

Research on the Company Management Style in Law Firms

【作者】 崔耀天

【导师】 赵伊川;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 企业管理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国恢复律师制度的25年里,律师业飞速发展,律师事务所也从单一的国办所发展为现在的多样化组织形式和多样化管理模式。但是随着我国市场经济的不断深化及加入WTO,我国经济与世界经济融合的进程逐步加快。这为我国律师业的发展提供了前所未有的机遇,也给其带来了严峻的挑战。我国现存合伙管理模式下的律师事务所已不能完全适应当前律师业的发展需要。律师界业内人士和相关学者呼吁我国律师业走公司化道路,推行律师公司化改革。本文就是以此为出发点立题撰写此课题的。笔者通过五章的内容阐述律师事务所公司化管理模式的主要问题:在第1章中,笔者首先介绍了律师事务所公司化管理模式产生的背景,历史分析法阐述了律师事务所公司化的因素;然后通过概括、总结、比较分析,阐述了律师事务所公司化管理模式的内涵和基本特征。这一章的内容是本文进一步论述的基础。笔者用第2章的篇幅来介绍律师事务所公司化在国外的发展和应用,以说明律师事务所公司化在世界范围内已经成为一种必然趋势。我国作为律师业后起之国也应当顺应世界发展的趋势,对我国的事务所进行公司化变革。第3章阐介绍了我国律师事务所的现有组织形式和管理模式,比较分析的方法阐述了公司化管理模式比之前的管理模式具有的优势。第4章和第5章是全文的重点部分,阐述了我国律师事务所引进公司化管理模式的基本制度改革包括产权结构、分配制度和部门结构等,并具体阐述了公司化管理模式下具体管理模块的构建如文化管理、人力资源管理、市场营销、客户管理等,是本核心部分。

【Abstract】 The lawyers system has been restored as long as 25 years in our country. During that time, lawyer affairs developed so fast that the law firms organized only by country has been set up by diverse forms and diverse management style. Along with the development of our marketing economy and becoming the member of WTO, the fusion of our country’s economy with the world’s economy has got a gradual progress, which provides unprecedented opportunities and rigorous challenges to the lawyers. The form of partnership management already can not adapt to the demands in the development of our lawyers. Many lawyers and legalists call for the company management being brought in the law firms.This article elaborates the company management in law firms through five chapters:The author introduces the background and occasion of the company management in law firms in Chapter 1 at first. Then this Part summarizes the concept of the company management in law firms and analyzes comparatively the basic characteristics of the management style. This chapter is the foundation for deeper discourse.The development and application of company management in foreign law firms, states in Chapter 2, that illuminates the change of management in law firms in world. And it is necessary for our county to follow this development trend.The author states the present situation of management code in our law firms and analyzes the difference of the company management and the other managements in Chapter 3.The chapter 4 and chapter 5 expand how to carry out the company management in our law firms not only in basic organizational structures but also in all details of management.

  • 【分类号】D926.5
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】666

