

On the Tragic Aesthetics Implications in Ernest Hemingway’s Works

【作者】 张艳萍

【导师】 张志庆;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 海明威作为二十世纪美国最具天才的作家,曾以他独具匠心的笔触描绘了两次世界大战带给人类的空前灾难,以及现代社会对人的精神的深度挤压和人与大自然抗争而终归失败的悲剧。在他那些意味隽永的作品中流溢着一股雄宏壮伟的悲剧精神和一种激昂奋发的美学意蕴。本文在周览前人研究成果的基础上,试图以悲剧美学理论为依据,从人与社会的较量,人与自我精神的对抗,人与自然的抗争三个方面来讨论海明威创作的美学风格和美学意义,以求重新审视他的创作思想,定位他的创作风格,认识他的美学意义。最能表现人与社会对立的文学话题莫过于战争,海明威的早期创作就是以系列战争小说《太阳照常升起》,《永别了,武器》等作品,展示了人在巨大社会灾祸面前的悲惨处境和悲剧性结局,野蛮而残酷的战争剥夺了人的生存权利,侵害了人的人格尊严,进而确证人在对战争这个恶意世界的反抗中显示出无望而高尚的灵魂,因而流泻出一种苍凉的悲壮美;人与自我精神的对抗其实质就在于破解灵与肉,生与死,爱与恨,成与毁,义与利等道德规范与原始欲求之间的心灵纠结。海明威的中期创作《乞力马扎罗的雪》和《弗朗西斯·麦康伯短暂的幸福生活》就是揭示人性脆弱的最好篇章。这些作品切入人的灵魂底部,从精神超越、人格重塑、个性畸变诸方面重新省察了人性的复杂多样性,它也教会我们认识人生在世的意义就在于减轻,摆脱,超越日常生活中的苦厄,达到人生和谐,美善境界;讲述人与自然拼搏的悲剧,是海明威创作巅峰时期的成功选择,《老人与海》中的桑提亚哥勇往无前,誓死不屈而终归失败的悲剧,使我们看到了人为了美好理想和崇高目的,勇于向厄运和失败抗争的善美人性和昂扬顽强的生命力,因而也透射出一种崇高美。

【Abstract】 Ernest Hemingway, the most gifted American writer in the 20th century, with his discerning brush once described the unprecedented human disasters from the two world wars, and the depth of extrusion on human spirit from modern society and human’s ultimate failure tragedy in human-and-nature resistance. His meaningful works reveal the majestic, mighty tragedy spirit and the passionate and enthusiastic courage of aesthetic connotations.Based on the results of previous studies , and on the theory of tragic aesthetics, the paper tries to discuss Ernest Hemingway’s creative aesthetic style and aesthetic significance, from the three aspects of human-and-society competition, human’s self -confrontation, and human-and-nature resistance , so as to re-examine his creative thinking, position his writing style and recognize the significance of his aesthetics.It is the literary topic of war that can best show the human-and-society confrontations, Ernest Hemingway’s early creations, a series of war novels like "The Sun Also Rises" and "A Farewell to Arms" delicate the great social scourge in the face of the tragedy of the situation and the tragic outcome. The barbaric and brutal wars deprive of the right to existence, infringe on the personal dignity, which confirms the hopeless but noble soul of human being in resisting the vicious world of wars, pouring out a bleak tragic beauty. And the spirit of human’s self-confrontation lies in cracking the entanglement of ethics and the original desire at heart, such as soul and life and death, love and hatred, success and destruction, justice and profits. Ernest Hemingway’s creations such as "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and "Francis Macabre short of a happy life" are the best chapters to reveal human vulnerability. These works reach deep into the bottom of a person’s soul and realize the complex diversity of humanity from the spiritual transcendence, personality remodeling and personality distortion of human being. This makes us recognize that the meaning of living is to reduce, extricate ourselves from and transcend all the sufferings and bitterness so as to reach the state of the unity of harmony, kindness and beauty of life. It is Ernest Hemingway’s successful choice during his creative peak to narrate the tragedy of man-and-nature struggle. From Santiago’s tragedy in "The Old Man and the Sea", we can see human being’s courage and high-spirited vitality to resist against the failure and doom for the better ideals and noble purpose, which also radiates a kind of lofty beauty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1542

