

Design and Development of Ship Main Engine Remote Control System Simulation Training System

【作者】 韩学胜

【导师】 张均东;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 主机遥控系统是保障主机正常稳定运行的重要控制系统。它通过对船舶主柴油机进行远距离遥控操纵的方式来改善人们的工作环境,改进机器的工作条件。因此,主机遥控系统性能的优劣直接影响到船舶主机的工作性能,想要优化和充分发挥船舶主机遥控系统的性能,就需要了解它在工作时的各种逻辑和调速、安全保护等环节。本文以大型集装箱船主机遥控系统为基础,基于相关理论,通过对主机气动操纵系统、典型的主机遥控系统、电子调速器、安全保护系统的功能的分析,得到主机遥控系统的相关数学模型。并建立了基于容积法的柴油机数学模型,然后利用Matlab中的Simulink工具进行仿真,仿真结果与已知数据较为吻合,从而验证了仿真模型的正确性。在数学模型较为正确的基础上,利用Microsoft Visual C++工具编制了界面。首先,利用面向对象的方法将船舶主机遥控系统分为各个实现一定功能的子对象,并用面向对象的Visual C++语言,将各个子对象编制为相应的类,每个类都进行封装,各类之间的交互通过外部接口来实现;然后,在Microsoft Visual C++.Net的编译环境下,以各种图像制作和处理工具为辅助,搭建实现多种仿真操作与显示功能的仿真界面,将上述各个类与仿真界面有效的结合,最后完成仿真软件的制作。

【Abstract】 The main engine remote control system is an important control system to ensure the stable operation of main engine. Through the remote control of the engine,it can improve people’s working condition and engine’s status. Therefore, the performance of the main engine remote control system directly affects the performance of the main engine. If we want to optimize and give full play to the main engine remote control system performance, there is a need to understand its principle at work. MATLAB is a fashionable tool for computer modeling and simulation. The simulation for main engine remote control system based on MATLAB embodies the characteristics of tracking, researching, and using new technology, thereby is worthwhile.This paper based on the main engine remote control system of a large container vessel, a math model has been founded through the analysis of the control system and main engine. Then the author use Simulink for simulating, the result is coincident with known data, thus verifying the correctness of the model.On the basis of the mathematical model is nearly accurately, the author get the simulation displaying through programming language Visual C++. Firstly, utilize the Objected-Oriented Technique to categorize the main engine control system into many child objects to achieve certain functions, and compile every object to a class in the programming language Visual C++. These classes are not visual from the outside, and they exchange data and function only through the outer joints. Next, in the environment of Microsoft Visual C++.Net, with the help of many kinds of graph making tools, form a lot of simulation interfaces which can ensure some functions about simulation operating and displaying. Then connect the simulation interfaces effectively with those computing classes, finally complete the simulation software.

  • 【分类号】U664.82
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】386

