

The Research on China Philanthropy Professional Development

【作者】 付嵩

【导师】 陈方正;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 社会保障, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 慈善事业的发展对我国调动社会资源,救助弱势群体,调节贫富差距,缓和社会矛盾,促进社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设具有重要意义和作用。尤其是在当前,我国社会保障体系仍未完善,政府对于弱势群体的救助水平低,发展慈善事业,动员社会资源尤为必要。2005年11月,国家民政部颁布《中国慈善事业发展指导纲要(2006-2010年)》,提出顺应社会各界发展慈善事业的要求,推动我国慈善事业的全面发展,开创慈善事业发展的新局面。我国当代慈善事业发展不过区区20多年的时间,虽然这期间,我国慈善事业取得了长足的进步,但法律不健全,慈善组织数量少,慈善组织公信力不足,运作不够专业,社会化程度不高,理论研究不成熟等多方面因素仍然制约着我国慈善事业的发展。因此,我国慈善事业发展的研究势在必行。当前关于我国慈善事业的研究,或是从某一角度进行,如慈善组织与政府关系、税收优惠政策、慈善组织筹款能力等;或是基某地域组织的个案研究;或是从某一学科视角进行分析,如从经济学角度研究捐赠行为;或是进行国内慈善事业的比较研究。这些研究为我国慈善事业的发展提供了有益的借鉴和建议,但大多缺乏系统性和整体性,尤其是对于慈善事业发展的各主体协调互动研究不足。因此,本文选取职业化的视角,站在全局的角度,对慈善机制中各方主体的关系进行梳理,并对我国慈善事业的发展现状、制约因素及发展策略进行分析。本文从我国慈善事业发展现状入手,以职业化的视角,对我国改革开放以来慈善事业发展现状进行了梳理,并在进行国际比较基础上分析了我国慈善事业发展存在的问题以及制约我国慈善事业职业化发展的因素。也正是基于我国慈善事业存在诸多问题和制约因素,笔者分析了我国慈善事业职业化发展的必然选择。慈善事业的发展有其区别于其他事业的特点,笔者基于慈善运作流程分析了慈善事业的发展,构建出我国慈善事业职业化发展的良性运作模型,并以该模型为标准,给出我国慈善事业职业化的发展策略,希望能为政府进行制度完善和政策调整提供参考,为我国慈善组织加强自身发展能力建设提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Philanthropy plays an important role in activating social resource, helping the disabled people, balancing the big gap of income, moderating social contradiction, improving social material civilization, spirit civilization. In November, 2005, the government enacted "china Philanthropy development guide (2006--2010)", which raised a policy of enhance the development of our Philanthropy, open a new world of Philanthropy. However, the history of china Philanthropy is just about 20years, also a lot of progresses have been made, lots of problems have been the thresholds of our Philanthropy, such as bad Accountability, unprofessional team, low socialization. That makes the investment of china Philanthropy more important and urgent.The existing investment of china Philanthropy are about one respect of Philanthropy, such as the relationship between charitable organizations and government, policy of taxation, or about examples of a charitable organizations, or about subject of philanthropy, such as economics donation. These are good suggestion for the development of china Philanthropy, but they are lack of system, especially the interactive of subjects in philanthropy. So this paper is based on a whole view and professional respect, research the relationship of all subjects, and the analysis the condition, problem and development strategy of china philanthropy.This paper start with the situation of china philanthropy, first, set out the progress have been made since the opening policy. After that, based on international philanthropy, point out the problem and factors which bound the development of china philanthropy. At the last part of this paper, the philanthropy developing model is given, which is based on the operation process of charity. At last, lots of advice is given about the professional development of china philanthropy. Hope these are helpful to the government and charity organizations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D632
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】740

