

The Study of Law Issues on Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits 2007 Revision

【作者】 黄轶

【导师】 谷浩;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 国际商会制定的《跟单信用证统一惯例》(以下简称"UCP")从其产生开始就一直在信用证实践中扮演着重要的角色,但随着其赖以生存的理论基础和实践操作的不断变化,上一版本——《跟单信用证统一惯例(1993年修订版)》(以下简称"UCP500")的缺陷逐渐显现,因此国际商会于2003年开始着手对UCP进行第6次修订,且于2006年10月在巴黎大会上通过了《跟单信用证统一惯例(2007年修订版)》(以下简称"UCP600")。UCP600是继UCP500之后国际商会就跟单信用证在实践操作基础上结合保险业、运输业、银行业的发展而制定的又一成果,它的出台是一个历史性的飞越。本文着重研究了UCP600的新规定、新变化以及空白区域,力图为实践提供充足的理论基础,使进出口企业能更快更全面地掌握UCP600的内容,并根据该最新版本调整、改革自身业务操作,从而在国际贸易中处于有利的地位。对UCP600空白区域的研究也对法律界提出了更高的要求,只有制定相应的法律法规,弥补统一惯例的空白,才能更好地规范跟单信用证实践中产生的一系列法律问题。全文分为5章,第l章概述了UCP的产生、发展、历史修订及其在几个代表性国家的法律地位;第2章介绍了UCP调整对象的变化,以前仅调整跟单信用证,现在一并调整跟单信用证与备用信用证,将来的趋势是将电子信用证也包含在其调整对象中;第3章通过对几个典型案例的比较分析阐述了UCP500的缺陷,包括正本单据认定标准不明确、延期付款信用证下保兑行贴现风险过大等等;第4章则从结构和内容两方面阐释了UCP600相较于UCP500的改进及变化,并研究了UCP600中仍存在的问题以及漏洞,且就前述未决问题的解决提出了一些建议;第5章主要从UCP600的空白区域入手,结合我国现行法律就前述空白区域是否有规定以及如何规定进行了论述,以期借此对将来相关法律的制定产生积极作用。

【Abstract】 The Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits(hereinafter refer to as UCP) constituted by International Commercial Commissionplays an important role in the practice of credits since it has been come on. Going withthe change of theory basis and the practical operation, the flaws of UCP 1993 Revision(hereinafter refer to as UCP500) come out gradually, as a result the 6th revision of UCPinitiated by ICC is on the way since 2003 and the UCP 2007 revision (hereinafter referto as UCP600) is adopted on Oct. 10th in Paris Conference.UCP600, constituted by ICC on the basis of practical operation of documentarycredits combining the development of insurance, carrying trade and banking, is anotheraccomplishment after UCP500 and it is a historical progress. This thesis focuses on thenew stipulation, new changes and blank of UCP600, trying to provide enough theorybasis for the practice, which could make the import and export corporations completelymastered the UCP600 within less time, adjusted and developed its practical operationaccording to the latest revision, So they could stand in an advantageous position duringthe international trade. The study on the blank of UCP600 demands more in law, onlycorresponding rules and regulations being constituted to fill up this blank, Can allowmore regular documentary credits practices.This thesis is divided into 5 chapters. Chapter 1 summarizes the constitution,development and historical revision of UCP and its legal status in several typicalcountries. Chapter 2 introduces the adjustive objects of UCP, which changes from thedocumentary credits at the beginning to the documentary credits and standby letter ofcredits in present, and in the future would contain the electronic letter of credits.Chapter 3 elaborates the flaws of UCP500 such as the vague standard on maintainingthe original documents, the over-high risk of confirming bank under deferred paymentletter of credits and so on by analyzing and comparing several classic cases. Chapter 4 elaborates the betterments and changes of UCP600 in structure and content bycomparing with UCP500, studies on the suspending issues and leaks of UCP600, andoffers some suggestions on how to solve the foresaid issues. Chapter 5 starts with theblank of UCP600, combines with the existing law of China to study whether Chineselaw has any regulations on the blank and if there was, what’s the content of suchregulations, hoping with which could make a positive influence on the constitution ofcorresponding laws in future.

【关键词】 跟单信用证统一惯例法律地位调整对象缺陷空白
【Key words】 UCPlegal statusadjustive objectflawsblank
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】367

