

Study of American Factors in Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship after the Cold War

【作者】 郭生

【导师】 王广振;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,大国关系进入了深刻的调整期。随着冷战的结束,在20世纪70年代初期形成的中美苏三角关系已不复存在,取而代之的是中俄美新的三角关系。中国政府在发展与俄美的关系中,努力构建“伙伴关系”框架,与战罗斯之间形成了战略协作伙伴关系、与美国形成了建设性伙伴关系等等。中俄国家关系的发展进程表明,这种关系无论是正向还是逆向发展,都受到美国因素的推动或者牵制作用。第一章为绪论部分,主要介绍了本课题的提出、意义和研究方法,综述了当前国内外学者对中俄战略协作伙伴关系及其美国因素的研究现状;提出了本课题研究所涉及的概念,包括:伙伴关系、中俄战略协作伙伴关系等等;最后归纳总结了本课题的创新之处与今后有待进一步深入开拓研究的领域。第二章主要论述了中俄关系发展的历程。包括:中苏关系正常化和向中俄关系的过渡。主要经历了中苏时期的“蜜月期”、“冷战期”,苏联后的“冷淡期”;中俄关系与时俱进,即中俄“睦邻友好互利合作”关系的确立、“建设性伙伴关系的建立和发展、“战略协作伙伴关系”的确立和发展。认为中俄战略伙伴关系的主要特点是不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三国,两国完全平等、相互信任、互利合作、共同发展,加强磋商协调,促进世界和平。两国具有一致的战略目标,有着广泛的共同利益,在重大问题上有着一致或相近的看法,双方没有根本的利害冲突,在许多领域开展了良好的合作,特别是在敏感的军事领域。它们在处理重大的国际、地区或双边问题时,能够一起磋商,相互协作或配合。这种伙伴关系不是权宜之计,不会受一时一事的干扰,也不受意识形态、价值观念等因素的影响,是一种真正意义上的全面合作型的伙伴关系。第三章主要论述了中俄美三角关系的形成和演变。包括:中苏美三角关系的终结,冷战后“一超多强”格局的形成,中俄美三角关系的形成和演变。指出冷战结束后,传统的中美苏三角关系已不复存在。20世纪90年代以来,随着多极化的发展,中俄美三国关系经历了一个演变的过程,从旧的中美苏大三角到新的中美俄三角关系的演变。我们把它称之为“中俄美”三足鼎立的格局。在这个“三角”关系中,中俄美都有其自己的国家战略目标。中国首要的目标是争取有利的国际环境,为实现现代化服务;俄罗斯的当务之急是重振昔日大国地位;美国对外战略目标是要始终牢牢控制对全球事务的领导权。不同的国家利益决定了在新的三角关系中各自不同的地位和作用,以及对相互关系处理的机制。鉴于国际形势的发展变化,三国关系实现了良性互动,有力地促进了相互关系的发展和国际政治格局的平衡。第四章主要论述了美国因素对中俄战略协作伙伴关系的影响。主要包括:冷战后美国对中俄政策的战略调整,中美两国关系先后经历了“遏制”、“接触”和“遏制加接触”的曲折发展历程,从而构成了一条矛盾的曲线。在对华关系上,美国把防范中国的崛起作为对华外交的重点,并认为在2l世纪最有可能能对美国进行挑战的就是中国。苏联解体后,俄美关系走过了“多云转晴”、“阴转多云”循环往复的发展历程。但作为有影响力的两个大国,俄美在许多重大国际问题上有着共同的利益。目前双方在科索沃地位、伊朗核问题等重大国际问题上分歧依旧,因此,评价俄美关系充满“暖意”还为时尚早。冷战后中俄美关系的良性互动,即中俄关系全面发展,表现在双方在政治上相互信任,在战略上中俄之间是一种全天候伙伴关系,目前中俄关系是大国关系中一对最密切、最稳定的双边关系;俄美关系进入新的发展阶段,中美关系走向缓和,三边视角不再是三角权力关系,表现在俄美新战略伙伴关系凸显,中美关系跌宕起伏,三边关系中的任何两个方面关系的改善,都会对第三国产生直接影响,即所谓的“多米诺骨牌效应”;冷战后中俄美三角关系在新的框架下重新互动,这种互动是由于在三角关系中,中俄美三方的力量明显不同,三国在三角关系中的地位不同于冷战时期,以及中俄两国同时面临着来自美国的有形和无形的压力,特别是美国的对外政策动向对中俄美战略三角起着风向标的作用,因此,处理好三边关系会创造中俄美三国共赢的局面;美国因素对中俄关系的影响,包括以下几个方面:美国因素推动中俄战略协作伙伴关系的形成,中俄两国对美关系的优先地位,美国因素对中俄关系发展的影响是因为冷战思维作祟、美国对中俄关系发展采取离间、分化政策,俄美关系的大幅度调整对中国带来了负面影响,但也要辩证地看待俄美关系:中俄美三角关系中的美国,主要有美国的战略优势,单边主义政策影响着中俄关系的发展;美国与未来中俄美三角关系发展走向。认为中俄发展战略协作伙伴关系不能不受到美国方面的制约。这种影响表现在美国在中俄美三角关系中,对中俄两国采取的打压政策,都可能使中俄战略协作伙伴关系更加紧密,走得更近。因此,美国因素在中俄战略协作伙伴关系中既是积极的,也是消极的。综上所述,在对冷战后中俄战略协作伙伴关系中美国因素的分析和研究中,一方面,中俄发展战略协作伙伴关系是两国国家利益的需要。当前中国正致力于建设全面小康社会、实现国家现代化的宏伟目标中,迫切需要一个长期稳定、和平的国际环境,在发展对外关系中,当务之急是处理好与世界主要大国尤其是俄罗斯和美国的关系,但鉴于中国的现实国力和本身利益的考量,中国理所当然把发展与俄罗斯的战略协作伙伴关系,争取一个和平的周边环境作为重中之重。而俄罗斯自普京当政以来,把振兴俄罗斯大国地位当做首要任务,从这个方面来讲,中俄有着共同的利益关键点。但另一方面我们也必须看到,美国做为当今世界唯一的超级大国和对全球有着巨大影响力的国家,对中俄发展战略协作伙伴关系有着严重制约和影响,这种影响表现在:(一)美国因素的张力作用。即美国对中俄两国打压愈甚,两国战略协作关系愈加牢固。可以毫不夸张地讲,这种张力作用是影响中俄战略协作伙伴关系最为“关键”的因素,直接决定了中俄战略协作伙伴关系的未来走向和命运。(二)美国因素的平衡作用。也就是中俄双方在发展战略协作伙伴关系时又把发展与美国的关系置于优先地位。同时,这种平衡作用在很大程度上取决于国际形势的发展与变化,也就是影响国际形势发展变化的主要矛盾,并决定了美国的这种平衡因素所能起的作用。(三)同时我们认为美国因素还是一个变量。所谓变量就是美国因素影响中俄战略协作伙伴关系的发展又是不确定的。这种变量的不确定性关键取决于国际形势的发展变化。当国际形势缓和时,美国这个变量对中俄战略协作伙伴关系会产生正面效应,但一旦国际形势出现不利于美国、危害到美国的国家利益时,这个变量更多的是起负面作用,如当中俄战略协作伙伴关系在美国看来过于密切时,美国可能对中俄两国中的任何一方实行离间策略,从而使中俄关系的发展符合美国的战略利益。由此可见,在中俄战略协作伙伴关系的发展中,美国因素如影随形,并且是一种无形的力量,无时无刻不在影响着中俄战略协作伙伴关系的发展。正视美国因素,并不意味着中俄战略协作伙伴关系被美国牵着鼻子走,而是要使这种关系能够沿着正确的方向健康地发展下去,为世界的和平与发展事业服务,造福于世界各国人民。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, big powers have begun to adjust their relations profoundly. With the ending of the Cold War, the triangle relationship among China, America and the Soviet Union formed at the beginning of the 1970s no longer exists, and is replaced by a new one among China, Russia and America. During the process of developing the relations with Russia and America, the Chinese government tries every effort to build the framework of the "Partner Relationship" to form the strategic cooperative partner relationship with Russia and to form the constructive partner relationship with America. The development of relations between China and