

Study on the Properties of Polyester Fibre and Its Fabics

【作者】 刘晶

【导师】 施楣梧; 肖红; 王府梅;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纤维材料物理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的自卷曲特性使其在弹性及膨松类织物开发上独具优势,市场前景广阔,但目前还没有关于该类纤维及其织物的系统报道。本论文以PTT、PET纤维及PTT/PET双组分复合纤维为研究对象,主要从以下四个方面着手研究。首先利用科视达观察了PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的外观形态,发现PTT/PET双组分复合纤维中PTT、PET两种组分呈双边分布,横截面呈不对称的哑铃状,PTT和PET两组分分居在横截面两侧,单丝经热处理呈现出三维立体卷曲,在无张力条件下卷曲数最多,在一定的张力范围内,随着所加负荷的增加,PTT/PET双组分复合纤维热处理后的蓬松性及卷曲性均下降显著。当超过一定张力范围时,卷曲性能及蓬松性反而会增大。其次在大量实验基础上,分析了加热介质、时间、温度及张力四个因素对聚酯类纤维热收缩性能的影响,结果发现,在干热加热介质、张力不变的条件下,随着处理时间或处理温度的增加,PTT、PET纤维及PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的卷曲收缩率均呈增大趋势,PTT/PET双组分复合纤维在140~160℃时卷曲收缩率基本稳定。在湿热为加热介质、张力不变的条件下,随着处理时间或处理温度的增加,PTT、PET纤维及PTT/PET双组分复合纤维卷曲收缩率基本呈增加趋势,PTT/PET双组分复合纤维湿热收缩率与处理时间呈非线性变化,在加热的起始阶段,卷曲收缩率迅速增加,随之变缓,约20min后收缩趋于稳定。在干热或湿热为加热介质、温度及时间不变的情况下,PTT、PET纤维的卷曲收缩率随负荷的增加略微减小,而PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的卷曲收缩率呈双曲线形状,在张力<11.5mg/D时,随张力增加而卷曲收缩率减小的情况很明显,但在张力>11.5mg/D时,随张力的增加卷曲收缩率变化不大。再次测试分析了聚酯类纤维机械性能特征,发现PTT/PET双组分复合纤维典型的应力-应变特征曲线可划分为6个不同的拉伸阶段,具有与PET纤维显著不同的两个弹性区域及两个塑性区域。在PTT/PET双组分复合纤维中,随PTT组分含量增加,卷曲伸长率逐渐增大,模量逐渐下降。在干热、1mg/D张力条件下,温度从100℃逐渐升到200℃时,PET、PTT和PTT/PET三种纤维的断裂伸长率及PTT/PET的卷曲伸长率都大于未热处理的原丝纤维;PTT、PET纤维的断裂强力大于未经热处理的原丝,而PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的断裂强力比原丝小很多;模量方面,PTT纤维随温度增加而增大,PET纤维随温度增加而明显下降,PTT/PET复合纤维随温度增加有微小增加。在干热无张力条件下,温度从100℃逐渐上升到200℃时,PTT、PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的卷曲伸长率、断裂伸长率随着温度增加而增大,且都好于原丝纤维;PTT纤维的断裂强力和模量随着温度的增大而上升,但较未处理的原丝纤维有所下降;PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的断裂强力及模量随温度升高而下降,且比未处理的原丝纤维下降显著。在湿热无张力的条件下,处理时间不变,PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的断裂伸长率及卷曲伸长率随温度增加而增大,且比未经热处理的原丝好,其断裂强力和模量比未经热处理的原丝纤维下降很多。温度从50℃升到100℃时,三种纤维的断裂伸长率逐渐增大且都好于未经热处理的原丝纤维。PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的卷曲伸长率随温度提高而逐渐下降,但较未经热处理原丝纤维提高。三种纤维的模量随温度增加而降低,并且比未经热处理的原丝纤维下降显著,PTT、PET断裂强力大于未经热处理的原丝,而PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的断裂强力较未经过热处理的原丝纤维下降很多,三种纤维的断裂强力均随着温度增加呈下降趋势。在热处理条件下,PTT/PET双组分复合纤维的卷曲伸长率和断裂伸长率随张力的增加均呈一阶指数形式下降,在小张力下的模量及断裂伸长率变化显著,一旦超过某一值后,模量及断裂伸长率基本处于恒定,不再变化。两种单组分纤维的模量都比未经过热处理的原丝纤维有所下降,并且随张力增加而增加。最后探讨了PTT/PET双组分复合纤维与毛混纤织物的性能,对影响织物弹性的各种因素进行了分析,结果发现,织物中PTT/PET双组分复合纤维随PTT组分比例增大织物弹性略微有所增大,PTT/PET复合纤维采用适中的捻度能提高织物的弹性,织物的断裂负荷及断裂伸长率随捻度的增大而增大,不同织造方式对织物的弹性并无较大影响。PTT/PET原液着色织物和白丝织物力学性能及弹性没有太大的差异,染色织物的弹性要好于原液及白丝织物;经过无张力定型处理的织物其织物的弹性变形能力要好于经过拉幅定型的织物。随着PTT/PET纤维细度增大,织物断裂负荷和模量增大,细度较大时织物在小外力作用下不容易变形,但回复性能好于细度较小的织物。

