

Study on Evaluation and Stimulation and Restriction Mechanism of Marketing Morals in Large Medicine Enterprises in China

【作者】 薛永基

【导师】 苗泽华;

【作者基本信息】 石家庄经济学院 , 市场营销管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 基于对医药企业营销道德的长期关注和不断思索,笔者选择评价与激励约束机制这两个角度作为切入点,全面分析了我国大型医药企业营销道德问题。本文重点解决有密切联系而形成为一个体系的三个方面的问题:我国大型企业营销道德的价值取向模型的建立、我国大型医药企业营销道德评价和我国大型医药企业营销道德的激励约束机制设计。本文试图建立我国大型医药企业营销道德的价值取向模型。在参阅已有文献和问卷调研的基础上,笔者认为,我国大型医药企业营销道德的价值取向应体现在药品安全健康、营销信息对称、定价合理、非歧视与公平竞争、售后服务优良五个主要方面。我国大型医药企业在营销方面只有以顾客为导向,以提供安全健康的药品为使命,在营销过程中主动公布诸如成本、副作用等信息,合理定价,不对特定群体进行销售歧视(如将次品药卖给农民,好药出口,而一般药卖给城市居民)并正确对待竞争对手,同时做好售后服务,其营销行为才能被认为是道德的。我国大型医药企业营销道德价值取向模型为:M=V(药品安全健康、营销信息对称、定价合理、非歧视与公平竞争、售后服务优良)。本文努力在我国大型医药企业营销道德的价值取向模型的基础上对其实施评价。为了对我国大型医药企业营销道德实施评价,笔者构建了由医药营销理念(U1)、医药营销组织管理(U2)、医药营销战略(U3)、医药营销策略(U4)与医药营销费用(U5)5个一级指标和医药企业的社会责任感(Uij)等19个二级指标构成的评价指标体系。本文运用模糊数学方法建立了模糊综合评价模型。同时还就评价模型的应用进行了实例分析。本文致力于我国大型医药企业营销道德的激励约束机制设计研究。笔者以国有大型医药企业为例,设计了基于公司治理与内部管理的系统激励约束机制。这一机制包含两个层级的制度建设。首先是公司治理层面,这时激励约束的主体是国有资产管理委员会,客体是我国国有大型医药企业,这其中还有国家药品监督局、国家工商局、各界媒体的多方支持。其次是我国国有大型医药企业董事会和主要经营人员对内部员工的营销道德激励约束机制建设,这时激励约束的主体是企业管理人员,客体是我国国有大型医药企业的员工(主要是营销人员),这其中还有企业的文化建设等因素。这两个层级是一个递进关系,共同决定着我国国有大型医药企业营销道德激励约束机制建设。本文将我国大型医药企业营销道德价值取向、我国大型医药企业营销道德评价与我国大型医药企业营销道德激励约束机制构建作为一个整体进行研究。我国大型医药企业营销道德价值取向是我国大型医药企业营销道德建设的基础,也是我国大型医药企业营销道德评价的前提;我国大型医药企业营销道德评价是我国大型医药企业营销道德激励约束机制实施的依据。他们相辅相成,共同组成了我国大型医药企业营销道德建设的主要内容。

【Abstract】 Paying close attention for a long time and thinking continuously to marketing morals of medicine enterprises, and choosing evaluation and stimulation and restriction mechanism as two angles, the author analyses comprehensively the problems of marketing morals of large medicine enterprises in our country. This thesis is supposed to solve problems of three aspects which have close connection and formulate a system, and these three problems are as follows: the construction of value-oriented model of marketing morals of large medicine enterprises, the evaluation of marketing morals of large medicine enterprises, and the design of stimulation and restriction mechanism to marketing morals of large medicine enterprises.This thesis is trying to construct the value-oriented model of marketing morals of large medicine enterprises. Based on the historical documents and questionnaire investigation, the author thinks the value-oriented model of marketing morals of large medicine enterprises includes five aspects as follows: drugs safety and health, marketing information Symmetry, reasonable pricing, no discrimination and fair competition, and after-sale service. Large medicine enterprises in our country are supposed to customer-oriented, sell safe and healthy drugs as its mission, make its information open, price reasonably, being fair to customers (for example, they sell drugs with bad quality to farmers, and sell drugs with good quality to foreigners, and sell drugs with common quality to citizens) and its competitor and do better in after-sales service. Doing like these, we can see their behavior moral. The value-oriented model of marketing morals of large medicine enterprises is that V=f(drug safety and health, marketing information symmetry, reasonable pricing, non- discrimination and fair competition, good after-sales service).Based on the value-oriented model, this thesis is trying to carry on evaluation on the marketing morals of large medical enterprises. In order to carry on evaluation on the marketing morals of large medicine enterprises, the author builds 5 first level evaluation index, which are medicine marketing ideas, medicine organization management, medicine marketing strategy, medicine marketing ways and medicine marketing cost, and builds 19 second level evaluation index including the responsibility of medicine enterprises. The evaluation approach this thesis used is building Blurring Comprehensive Evaluation Model. And as the same time, this thesis chooses an example to show the application of the Blurring Comprehensive Evaluation Model.This thesis is trying to design the stimulation and restriction mechanism of marketing morals of stated-owned medical enterprises. The author choose state-owned large medicine enterprises as an example, and design a kind of systematical stimulation and restriction mechanism based on inner management and governance. This mechanism has two levels. Firstly, in the governance level, the subject is stated-owned capital management committee and the object is the stated-owned enterprises, in the process it need state drugs supervision bureau and other branches to hold out. Secondly, In the inner management level, the subject is the board of the stated-owned enterprises and higher managers, the object is the employees of the stated-owned large medicine enterprises, including the building of enterprise culture and so on. The latter is following the former and they are coactive in the constructing of the marketing morals of the stated-owned enterprises.This thesis makes the value-oriented model, the moral evaluation and stimulation and restriction mechanism of large medicine enterprises as a whole. The value-oriented mode) is the base and premise of marketing moral construction, the moral evaluation is the resource of the stimulation and restriction mechanism. They are interplayed and are all important parts of the marketing moral construction of the large medicine enterprises in our country.


