

Influences of Dalian Local Accent over the Acquisition of RP Consonant

【作者】 林蕾舒

【导师】 谭万成;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 北方方言是汉语普通话的语言基础,大连地区方音是包括在北方方言中的一种地方口音,其在声母和韵母系统方面与普通话的构成系统基本相同,但个别声母和韵母的发音也存在着与普通话发音不同的情况,这种差异所带来的交流障碍不但体现在国内不同地区的人之间,更反映在英语学习者在英语语音习得中的障碍,并直接影响了国内该地区英语学习者与英语本族语者之间的交流。本研究以大连地区两所中学三个初一年级的115名大连本地学生为研究对象,通过调查问卷,现场采访录音,课堂观察相结合的研究方法,通过定性分析,旨在探究大连地区方言中的辅音系统与英语(公认音)辅音系统的异同,从发音方式、发音部位等方面分析大连地区方言辅音系统的情况,并将其同普通话和英语辅音系统进行比较,找出其中的异同,从而发现由于地方口音给英语语音习得造成的障碍,并纠正由此带来的发音错误,以达到在英语语音学习阶段最大限度地准确掌握英语的发音,同时也给国内其他地区英语学习者带来启示。研究结果表明大连地区辅音与汉语普通话辅音有相同点也有不同点,由于个别辅音如卷舌音[(?)]在大连地区方音中被读成/y/[i],这直接影响到了英语公认音中辅音/r/的发音准确性.对于某些普通话中不存在而在大连地区方音中出现的音如/v/,则对英语中/v/音的习得起到了一定的辅助作用.对于英语中出现而在汉语普通话和大连地区方音中都不存在的辅音如/θ,(?)/,该地区的英语学习者普遍存在发音上的错误,最明显的就是用方音中的相似音代替准确的英语公认音辅音.通过课堂观察笔者还发现教师在发音的准确性上也存在一定的问题,调查结果表明学生们大都选择模仿老师的发音,这也是导致错误发音不能得到及时准确纠正的一个原因.该研究给英语语音习得者和英语教学的启示是,重视地方方言给英语语音学习带来的障碍,从根本上纠正不正确的发音习惯,从而在英语语音学习的重要阶段为英语学习者奠定一个良好的发音基础.

【Abstract】 Chinese Putonghua is based on North Mandarin,and Dalian local accent is one of the subbranchs of North Mandarin group.The Initials and Finals of Dalian local accent and those of Chinese Putonghua have similarities,while differences also exist. These differences proved an obstacle to the communication between native speakers with Dalian local accent and people from other areas of China.What’ worse,Dalian local accent also has certain influences on the acquisition of English pronunciation, especially those negative influences,which we call negative transfer make the communication between EFL learners of Dalian area and English native speakers more difficult.The participants of the study are 115 first year students from two junior middle schools in Sanshilipu,Dalian.The research is conducted by means of questionnaire, tape recordings,face-to-face interview,and classroom observation.Through qualitative analyses of the data,the writer found the similarities and differences between Dalian,consonants,Chinese Putonghua consonants and British RP consonants in respect of manner of articulation and place of articulation.In that way, the influences of Dalian local accent on the acquisition of RP consonants are discovered;and those errors caused by the negative influences are corrected.The research results are helpful for EFL learners of Dalian area to acquire accurate RP consonants.Meanwhile,it can also provide useful information for EFL learners from other areas of China.The research results show that there are similarities and differences between Dalian consonants and Chinese Putonghua consonants.Certain consonant like retroflex fricative[(?)]is pronounced as/y/[i]in Dalian area,which influences the pronunciation of/ff in RP consonant.As for some consonant like/v/which exists in Dalian consonant but not Chinese Putonghua consonant,it is easier for Dalian EFL learners to pronounce RP consonant/v/.As for some consonants like/θ,(?)/,which exist neither in Dalian consonant nor in Chinese Putonghua consonant,almost all the participants pronounced these two fricatives in a wrong way,and the obvious mistake is that these two consonants were replaced by other two similar consonants appeared in Dalian consonant.During the classroom observation,the writer found that some English teacher’s own pronunciation did not reach a high level,and most of the students tend to imitate their English teachers’ pronunciation.It is one of the reasons why the students’ inaccurate English pronunciation was not corrected in time.The implication of this study is that both EFL learners and teachers should pay attention to the influences of a dialect or accent over the SLA,avoid the negative influences,and get rid of the incorrect pronunciation habits.In that way,EFL learners can reach a high level on the acquisition of English speech sound.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】328

