

Deep Research and Realization of Temperature Measuring and Controlling System in LabVIEW

【作者】 顾斌

【导师】 陈忧先;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题是对论文《基于虚拟仪器技术的非接触式温度测控系统》的深入研究与探讨。该文主要研究了如何利用虚拟仪器技术实现纺织行业中的非接触式温度的测量,我参与了该测量系统的整个研究与实验的过程,对于此系统有很多自己的想法。因此,基于原来的研究过程与成果,我对此非接触式测温系统进行了深入的研究,并且利用现有的USB-6008数据采集卡结合自己搭建的实验电路板硬件平台,实现了对温度的实时采集与控制的功能,并且重新编写了一个测控软件,该软件在原有软件的基础上增加了许多的功能。本文共分为七章:第一章主要讨论了本课题研究的背景和意义,并简要介绍了虚拟仪器技术的发展历程。第二章首先对本系统的理论基础进行了介绍,之后针对原测温系统的研究提出了进一步改进与完善的整体构思与方案。第三章讲述了LabVIEW编程技术和数据采集技术,由于在第五章将会用到这些技术,因此这章的介绍将有助于读者更好地理解本文的研究。第四章对原测量系统的硬件部分与软件部分做了概述,并且分析了优缺点。第五章研究了数字滤波器以及自动化控制的方法,包括PID控制和模糊控制。第六章详细讨论了对改进后的测控系统进行调试与仿真的具体过程,包括硬件上的改进以及软件上的完善。在本文的研究中,此章节的创新点是最多的,同时,内容也是最深入的。第七章对全文作了简明的总结,并对虚拟仪器技术的应用领域和发展前景作了展望。本课题在原有研究的基础上进行了很多硬件和软件上的创新与改进。硬件上的创新主要是自制的实验电路板,用于调试测控系统;软件上的改进主要有:模糊控制器的研究,LabVIEW与Office软件无缝连接的研究,以及在LabVIEW中开发Windows菜单的研究等(详见第六章)。因为原有的研究并没有将整个系统完整地搭建与实现,因此与之相比,本文的研究有了较大的进步,基本实现了温度测量与控制以及对历史测量数据进行记录的仿真,并且在硬件平台的搭建和软件用户界面的编写等方面有较多的创新。

【Abstract】 This thesis is based on "Noncontact Temperature Measuring and Controlling System Based on Virtual Instruments Technology" from my upper student. That thesis mainly researched how to realize noncontact temperature measuring in textile industry using virtual instruments technology. I took part in the whole research and experiment of that measuring system, so I had many ideas about it. Therefore, based on original research process and results, I made deep research on this noncontact temperature measuring system. In addition, combining data acquisition card-USB 6008 with my own circuit board platform, I realized real-time acquisition and control of the temperature. Based on original software functions, I also reprogrammed the software application and added many functions to it.This thesis was divided into seven chapters:The first chapter mainly discussed the background of this research, and then briefly presented the development of virtual instruments technology.The second chapter presented basic theory of this system at first, and then proposed an integral conception and project of improving and perfecting the system, aiming at original measuring system.The third chapter narrated programming technology of LabVIEW and data acquisition technology. These technologies would be used in the fifth chapter, so this chapter would help readers to gain a better understandability of this research.The forth chapter explained the hardware and software of the original system, and then analyzed its advantages and disadvantages.The fifth chapter researched digital filters and automated control methods, including PID control and fuzzy control.The sixth chapter bated around the specific process of debugging and simulating the measuring and controlling system. Among this thesis, this chapter had the most creative points and the deepest content as well.The seventh chapter gave a brief summarization and prospected for the application field and development future of virtual instruments technology.Based on the original research, this thesis had many innovations and improvements of hardware and software. Innovations of hardware were: self-made circuit board for debugging the measuring and controlling system; improvements of software were: research on fuzzy logic controller, connection between LabVIEW and Office, and developing Windows menu bar in LabVIEW (See the sixth chapter). Because the original research couldn’t realize the whole system, compared with it, my research was much better. Temperature measuring and controlling were realized in my research, as well as historical data recording and saving. Besides, it had many innovations in hardware platform building and software programming of user interface.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1057

