

A Study on the Fraud Risk in Stand-by Letter of Credit

【作者】 朱晓丹

【导师】 侯淑波;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 备用信用证作为信用证的一种特殊形式在国际经贸关系中发挥着很大的作用,随之也带来很多风险。本文所研究的欺诈风险就是其中最具代表性的一种。本文主要运用比较的方法用6个章节的内容来探讨备用信用证下欺诈风险的实体法和程序法两方面的部分核心问题。首先,欺诈的定性问题各国立法态度各异,因而国际公约对此采取了回避的态度,交由各国国内法解决。但这种不趋同性将会导致各国判决和裁定在承认和执行上的困难。笔者在借鉴各国立法和国际公约的规定的同时,立足我国关于欺诈定性的立法现状提出欺诈定性应该注重客观证据标准和主观恶性相结合。其次,欺诈的具体表现没有固定的法学分类标准,本文采取单据的欺诈和非单据的欺诈的分类方式旨在强调备用信用证和跟单信用证欺诈表现上的差异性。前者是跟单信用证欺诈的主要表现,后者是备用信用证的主要表现。再次,文章尽而追寻欺诈产生的原因,最根本的是源于备用信用证的独立性。另外担保性、单据性也是欺诈者有机可乘的原因。国际规则的缺陷也是欺诈产生的重要法律原因。分析这些原因实际上也同时介绍了备用信用证制度的法律特征,为欺诈找到了制度根源。而后,在程序法问题中笔者主要探讨备用信用证下不同于一般民事案件的特殊的司法救济措施。英美法系的法院禁令和大陆法系的保全措施都在本文的讨论和比较之列。最后,本文的目的是通过讨论这些问题来反思我国对备用信用证欺诈问题的立法现状。我国在欺诈的定性和救济措施上都是不尽完善的,尤其在临时救济措施上,笔者强调要借鉴英美法系的法院禁令,将我国的禁令救济从知识产权领域和海事领域扩展到备用信用证领域。

【Abstract】 Stand-by letter of credit as a special form of letter of credit is playing an important role in the international trade relationship. While more and more risks are coming, the fraud risk is just one of these. The fraud risk is the main risk that seriously interrupted the credit developed. The root is the independence principle. In addition, the international complexity and the defect of law are reasons too. This paper departs six parts to discuss fraud risk. What is fraud in stand-by letter of credit and what the fraud appear become the first four parts. How to solve the problems that the fraud risk brings in most national courts becomes the fifth part. In England and the USA where the stand-by letter of credit comes into being and developing, the injunction develops fast, which we can absorb by comparing. In our country, the relevant law and the judicial practice have many problems, which need us to consummate the legislation and to rule reasonably, thus to provide a fair and good legal environment. We could absorb the injunction when the risk has happened. As mean as while the injunction is not only the solution of property rights and maritime cases arears, but also developes into the credit arear.

【关键词】 备用信用证欺诈法院禁令
【Key words】 Stand-by Letter of CreditFraud RiskCourt Injunction
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】206

