

Study on Marketing Strategy of Henan Tobacco

【作者】 孙惠

【导师】 周发明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作为河南纳税大户和专卖体制下的河南烟草,其营销经营发展一直处于落后状态,随着国家对烟草行业的限制及中国WTO组织的加入,河南烟草面临较大的竞争和生存压力,使得河南烟草必须充分分析自己优势和劣势的前提下,将企业有效的资源合理的进行整合,形成一套合理的企业经营营销战略,与市场经济进行有机结合。论文在了解国内外营销战略和烟草经营研究的基础上,以国内外卷烟市场格局为基准,在充分分析了河南卷烟行业发展的营销环境(包括河南卷烟所处的宏观环境、河南卷烟行业发展面临的竞争格局、河南卷烟产品的消费市场)基础上得出河南卷烟的优势与劣势。找出河南卷烟营销的问题与并且分析了产生这些问题的主要原因,在此基础上系统提出了河南卷烟的营销战略思路,包括产品、品牌、价格、促销等。论文研究的思路是从理论研究到市场研究,从宏观分析进而深入到河南卷烟行业的微观研究分析,从理论分析、行业分析中发现问题,寻找规律,理清思路,探讨推动河南卷烟发展的营销战略。论文的创新点表现在两个方面:一是用大量的数据说明问题,利用实证分析表述了河南卷烟营销现状、地位,从理论和实际上着重探讨了现阶段河南卷烟营销中存在的问题,并且梳理了产生问题的主要原因。二是观点创新。没有完全按照市场营销的常规理论分析问题,而是从卷烟这一特殊产品本身的市场特点出发,提出适合河南卷烟发展的营销战略措施。

【Abstract】 As one of the biggest taxpayers and monopoly administrations in China, the development of Henan Tobacco has always been backward. Meanwhile, along with the government’s limitation to the tobacco industry and the entry to the WTO organization, Henan Tobacco will face with the great pressure on the competition and survival. In premise of the analysis on superiority and inferior position, Henan Tobacco should integrate its resource and form a series of reasonable and efficient strategy to adapt to the new market.The thesis first analyzes the cigarette marketing’s situation both domestic and foreign, then combines with Henan cigarette group’s present marketing environment (including the macro environment, The development pattern of competition, Henan cigarette products and the consumer mar of Henan cigarette) , concludes the superiority and inferior position of Henan cigarette, finally, designs a series of strategy, including production, brand, price, promotion method and etc.The thesis analyzes both theoretical research and the market survey, both macroscopic environment analysis and microscopic research of Henan cigarette, tries to discover the problems from theory analysis and industry analysis, then summarizes related regularity and methods, and at last finds a strategy to promote Henan cigarette.Among the innovations shown in two ways : First, by using a large amount of data shows, the use of empirical analysis of the expression of Henan cigarette marketing status, From the theoretical and practical study of Henan cigarette marketing of issues and sort out the problems with the main reason. Two viewpoints of innovation. Not completely in accordance with the marketing of conventional theoretical analysis, It is from this special cigarette product market characteristics, suitable for the development of Henan cigarette marketing strategies.

【关键词】 卷烟行业市场市场战略
【Key words】 Tobacco industryMarketingMarketing strategy
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.8
  • 【下载频次】283

