

Studies on Effects of the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of PP333 on Potted Peony

【作者】 黄睿

【导师】 吕长平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr)是中国的十大传统名花,其品种丰富,花型花色多样,深受广大民众的喜爱。牡丹性喜温暖及冷凉气候,在南方园林中应用牡丹因其抗性较差,而往往景观效果持续时间短,其观赏价值和应用范围受到限制。本研究以2个牡丹品种为试验材料,在不同浓度的PP333处理(A10mg/L、A2100mg/L、A3 300 mg/L、A4500mg/L、A5700mg/L、A6900 mg/L)条件下测其牡丹叶片中的生理生化指标变化,旨在为提高盆栽牡丹抗性和盆栽矮化栽培提供简单使用的方法,为在南方园林中应用和推广牡丹提供更科学的理论依据。本研究主要结论如下:1.不同浓度的PP333处理牡丹,可显著的提高其叶片中的叶绿素总量,且处理之间差异显著,而品种间差异不显著。2.不同浓度的PP333处理牡丹,可显著的提高其叶片中的可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白的含量,在不同的浓度处理条件下,其浓度处理之间差异显著,而品种间差异不显著。3.不同浓度的PP333处理牡丹,可改变其叶片中的相对电导率,不同的处理之间差异显著,而品种间差异不显著;在0mg/L~500mg/L浓度的PP333处理时,使其叶片中的MDA含量下降,在500mg/L处理浓度时达到最小值,在500mg/L~900mg/L浓度的PP333处理时,其含量上升,不同的浓度和品种处理之间差异不显著。4.不同浓度的PP333处理牡丹,可以显著的提高牡丹叶片中的POD和SOD酶的活性,当处理浓度为500mg/L时,POD和SOD酶的活性均达到最大值,当处理浓度超过500mg/L时,其二者的活性均开始下降。在不同浓度处理条件下,处理之间差异显著,而品种间差异不显著。5.不同浓度的PP333处理牡丹,可显著的提高牡丹叶片中的游离脯氨酸的含量,在不同浓度处理条件下,处理之间差异显著,而品种间差异不显著。6.处理的两个品种中凤丹对PP333处理较乌龙捧盛敏感,且500mg/L的PP333处理能显著的提高牡丹叶片中的抗氧化酶的活性,且细胞膜脂过氧化产物含量较低。7.在生产中使用500mg/L的PP333处理,其有利于牡丹两个品种凤丹和乌龙捧盛的生长发育。

【Abstract】 Tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr),a traditional flower in China, gets its popularity for its cultivars and a wide range of colors.It is suitable for cool climate and its ornamental values and appliance area being limited for its batter tolerant in south landscape.With the aims of providing the simple methods for potted lower cultivation and increasing the tolerant of tree peony,and offer scientific basic for application of peony in southern of China for landscape.The main results were follows:1.It can significant increase the Chl(a+b)content in leaves of P. suffruticosa Andr under dissimilar PP333concentrations,and the treatments of difference was significant but not to the difference of cultivars.2.The soluble sugar content and the soluble protein content were increased under dissimilar PP333concentrations,and the treatments of difference was significant but not to the difference of cultivars.3.The conductivity of peony leaves were vary in dissimilar PP333 concentrations,and the treatments of difference is significant but not to the difference of cultivars,and the MDA content of peony leaves was the lowest in 500 mg/L PP333treatment,which was different in dissimilar PP333concentration,and the treatments of difference was not significant but not to the difference of cultivars,too.4.The activity of SOD and POD were the highest in 500 mg/L PP333 treatment,which were increased lower than 500 mg/L PP333treatment but declined over 500 mg/L PP333 treatment,and the treatments of difference was significant but not to the difference of cultivars.5.The proline of tow cultivars P.suffruticosa Andr ’feng dan’and P. suffruticosa Andr ’wu longpengsheng’were improved by different PP333 concentration treatment,and the treatments of difference was significant but not to the difference of cultivars. 6.The P.suffruticosa Andr ’feng dan’was more sensitivity to PP333 treantments than P.suffruticosa Andr ’wu longpengsheng’in the tow P. suffruticosa Andr cultivars,and the antioxidant enzyme were higher activities and lower MDA contents under 500 mg/L PP333treatment.7.It is good for development and growth of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.’fengdan’ and ’wulongpengsheng’ under using of PP333500 mg/L treatment in producing.

  • 【分类号】S685.11
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】273