Russia shows that it is promoted or restrained by American factors, whatever the relations are positive-directed or negative-directed.Chapter 1 is introduction, which mainly introduces the origin, the significance and the research methods of the thesis. It also makes a general survey of the present situation of the Sino-Russian strategic cooperative partner relationship and the American factors given by the scholars at home and abroad as well as some related concepts about this thesis, including partner relations, Sino-Russian strategic cooperative partner relationship etc. Finally, it makes a short conclusion of the innovation of the thesis and points out the research field which needs to be further explored in the future.Chapter 2 mainly demonstrates the development of the Sino-Russian Relations in history, which includes the normalization of the Sino-Soviet Union Relations and the transition towards the Sino-Russian Relations. It ranges from the "honeymoon period", "Cold War period" to "indifferent period". China and Russia keep pace with the times, establishing the "good-neighbored, friendly and mutual-beneficial cooperative relationship", building and developing the "constructive partner relationship" as well as the "strategic cooperative partner relationship. It is suggested that the Sino-Russian strategic cooperative partner relationship should have the characteristics, such as nonalignment, non-confrontation, and not countering the third country; the complete equality of both countries, mutual-trust, mutual-beneficial cooperation, and developing altogether; strengthening consultation and coordination, and promoting world peace. Both countries have the same strategic target and many common interests and they hold unanimous or similar viewpoints on important issues without radical conflicts of interests. They have started good cooperation in many fields, especially in the sensitive military area. They could consult and cooperate with each other while dealing with some international, regional or bilateral issues. This partner relationship is not an expedient measure and will neither be disturbed by anything at any time nor influenced by the ideology or values, which is truly an all-round coordinative partner relationship.Chapter 3 illustrates the formation and the evolution of the triangle relations among China, Russia and America, including the ending of the triangle relations among China, the Soviet Union and America, the formation of the "One superpower against several big powers" after the Cold War, and the formation and evolution of the triangle relations among China, Russia and America. It points out that after the Cold War, the traditional triangle relations among China, Russia and America no longer existed. Since the 1990s, with the development of the multi-polarization, the relations among these three countries have experienced the evolution, from the old big triangle relations among China, USSR and USA to the triangle relations among China, Russia and America. That is what we call the three pillars pattern of China, Russia and America. In this "triangle relations", China, Russia and America have their own strategic targets. China aims firstly at the advantageous international environment in service of its modernization; what is urgent for Russia is to revitalize its power in the past; As for America, its strategic target is to firmly control the leadership of the global affairs. Thus, different national interests determine their diverse positions and functions in the triangle relations as well as the mechanism to deal with the mutual relations. Due to the development of the international situation, these three countries realize the mutual promotion and greatly improve the