

The Research of Digital Video System Based on Embedded Linux Operating System

【作者】 曲宏明

【导师】 孙文力;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着网络和多媒体技术的飞速发展,网络视频被越来越多的应用于各个方面。监控技术领域就是其中之一,它正在向数字化、网络化、智能化的方向发展,出现了利用IP网络实现远程视频监控的趋势,把模拟的视频监控信号转化为数字信号引入互联网,即可实现随时随地的监控功能,不再受距离等方面的限制。这里面的核心部分就是一个可以直接连入以太网的视频采集设备,提供实时的图像采集、压缩和传输的功能。本课题根据海上航行的客轮、油轮等船舶的关键部位的视频监控,海事执法现场与指挥中心视频实时互动的需求,针对海上船舶的实际情况和现今技术的发展,提出了一种基于嵌入式Linux的视频解决方案。根据系统设计的要求,我选择了ST2410硬件平台和嵌入式Linux操作系统进行开发,实现了视频图像在开发平台的实时显示,并对USB摄像头视频数据压缩和网络传输进行了比较详细的分析和研究。实现了一种方便且成本低廉的实时图像采集和传输设备的设计方案。论文的主要工作包括:嵌入式Linux系统设计与实现,其中包括搭建嵌入式Linux开发平台(主机和目标机),裁减定制Linux内核,Bootloader的设计与实现,创建配置cramfs根文件系统。USB摄像头驱动实现,Video4Linux(Video4Linux是Linux下用于获取视频和音频数据的API接口)下摄像头图像采集。Qt/Embedded开发环境搭建,Qtopia的移植,Qt界面图像显示程序,实现了嵌入式系统视频采集及显示的功能并对网络视频领域相关技术进行了研究。最后对该嵌入式视频采集设备进行了应用测试和评价,并对该课题的后续工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, with the rapid development of the Internet and multi-media technology, Internet video system has more and more been widely put into use in our life. Video-monitoring system is one of the examples, which is advancing digitally, networkingly and intelligently. There is a trend that no matter what the distance is, real-time monitoring can be implemented using IP network, changing analogue video signal into digital signal. The core is a video capture device directly connected to the Internet, with the function of real-time video capture, compression and transmission.Considering the present situation of ships and the development of current technology, this research work offers a solution to the real-time video monitoring based on Embedded System, for such requirement is called on for key parts of sailing passenger liners or oil tankers and maritime enforcement.According to the design requirement, ST2410 hardware platform and Embedded Linux Operating System are chosen to be experimented, implementing the real-time display of the video pictures on the development platform. Video data compression of USB digital camera and the Internet transmission are carefully analyzed and studied as well. Thus, a design of a convenient and economical device on real-time video capture and transmission is realized.This dissertation first introduces the design and implementation of the technology of Embedded Linux System, including the following research work—establishing the platform of Embedded Linux (PC and target PC), cutting and customizing Linux core, designing and implementing bootloader and producing and configuring Root file system. And then it deals with the implementation of the USB camera driver and the picture collection of the camera based on Video4Linux. Besides, the dissertation also involves the establishment of Qtopia, the display of the program with Qt interface, the realization of picture collection and display based on Embedded Linux System and the researches into related technology on the Internet video system. Finally, the experiment results are analyzed and evaluated and the future research targets are mentioned based on the current project.

  • 【分类号】U665
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】387

