

Study on Spilled Oil Trajectory Contingency Forecast System for Dalian Bay

【作者】 徐淑波

【导师】 熊德琪;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 环境科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作为中国东北地区重要的海上航运中心区域,大连湾海域近年来重大溢油事故频繁发生,不仅造成天然渔业、水产养殖业和旅游业的巨大经济损失,而且严重破坏海洋生态环境。因此,必须建立和完善溢油污染事故应急反应体系,以迅速有效地对溢油事故进行处理。其中,开发海上溢油漂移动态预测信息系统,可以为应急反应指挥者提供准确、直观图形显示的辅助决策支持,有利于减少溢油事故对海洋生态环境和社会经济的损害影响,这有着重要的现实意义。本文首先详细剖析了海上溢油污染事故对海洋生态环境以及社会经济的损害影响。其次,在分析海上溢油行为动态的基础上,对影响海上溢油行为变化的海面风、潮流、风海流等环境动力因素进行研究;在国内外相关研究基础上,建立了基于拉格朗日“油粒子”概念的海上溢油行为动态数值模型,可以模拟溢油的漂移、扩散、蒸发、乳化等主要运动和风化过程。此外,文中介绍了大连湾海域的航运环境及自然条件,也分析了敏感资源区域受到油码头溢油的污染风险。最后,针对大连湾海域特点建立了“大连湾海域溢油漂移动态预测信息系统”,该系统具有地理信息系统(GIS)、溢油应急反应信息查询、海上溢油漂移扩散数值预测模拟及结果图形可视化显示等功能。应用该系统对“阿提哥”溢油事故进行案例模拟,模拟结果与实际调查报告基本吻合,也表明该系统能够在实际溢油事故应急反应中提供有效辅助决策支持。

【Abstract】 Dalian port is one of the most important shipping centers in north east China. In recent years, many large oil spill accidents happened in Dalian bay water, which resulted in great economic losses in natural fishery, aquaculture and tourism, and also brought great harm to the ocean ecology environment. Therefore, it’s necessary to establish and perfect the oil spill emergency response mechanism, and develop the oil spill trajectory forecast model and software system, to provide accurate and graphical decision-making support to the emergency responder to minimize the damage and loss caused by the oil spill accidents.In this paper, the damage effects on both the ocean ecology environment and the social economy resulting from marine oil spill accidents were introduced in detail. Based on the analysis of the behavior of spilled oil at sea, the environmental dynamic factors such as wind, tidal current and wind-driven current were studied. Based on the research of the numerical modeling theories and methods on the spilled oil at sea, a Lagrange oil-particle concept based oil spill trajectory numerical model, which can simulate several important transportation and weathering processes such as advection, spreading, evaporation and emulsification, etc., was built. Besides, both the nature and shipping conditions of Dalian bay were presented, and the risks of oil spills in the sensitive resource areas were also analyzed.At the end, an oil spill trajectory forecast information system for the Dalian bay was developed. The system has many functions such as the geographic information system (GIS), oil spill emergency response information inquiring, and numerical prediction of the oil spill trajectory, and dynamic graphical display of simulation results. The system was applied to simulate the Arteaga oil spill accident happened in Dalian bay, it shows that the simulation results are well agreed with the field investigation report, and it’s feasible that the system can be used in actual oil spill accident emergency response to provide the effective decision-making supports.

【关键词】 大连湾海域溢油漂移动态应急预测
【Key words】 Dalian bayOil spillTrajectoryForecast
  • 【分类号】X55
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】327