development of the interrelations and the balance of the international political situations.Chapter 4 illustrates how the American factors influence the Sino-Russian strategic cooperative partner relationship, including American Strategic Adjustment of the Policy of the China and Russia after the Cold War. The Sino-USA relations experienced complicated developing process of "Containment", "Touch", and "Containment and Touch", which was formed into a paradox curve. On its relationship with China, America takes strict precautions against China’s rising and considers it as the focus in dealing with China, believing that China is most likely to challenge America in the 21st century. When the Soviet Union was disintegrated, the Russian-US relations have experienced a cycling process of "cloudy to sunny", and "overcast to cloudy". However, as the two big influential powers, Russia and USA have the common interests on many important international issues. But the divergence still exists on the position of Kosovo, the Iran nuclear problem and some other important international issues. So in this sense, it’s still too early to judge the Russo-American relations full of "warmness". After the Cold War, the relations among China, Russia and America beneficially promoted, that is, the Sino-Russian relations develop in all: mutual trust in politics, the all-day partner relations in strategy, which was the closest and most stable bilateral relations between big powers; the Russian-US relations entered a new stage; the Sino-USA relations came to ease; the trilateral perspective no longer was triangle power: the Russo-USA new strategic partner relationship became salient, the Sino-USA relations went up and down; any improvement of the bilateral relations in the trilateral relations would directly affect the third country, that is what is called "Domino effect"; After the Cold War, the triangle relations among China, Russia and USA re-interacted under the new framework and this re-interaction is, on the triangle relations, due to the remarkable differences in power, the different positions in the triangle relations which are different from those during the Cold War in addition to the visible and invisible pressures China and Russia confronted with at the same time from the US, especially American foreign policies’ "weather vanes" function in the triangle relations. Therefore, if the trilateral relations are to be handled well, the three countries will win altogether. The effect of the American factors on the Sino-Russian relations includes several aspects, i.e. the American factors promoting the formation of the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship; China and Russia taking the superior consideration of the America; American factors affect the Sino-Russian relations because of the Cold War mind, America discording and differentiating the Sino-Russian relations; substantial adjustment of Russo-USA relations causes the negative effects to China, which needs dialectical assessing; the USA in the triangle relations among China, Russia and the USA, owing to its strategic advantage, the unilateralism influencing the development of the Sino-Russian relations; the trend of US with the future Sino-Russian relations. It is believed that the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship can’t be restrained by the USA. This influence finds expressions in the triangle relations, if America takes the suppressing policy towards China and Russia, the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship will be closer and closer. Therefore, American factors, in the triangle relations among China, Russia and the USA, play both a positive and a negative role in