

Aresearch on Issues about Comteptition Law under the WTO Law System

【作者】 闫晓雷

【导师】 侯淑波;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 一般来说,竞争政策被视为一个主权国家的内部事务。近几十年来经济自由化、全球化日益加深,对竞争政策现有的国内法及在国际法上的不足提出了严峻的挑战。国际领域的竞争及竞争的解决引起相关人士越来越多的关注。WTO现有协议的一些内容是涉及竞争方面的,争端解决机制的专家们在解决涉及竞争的贸易争端时也做出了许多尝试,取得了一些效果,但由于许多成员国不能在某些问题上达成一定共识,因而决定了上述尝试不能根本地解决问题,可见WTO在解决竞争问题上的力不从心。在未能探索出一个切实可行的竞争解决机制之前,我们要认真考虑这个探索可能面临的问题和挑战。这些问题既来自于竞争领域自身特有的属性,也来自于WTO作为一个拥有广泛和深远影响力的贸易性组织的特性。发展中国家也要在WTO框架下建立和完善竞争法律制度,本文从发展中国家要保持清醒的头脑,合理利用争端解决机制方面、积极参与争端解决改革谈判方面、正确利用争端解决政策维护真正意义的平等方面及发展中国家为受害方时完善其报复制度方面提出了一些自己的想法。而WTO在全盘考虑国际争端解决时可能遇到的问题及付出努力后也要设计出一套切实可行的方案。在此方面作者也从增强国际争端解决机制的透明度(包括公开审理过程及内容和允许并支持非政府组织的参与)、建立和完善报复制度(包括建立集体报复制度、防止滥用报复,增强报复的可预见性、允许发展中国家使用惩罚性报复)、建议设立常设的专家小组、完善补偿制度和增强特殊及差别待遇条款的可操作性等方面进行了探讨,并提出了相关见解。笔者相信WTO作为一个拥有广泛和深远影响力的贸易性组织的特性一定会为解决竞争问题做出重要的贡献。

【Abstract】 In general, competition policy is regarded as the domestic affairs of a sovereign state. In the past decades, the advent of the free and global economy has raised severe challenge for the inadequacy of the present laws of competition policy and the international laws. The international competition and the settlement in the field of competition has absorbed more and more concerns. Some contents of the WTO existing rules on this issue dealt with competition and the panels of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body did deal with some competition-related disputes and did make some constructive and meaningful endeavors. However, its limited capacity decided that the WTO and its panels could not settle the issue completely and they were in a weak position when being faced up the challenge from competition -related problems. Before we rush into any substantial resolution, we need to take into consideration all of the possible problems and challenges related to it as long as any measure is taken. Some of the problem come from the unique nature of competition territory and some others come from the WTO itself as a powerful and influential trade organization. The developing counties also need to set up and consummate competition law policy. If we eventually manage to work out a practical and feasible resolution after considering all the possible problems and costs , the WTO is certain to make great contribution towards the multilateral harmorization on international competition laws.

【关键词】 WTO竞争发展中国家争端解决
【Key words】 WTOCompetitionDeveloping countryThe dispute settlement
  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】60

