

Visualization of Network Performance in Network Management

【作者】 时淼

【导师】 赵子祥;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪的一些重要特征就是数字化、网络化和信息化,它是一个以网络为核心的信息时代。随着人们对网络的需求不断增大,自然而然的人们对于网络性能的要求也不断增高。研究计算机网络的性能对于提高网络的速度、克服网络的瓶颈具有十分重要的意义。对网络的性能进行分析和评价,也是进行网络规划和优化的基础,因为一个真正满足用户需求的网络必须是一个高性能的网络。网络性能可视化的研究对于网络性能的监测具有十分重要的意义,建立一个可靠的性能模型可以便于及时准确地掌握网络性能的基本状况,对于因为某些原因导致网络性能下降可以做到及时发现,及时控制。本文首先在第一章讲述了本课题目前网络性能的研究现状以及研究目的;接下来在第二章讲述了网络性能概念,如何测量网络性能相关的参数以及流量与性能直接的关系;然后在第三章讲述了建立一个基于流量的网络性能模型需要的工具和方法以及当前网络流量模型的分类;第五章主要详细介绍了作者针对本学校校园网的实际情况建立的基于流量的网络性能模型;最后在总结展望中主要讲述了性能可视化未来的发展和本课题今后希望解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Some important characteristics for 21 centuries are digital, networking and information, the network is the core of the times. Along with people’s need to network, of its own accord people’s request of network performance also increases continuously increase.It is of great significance to study the performance of computer networks, In order to raise the network speed and overcome the network bottleneck. The network performance analysis and evaluation is also the basis of network plan and optimization, for a network that fully fills the requirement of its user should be a high performance one. Visualization of network performance has a great significance to network performance monitoring, building up a dependable model is easy to control the network’s basic things and find the decrease of network performance in time.In this article, the first chapter discourse the background of this article and the purpose of this article. In the second chapter, it is discourse the concept of the network performance, how to measure the data of network performance and the relation between network flow and network performance. In the third chapter, it is discourse how many kind of network flow model and how to build a network performance model based on network flow. In the fourth chapter, it builds a real model relate on campus network. In the last chapter, it discourses development of visualization of network performance and plans to solve the problem in future.

  • 【分类号】TP393.07
  • 【下载频次】112

