所表现的文体特征,从字系,词汇,语法,语义角度进行定量,定性的分析对比。研究结果表明:因同属意识流文学作品流派,二者在语法方面表现的特征较为相似:除被动语态使用稍有区别外,在句长,并列连词、从属连词运用上基本没有显著性差异。但由于个人文体风格不同,字系,词汇,语义上差别较大:乔伊斯作品段落安排少于伍尔芙,但其长度远大于后者,且标点数量也较高;乔伊斯的平均词长短于伍尔芙,但词频,词汇丰富度偏高:最为明显的不同则表现在二者的语篇模式应用上,因性别及创作主题不同,乔伊斯更多运用男性第三人称单数,而伍尔芙则偏重于女性第三人称单数。总之两个作家的作品是同中有异,异中显同。本研究以计量文体学为基础,为语言庞杂,术语纷繁,文风屡变,结构奇奥的意识流作品提供了一个全新的阐释方式,从而也为文学作品的对比研究提供了一种较客观,科学的研究手段。

【Abstract】 SOC writings in the twentieth century of England created a new epoch of modern novels and gained a rapid prominence in recent years. James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, as the two main representative authors of SOC novels, are different from each other in many aspects due to the different sex and point of views although some common features on language are shared by them. From the perspective of Stylometry, this research compares and analyzes the two authors’ works objectively and comprehensively.The two corpuses are first constructed including James Joyce’s and Viginia Woolf’s over 260,000-word works respectively. With the aid of computer program FoxPro and SPSS and based on the theory of Stylometry, a comparative stylistic study between the two authors is conducted quantitatively and qualitatively at the levels of graphology, lexicon, grammar, and semantics.The results indicate that the two authors resemble in grammar for the same literary genre they belong to, which no distinctive difference is found in mean sentence length, coordinators and subordinators in the both except the usage of passive voice. Whereas, the great differences are shown on graphological, lexical and semantic level for the different personal styles in literature: though Joyce’s paragraph number is less than Woolf’s, the paragraph length is longer than the latter and much more punctuation marks can be observed in Joyce’s creations; the mean word length is shorter than Woolf’s, but the word frequency and word growth rate are higher than Woolf’s. The most significant difference, however, should be the employment of discourse patterns in the two, which Joyce prefers the third narrator "he" to Woolf’s extensive adoption of "she" in works because of the unlikeness of sex and themes.The thesis presents a novel analyzing method for the SOC works which involves diversified languages, numerous terms, various styles and obscure structures, and it provides an objective and scientific means for the contrastive study of literary works.

  • 【分类号】I56
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】343