【Abstract】 The PTT/PET bicomponent fiber has the unique advantages such as bulkiness and elasticity due to the self-crimp determining the good application on the textiles. However, there exist many problems about this fiber and fabric made by the fiber. So in the paper, we study the fiber of PET、PTT and PTT/PET bicomponent fiber. The main work is as followings:First, we use KE SI DA microscope for observing the appearance and configuration of bicomponent fiber. It was found in the bicomponent fiber it is a bilateral array for the PET and PTT. The cross section is anisomerous with PTT and PET side by side. After heat treating the shape of single filament becomes three dimensional curly and the number of crimp is biggest in the condition of relaxation. In the range of some tention, the bulkiness and crimpness fall obviously after the bicomponent fiber is treated with heat. When it exceeds the range of extension, the bulkiness and crimpness become high. Secondly, in the base of experiments, it is analyzed the affect of heating media、time、temperature and tension to the contractility of Polyester fibers. It is found that in the condition of the same tension and dry media, the contractility of PET、PTT and bicomponent fiber increases with the increasing of treating time and temperature. The bicomponent fibre has a steady contractility when the temperature is 140~160℃. In the condition of same tension and wet media, the contractility of PET、PTT and bicomponent fiber increases with the treating time and temperature. The contractility of bicomponent fiber has a nonlinear relation with the treating time. In the initial phase, the contraction increase rapidly and then slowly, after some time, about 10 minutes, it is near to steady. In the condition of the same wetting media or drying media、time and temperature, the contractility of PTT、PET decreases with the falling load. The curve of ratio of contractility presents hyperbola. When the tension<11.5mg/D, the decreasing is obviously as the tension increases. But when it is put in the opposite condition, the changing is not obviously.Thirdly, testing and analyzing the characteristics of the mechanical properties of polyester fibre and finding the typical stress - strain characteristic curve of PTT / PET composite fibre can be divided into six different tensile stages. The two flexible region and two plastic region in the curve are significantly different from PET fibres. In PTT / PET fibre with the increase of PTT component ,the curly elongate rate increased while the modulus declined gradually.In the conditions of hot air and 1 mg / D tension, with the temperature gradually rose from 100℃to 200℃, the rupture elongation rate of PET, PTT and PTT/PET fibres and the curly elongation rate of PTT / PET fibre are better than their original fibres, the fracture strength of PTT and PET fibre are better than their the original fibre, while the fracture strength of PTT / PET composite fibre is less than its original fibre. The modulus of PTT fibre increased with the increasing temperature while the modulus of PET fibre dropped significantly, and the modulus of PTT / PET fibre slightly increased with the increaseing temperature. On the conditions of hot air, no strain and the temperature gradually rose from 100℃to 200℃, the crimp elongation rate and breaking elongation rate of PTT, PTT / PET composite fibre increased with the increasing temperature, and are better than the original fibre. The fracture strength and modulus of PTT fibre increased with the increasing temperature, but they are less than the original fibre’s. The fracture strength and modulus of PTT / PET composite fibre decreased with increasing temperature and they decreased significantly than the original fibre.In the conditions of hot water and no strain, at the same time, the breaking elongation rate and curly elongation rate of PTT / PET fibre increases with increasing temperature and better than the original fibre. The fracture strength and modulus of PTT/PET fibre decreased more than the original fibre without heat treatment. Temperature rose from 50°C 100°C, the breaking elongation rate of the three fibres are gradually increased and are better than the original fiber without heat treatment. The curly elongation rate of PTT / PET composite fibre decreased gradually with the increasing temperature, but better than the original fibre without heat treatment. The modulus of the three fibres decreased with increasing temperature, it decreased significantly compare to the original fibres, and the fracture strength of PTT/PET decreased more than the original fibre without heat treatment, the fracture strength of the three fibres showed downtrend while the temperature increasedUnder hot air treatment condition, the crimp elongation rate and rupture elongation rate of bicomponent PTT/PET fibre all declined exponentially with increasing tension. The modulus under small tension and fracture strength all changed significantly and when the tension was larger than a critical value, the modulus and elongation at break were nearly constant. Besides, compared with the untreated fibres, the modulus of the two single-component fibres were decreased to some extent and they all increased with increasing tension.At last, it is discussed the property of PTT/PET biocomponent fiber/wool fiber blended fabric. It is analyzed the different factors affecting the elasticity. It is found the elasticity of fabric increases with the ratio of bicomponent fiber to PTT. In the proper twist, the elasticity can be promoted. The breading load and elongation at break increase with the twist, and the way of weaving has no affect to the elasticity. The mechanic property of PTT/PET bicomponent fabric with Dope dyeing and fabric with no dyeing has no differences. After relaxation, the elasticity of dyeing fabric is better than the fabric with Dope dyeing and fabric with no dyeing; the elasticity of fabric treated with relaxation is better than the fabric treated with framing setting. The modulus and breading load increase with size of fiber. When the size of fiber is big, the fabric is not transformed easily, but the restoration is better than the fabric with small size of fiber.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TQ342.2
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】623

