

【作者】 宋延博

【导师】 林吉茂;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 油田化学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在钻井过程中,泥浆从钻杆注入井底,携带岩屑,在钻井完成后,总会产生一部分过剩的或者废弃的泥浆。这部分废弃泥浆是一种含粘土、加重材料、材料添加剂、污水、污油及钻屑的多相稳定胶悬浮体,成分复杂。对废弃泥浆的调查分析表明,泥浆中含有盐类(尤其是Cl~-)、柴油及其它矿物油、CODcr、某些可溶性微量元素,如总铬、六价铬、汞、总砷、总铅、总镉等,另外泥浆中的PH值也很高,如果不经处理直接把这些泥浆排放到城市下水道、农田、河塘、海洋将会对土地和水资源造成极大污染。我国每年废弃泥浆排放总量约为200多万m~3,胜利油田每年也产生泥浆约30多万m~3。随着经济的发展和对环保重视程度的提高,如何处理废弃泥浆已经成为现在油气勘探与开发工业中人们最大关注的问题,对废弃泥浆处理技术的研究也愈来愈受到重视。国内外针对废弃泥浆的无害化治理开展了大量的研究,其中通过固化工艺进行无害化处理的技术是目前比较成功的技术。在国外如美国、俄罗斯等得到了广泛应用,国内在中原油田等地已经成功的用固化方法治理了大批的钻井废弃泥浆。由于钻井过程中使用的泥浆体系随着区块和井深的不同而变化,不同泥浆体系中含有不同的成分,因此产生的钻井废弃泥浆中的污染物成分和数量也会发生变化,固定的固化工艺是不能适用于所有的泥浆体系的。针对不同的泥浆体系,其固化配方中药剂的种类和配比等都会发生相应的变化。实践也表明,这些固化配方直接用于胜利油田的废弃泥浆的治理是不合适的,固化泥浆浸出液中COD、pH和色度等污染物指标会出现超标,因此需对泥浆固化配方进行改进,重新确定固化工艺配方以适用于胜利油田泥浆体系的无害化治理。本文在对胜利油田泥浆体系调查的基础上,确定了胜利油田泥浆体系的特点,并通过实验确定了适合于本泥浆体系的固化工艺的药剂配方、配比以及固化剂的添加量。历时八个月,在胜利油田各采油厂选取典型井的废弃泥浆进行现场固化实验100余口,监测结果表明,固化泥浆浸出液中各项污染物指标均能达到国家和地方相关标准,说明本文提出的改进后的泥浆固化工艺能够适用于胜利油田的泥浆体系。本文的研究成果将能够提供一种治理胜利油田钻井废弃泥浆的无害化处理技术,将对胜利油田钻后污染的治理以及油区环境的保护具有重要的意义,同时还能对其他油田钻后污染治理起到借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In the process of drilling,the slurry which is poured into from the boring bar can carry rock fragments from shaft bottom.There is an excess of slurry to come into existence,after drilling.The discarding slurry which is a colloid include clay、additive、sewage and oil.The investigation indicates that salts(especially chloride)、diesel oil and a lot of mineral substance、CODer、dissolvable microelement,for instance Chrome Mercury and Arsenic,moreover the pH Scales.If the discarding slurry is discharged direct,it bring pollution.About two billion stere slurry is discharged evey year in our country,and three hundred thousand in shengli oil field.With the development of economy and advancement of environmental protection,how to deal with the discarding slurry is become very important.A great many investigations about the discarding slurry has evolved to deal with,thereinto solidification is the most successful technology.It is extensive use in US and Russia,and then in zhongyuan oil field.During the drilling,with change of area and depth,the used slurry is different.And the component of slurry is different too.So simplex solidify technology is not fit for all the slurry system.In allusion to the slurry system,the kind and proportion of medicament is different.The practice also indicate that solidify directions for producing chemicals is not fit for shengli oil field,if it is used to deal with slurry.And the COD、pH、chroma always over the standard.So it is necessary to improve the solidify directions for producing chemicals to deal with the slurry of shengli oil field.This article confirms the characteristic of slurry,in the basis of investigation.And the dosage of additive、the kind and proportion of medicament are made sure after the experiment.During 8 months,we choose emblematical discarding slurry of shengli oil field to deal with.The result indicate contamination all tally with the national standard and local standard.It is prove that this solidify directions for producing chemicals is fit for shengli oil field.The result offer a rational way to deal with discarding slurry of shengli oil field.It is important for environmental protection,and is used for reference in other oil field.

【关键词】 泥浆固化胜利油田
【Key words】 slurrysolidificationshengli oil field
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】X742
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1124

