

On Trend of International Protection for Labor’s Rights: Angle of View from Labor Standards

【作者】 王天林

【导师】 姜作利;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “随着经济全球化和一体化的发展,国家间的贸易关系不再局限于‘物’的层次,而是扩大到‘人’的范畴。”国际竞争的焦点也从经济领域转向社会领域,劳工标准等社会问题逐渐受到国际社会的关注,便是这种转变的标志。数十年来,发达国家与发展中国家就GATT/WTO法律框架应否纳入劳工标准问题的争论从未间断。作为WTO的成员之一,今天的中国已经成为世界上的贸易大国,也是世界上劳动力数量和劳动力市场最大的国家,劳工标准问题不容回避,因此其所面临的劳工保护的压力也最为沉重。本文以《劳工权益的国际化保护趋势研究:劳工标准》为题,综合采用历史分析方法、比较分析方法、法社会学的研究方法,兼以经济分析方法和统计分析方法,从理论研究和实证研究两个方面对劳工权益的国际化保护趋势问题做出了阐述、分析和论证,指出经济全球化必然引起劳工标准国际化。面对这种形势,我国不能继续被动地讨论接受与否,而是应该积极地参与到国际规则和标准的制定中去,以此促进并彰显大国地位的确立。在此基础上,针对我国立法和现实生活中与国际劳工标准之间所存在的差距,提出了我国的应对策略和具体措施。希望能够唤起国内更多人士重视并研究这个问题,为我国在WTO背景下能够更快更好地与国际接轨提供更多的舆论支持。全文的论述体系共分为五部分:第一部分为劳工权益概述。第一节探讨了劳工权益的内涵、性质及其基本特征;第二节分析了劳工权益的基本类型及其主要内容;第三节则分析了劳工标准与劳工权益的关系。第二部分为劳工权益国际化保护的发展。第一节简单回溯了劳工问题的历史由来与劳工标准的提出;第二节分析了劳工标准国际化趋势;第三节则分析了作为劳工标准民间推动力量的公司社会责任运动的国际化发展。第三部分为劳工权益国际化保护的法律分析。第一节分析了劳工标准的法律渊源,主要有(一)世贸组织体系中的系列规范(二)其他国际法律规范(三)发达国家的国内法等;第二节简述了劳工立法的国际化及其法律评价;第三节探讨了劳工标准与WTO关系的未来走向。第四部分为我国劳工保护的现状与国际比较。第一节简述了我国劳工权益法律保护的现状;第二节对我国的劳工标准与国际劳工标准进行了具体比较,分析了我国劳动立法在自由结社、集体谈判、平等就业、强迫劳动和童工保护等五个方面所存在的问题和不足;第三节对我国现行的劳动法制与国际劳工标准进行了比较评析。第五部分为劳工权益国际化保护趋势对中国的启示与中国的应对策略。第一节分析了劳工权益国际化保护对我国的影响与我国的应对策略,首先,必须全面系统地树立WTO文化观念,以积极和开放的态度应对全球化的挑战;其次,应坚持国际社会本位和国际规则优位原则;再次,应坚持倾斜保护和弱方当事人(国)利益保护原则;第二节提出了我国在法律制度内的应对措施——加大劳动立法、司法和执法力度,重构我国的劳动法制体系:第三节阐述了我国在法律制度外的应对措施,主要涉及加强国际交流与合作,改革现有的工会体制、实现工人维权机制的创新以及发挥民间力量、加强非政府组织(NGOs)的作用等方面。

【Abstract】 "With the economic globalization and integration,the commercial relationship among countries has extended to man’s category from goods exchanging" The focus of international competing has turned to the social field from the economical field,which can be found out as a sign from labor standard and some other issues have come into the international community’s attention. In the past few decades,the debates on if the labor standards should be brought into GATT / WTO legal framework have never stopped between the developed counties and the developing countries. As one of the members of WTO,China nowadays has become a great commercial country with supreme labor number and the greatest labor market in the world Since the labor standards issue cannot be slided over, China is facing the heaviest pressure for labor’s rights protection. This paper,titled with "On Trend of the International Protection For Labor’s Rights:From Labor Standards", gives full and accurate elaboration, analysis and demonstration on the international protection trend,which is based on academic and empirical research,and points out the economic globalization cannot but lead to the internationalization of labor standards.Facing this trend,China cannot continue to discuss if to accept it or not passively,but should take an active part in the enactment of the international rules and standards,which can promote and underline China’s status establishment as a great country. On this basement,this paper gives China’s coping strategy and concrete measures targeting the gap between our legislation,social practice and international labor standards. The writer hopes that this paper can arouse more people at home to think much of and study this issue,so as to give more favorable public opinion for China’s better integrating with the world market.This paper is divided into five parts: Part one gives a summarization of labor’s rights. Section I probes into the connotation, character and basic features of labor’s rights. Section II analyzes the basic types and major content of labor’s rights.Section III analyzes the relationship between labor standards and labor’s rights.Part two analyzes the situation of international globalization for labor’s rights protection. Section I gives a brief retrospection of the historical origin of labor issue and emergence of labor standards.Section II analyzes the international globalization of labor standards.Section III analyzes the international development of corporate social responsibility movement.Part three gives a legal analysis on the international protection for labor’s rights. Section I analyzes the legal sources of labor standards. Section II gives a sketch of the internationalization of labor legislation and its legal evaluation. Section III discusses the future tend of labor standards and WTO.Part four gives a comparison between the present situation of our domestic protection and the international labor standards. Section I gives a sketch of the present situation of our protection for labor’s rights. Section II gives a concrete and comprehensive comparison, which focus on five aspects-free labor association, collective negotiation, anti-discrimination against employment, forced labor and child labor protection. Section III gives a comparative evaluation on the gap between our domestic labor law and the international labor standards.Part five analyzes the revelation we can get from the international protection trend for labor’s rights,and put forward China’s coping strategy. Section I analyzes the impact and our coping strategy. Section II put forward the concrete measures in legal system. Section III elaborates our coping measures outside legal system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D998.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】401

