

A Study on the Special Registry of Chinese Owned International Shipping Flag of Convenience Ships

【作者】 王世超

【导师】 韩立新;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个航运大国,远洋运输船队的总运力在世界商船队中的排名位居第五。然而,中国籍船舶的比重却急剧下降,越来越多的国内船东选择把远洋船舶注册到方便旗国家。这样船舶大量移籍海外的现象由来已久,致使国有资产大量外流以及国家外汇收入的减少,而且这些方便旗国家法律不健全,方便旗船舶老龄化严重,船员利益难以保障,这些都已经影响到了我国船队的扩大与航运业的发展与壮大,更重要的是使整个海运业体系受到了严重的冲击。因此,如何将这些中资国际航运方便旗船舶吸引回国,以及对这样的船舶如何登记,给予何种政策成了亟需解决的问题。本文正是从方便旗船舶登记制度和正确评估中国船舶大量移向海外登记入籍的由来、现状、发展趋势入手,深入分析其移籍的原因,充分认识其对我国国家利益及航运事业所带来的影响,在借鉴国内船舶登记法规、国际公约和国外船舶登记制度的基础上,充分论证了在保税港区建立第二船舶登记制度的可行性,并从《船舶登记条例》、船舶融资租赁等方面大胆探索了第二船舶登记制度相关法律问题和立法建议,以期为第二船舶登记制度早日在保税港区、乃至在我国建立和运行提供有效借鉴。本文共分为3章:第1章是方便旗登记制度的由来和现状,包括船旗国对船舶管理的法律依据,方便旗船的产生、发展及其原因,以及方便旗船舶的弊端。第二部分是对中资国际航运方便旗船舶的介绍,包括其由来、现状以及对我国国际航运发展带来的影响。第3章是对解决中资国际航运方便旗船舶的管理和对策的分析,包括国际上对方便旗船舶的对策分析,国内的相关研究学术成果,介绍了“国际航运船舶保税登记制度”的内容和必要性研究,介绍了中资国际航运船舶特案免税登记政策,并将其与第二登记制度进行了比较,在此基础上,提出立法建议,即制定《中国控制(资本)的境外入籍船舶的管理办法》和《第二船舶登记条例》,提出了《第二船舶登记条例》的主要内容设计并且阐述了其益处,最后是提出了政策上的建议。

【Abstract】 Our country is a big shipping country with her shipping capacity standing on the top five of the world. But more and more ship owners choose to register their ships in the open registry countries. This makes bad results on our country’s economy, shipping system and also the rights of the crews.So, how to attract Chinese ships back to register in China and the legislation and policy of these ships become hot problems. This thesis just introduces registry of flag of convenience ships, analyses its reasons and the bad results on our shipping system, then brings forward legislation suggestion to set up the Secondary Registry which is suitable for our country based on the related international convention and our national law.This thesis is composed of three chapters. Chapter one mainly includes the reasons, the existing state and its irregularities of registry of flag of convenience ships. Chapter two mainly introduces Chinese owned international shipping flag of convenience ships, including its reasons, its existing state and the results on the development of our shipping system. Chapter three mainly analyses the management and the policy of Chinese owned international shipping flag of convenience ships, mainly introduces the contents of the Bonded registry of international shipping vessels, and tries to find the differences compared with the Secondary Registry, then on the basis of the said before, it brings forward the suggestion that is to set up the Secondary Registry.

  • 【分类号】D922.294;D996
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】597

