The Strategy of Idioms Interpretation in Chinese-English Conference Consecutive Interpretation
【作者】 徐乃冬;
【导师】 林美玟;
【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士
【摘要】 会议交替传译是一项艰巨且极富挑战性的工作。议员需要在有限的时间和巨大心理压力下完成对源语言内容的传达。在汉英会议口译现场,发言者言词中出现的习语俗语等难以简单传译的词汇为译员的工作造成极大困难。习语由于其所蕴涵的深厚历史、文化、社会内涵和意象被公认为汉英口译中的最大难点。在以往对于口译的研究中,由于文化背景的原因,极少有外国学者对这一领域做出探索,而国内的研究往往少将习语的口笔译分离,少数关于口译习语的研究也是建立在经验论的基础上,仅限于简单的分类举例,缺少强有力的理论支撑。本文旨在借鉴巴黎释义学派“脱离词语外壳”理论并结合吉尔口译模式理论,探讨并总结汉语习语口译中简便可行的策略并探索其背后的理论基础,以缓解议员心理压力,提高现场表现,协助议员出色完成任务。本文从口译的历史、分类、特点及译员素质的介绍入手,从思维科学和跨文化交际学的角度对口译中习语地翻译策略进行了理论上地分析并回顾了前人对口译的研究。并通过借鉴巴黎释义学派理论和吉尔理论对口译理解模式进行了深入探讨。为习语理解策略指明了理论方向。同时,借助对影响口译产出。因素的剖析,探讨了习语口译最终产出使用的策略,分门别类地总结出一系列简便可行的习语口译策略。此外,为加固本文理论框架,文章还从认知语言学和心理学角度对“脱离词语外壳”这一颇具争议的理论做出解释。
【Abstract】 Conference consecutive interpretation is a demanding and challenging task in which the interpreters have to work with high pressure and within limited time to reproduce what is conveyed in the source language. To make things worse, in Chinese - English conference consecutive interpretation, the irregular appearance of idioms made it more difficult for interpreters to fulfill their task. Idioms, as a generally accepted rule, are the biggest obstacle in both translation and interpretation due to their profound cultural and social connotation uniquely existed in the source language culture. However, nowadays government officials and prestigious speakers both like to use idioms in their speeches in order to make them more vivid, terse and rhythmic. Facing such a condition, interpreters have no choice but to work their way out to find the most effective, accurate and feasible approach to Chinese idiom interpretation.Due to differences in cultural background few foreign scholars have tried to explore in the field of Chinese idioms interpretation. Previous research that the home scholars did is mainly based on practice and lacks theoretical framework.. This thesis attempts to explore some strategies to facilitate and simplify the interpretation of Chinese idioms in conference interpretation on the basis of Paris School’s "Interpretive Theory". It uses "Deverbalization" mechanism to explain the formulation of comprehension strategy in Chinese idioms interpretation, thus shedding some light on the work of interpreters to mitigate their psychological pressure and uplift their onsite performance.Starting from a general introduction to interpretation, this thesis analyzes the Chinese idioms interpretation strategies from a cognitive and cross-cultural perspective on the basis of Paris School "Interpretive Theory" and Daniel Gile’s Comprehension Model, setting up the theoretical framework for Chinese idioms comprehension in interpretation. At the same time, by in-depth analysis of elements which influence the interpreting reproduction, it summarized simple and feasible strategies which help interpreters with language reproduction in Chinese idioms interpretation.
【Key words】 Chinese idioms interpretation; interpretation strategies; consecutive interpretation; idioms comprehension; language reproduction;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
- 【分类号】H315.9
- 【被引频次】5
- 【下载频次】462