the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship.Based on these facts, in the analysis and research of the American factors in the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship after the Cold War, on the one hand, the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship is required by both national interests. At the present time, China is committed to grandeur targets of the construction of the comprehensive well-off society and the realization of the national modernization, so it longs for a long-term, stable and peaceful international environment, when dealing with the foreign relations. What is most urgent is to get along well with the main powers especially Russia and America. However, due to China’s practical strength and the consideration of the interests, it is certain for China to take the top priority over the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship and peaceful surroundings. While Putin started his presidencies of Russia, he treated the revitalization as the predominant task. In this sense, China and Russia have the common interests. But on the other hand, we have to take cautions that, America is the sole superpower in the world nowadays and has the great influence on the world, thus seriously constraining and affecting the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship, which could be found in the following parts: 1. the pulling force of the American factors, which manifests that the more heavily Americans strike China and Russia, the more stable the relationship between the two countries is. Without any exaggeration, this pulling force is the most critical element to affect the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship and directly determine the trend and the fate of the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship. 2. The balance of the American factors, which displays that when the two countries develop their strategic cooperative partner relationship, they give priority to the relations with America. Meanwhile, this balance relies on the development of the international situation to a large degree, that is, the main contradictions affecting the international situations, and determines the function played by American function of balance. 3. At the same time, it is thought that American factors are a variable, that is, they cannot definitely determine the development of the Sino-Russian relationship. The uncertainty depends on the development of the international situations. When the international situations turn to ease, American factors, the variable, will affect the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship positively. Once the international situation becomes disadvantageous to America and harmful to the American national interests, the variable will work negatively. As the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship, to the USA, gets too close, America will discord any one of them and make the Sino- Russian relations meet the needs of the American strategic interests. In this way, in the development of the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship, the American factors always accompany it and is an invisible strength, instantly influencing the development of the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship. It is suggested that facing up to the American factors doesn’t mean the Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partner Relationship will be led by the nose by the USA, but this relations should go along smoothly towards the right direction in service of the world peace and development and benefit all the people around the world.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】K153
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】722

