

A Correlated Study on Business English Reading and Vocabulary Strategies

【作者】 许艳杰

【导师】 高玉芬;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以二语习得专家Oxford,O’MaUcy & Chamot,和Schmitt等人的研究为理论基础,以河南南阳理工学院和大连海事大学大三大四共142名学生为调查研究对象,旨在探究高校英语专业高年级学生在商务英语阅读过程中运用的词汇学习策略。本文采用定性和定量分析相结合的方法,通过调查问卷和SPSS 11.5对受试者的阅读和词汇策略的具体使用情况进行统计分析。研究结果表明,学生使用的阅读策略其频率从高到低依次为认知策略、记忆情感策略、补偿元认知策略和社会策略。最常使用的词汇策略是记忆策略和良好学习渠道策略,其次是在阅读中学习新词汇和解决问题的策略。同时回归测试表明学生运用的词汇学习策略与其阅读理解是成正相关的关系。此外,本研究发现学生对商务英语词汇持积极的学习态度。作者对词汇学习策略在商务英语阅读教学中的应用提出了可行性建议。

【Abstract】 Based on the theories of linguistic scholars, such as Oxford, O’Malley & Chamot, and Schmitt, etc. on vocabulary learning and reading strategies in the field of second language acquisition, this thesis aims to investigate vocabulary learning strategies employed by 142 English majors in their Business English reading of Nanyang Institute of Technology located in Henan province and Dalian Maritime University.In this research, two questionnaires are carried out to collect data which were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively through SPSS 11.5. Results indicate that the frequencies of reading strategies used by participants are as follows: cognitive strategies first, followed by memory and affective strategies, compensation and metacognitive strategies, and social strategies last. Meanwhile, among vocabulary learning strategies, memorization strategies, good learning channels and resource strategies rank top, followed by new words in reading strategies and problem-solving strategies.Furthermore, correlation analysis reveals that there is a positive relationship between vocabulary learning and reading strategies. Besides, it is found that students hold positive attitudes towards Business English vocabulary learning. In the end the writer proposes some pedagogical suggestions for Business English reading and vocabulary learning.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】710

