

Study of the Legal System about One-man Company

【作者】 刘桂竹

【导师】 刘保玉; 吴建中;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 一人公司是指股东仅为一人,并由该股东持有公司的全部出资或所有股份的公司。股东的唯一性使一人公司对传统公司法律产生了巨大的冲击,它严重动摇了公司社团性的理论根基并对公司有限责任制度提出了挑战。但一人公司满足了投资者追求利益独享和分担风险的愿望,因而迅速在全球范围内掀起了一人公司的立法高潮。在我国,新公司法颁布前,无论是实质一人公司,抑或国有独资公司、外商独资公司、全资子公司都是大量存在的,但我国原公司法并没有明确确立一人公司制度。2005年公司法修订过程中,专列一节增加了一种新的公司形式──一人有限责任公司。对于一人公司的理论问题不少学者已作了有益的探讨,本文力图在此基础上对一人公司的基本问题作进一步的梳理和研究,为进一步完善我国一人公司制度提供可行的立法建议。本文正文除前言外,共分五个部分。第一部分是一人公司概述,主要概括了一人公司的概念、特征、分类、历史背景等基本知识。第二部分对一人公司法律性质及法律制度进行了分析,阐述了一人公司对传统公司理论的冲击和一人公司的社会、经济价值及弊端,论述了公司法人的本质属性就是独立人格性。第三部分介绍了世界各国包括英美法系和大陆法系国家关于一人公司的立法状况,旨在借鉴其他国家的经验来构筑和完善我国的一人公司立法。第四部分对公司法人格否认法理与一人公司的关系进行了讨论,明确了公司法人格否认法理是对法人人格制度的完善,是对股东有限责任制度的一种维护和补充,是对公司当事人之间利益失衡的一种事后救济。如果股东滥用公司独立人格,就会导致否认公司独立的法人格,直接去追究股东个人的责任。由于一人公司更容易发生股东滥用法人格的现象,加强公司法人格否认法理的研究具有更重要的意义。第五部分是进一步健全我国一人公司法律制度的立法构想,先从分析我国一人公司的立法现状入手,从一人公司的立法模式、设立制度、运营制度和责任制度四个方面对我国一人公司的立法完善提出了一系列构想。

【Abstract】 Sole-proprietorship Company has only one shareholder, but shares the whole capital of the company with no other partner. The nature of sole proprietorship has exerted a great impact on the traditional company law and made the theoretical groundwork of corporation to waver. Thus, it has become the big challenge to the system of limited liability. On the other side, sole proprietorship can meet the need of the investors, who seek the possession of the profit and the disperse of the risks simultaneously. For this reason, legislation for sole proprietorship comes into being rapidly all over the world.In China, before the issue of the new Company Law, there have been substantially existing whatever the virtual sole-proprietorship companies, the stated-owned sole-proprietorship companies, foreign-owned sole-proprietorship companies and the full-proprietorship subsidiary companies, while there is no trace to any affirmation of sole proprietorship in the old Company Law. During its recension in 2005, an additional section appeared, which regulates a new form of company: sole proprietorship.Many a scholar has made great rewarding study on the theoretical issues about sole proprietorship, but this thesis is to make the trim of the basic concepts and to seek a further study, in order that more practical advice can be provided for legislation about sole proprietorship in China.This thesis is divided into five parts, the foreword excluded. The first part is the introduction to sole-proprietorship company, including the concepts, the characteristics, the classification and the background, etc. Part two is to analyze the law property and provisions about sole proprietorship, and to expound its impact on the traditional theories, its social and economical values and vices, then to draw the conclusion that its essential property is its independent personality. Part three is to introduce the status in quo of legislation on sole proprietorship in western countries, with the aim of being help to the legislation in China. Part four is to discuss the relation between the disaffirmation of judicial personality and sole proprietorship, concluding that it is the improvement of the judicial personality and the maintenance of limited liability, and a redress of the profit unbalance between the partners. Because the shareholder of sole-proprietorship company is more prone to abusing the judicial personality of the company, it is more significant to make a study of the disaffirmation of judicial personality. The last part is to analyze the status of legislation in China and to propose a set of suppositions from the four angles—the legislation model, the establishment, the management and liability of sole-proprietorship company, for the purpose of further improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【下载频次】159

