

Study on the Training of Elementary PLA Cadets

【作者】 郎保华

【导师】 徐相义;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 作战指挥学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国特色军事变革的发展,对我军新型初级指挥生长军官培养提出了新的时代要求。1999年以来,我军从改革初级指挥生长军官的组训方式入手,按照《军队院校教育改革和发展纲要》对指挥人才的要求以及高素质新型军事人才的标准,着手培养新型初级指挥生长军官。然而,在新型初级指挥生长军官的培养实践中,还存在一些突出的矛盾和问题,这些矛盾和问题,与世界新军事变革以及中国特色军事变革的发展不相适应,与我军建设信息化军队、打赢信息化战争的要求不相适应。所以,研究新型初级指挥生长军官的培养,探索解决这些矛盾和问题,是我们面临的时代课题,也是我军指挥人才培养面临的迫切任务。研究这一课题,既有利于丰富新型初级指挥生长军官培养理论,也有利于指导我军新型初级指挥生长军官的培养实践,更有利于推进中国特色军事变革的快速发展。本课题以世界新军事变革、中国特色军事变革以及素质教育在当代的发展为背景,运用分析、归纳、比较、演绎等方法,系统探讨了新型初级指挥生长军官的培养问题,主要包括:新型初级指挥生长军官培养的提出与发展;新型初级指挥生长军官素质结构需求;外军初级指挥生长军官培养的特点和经验:我军新型初级指挥生长军官培养的现状;我军新型指挥生长军官培养的发展对策。在对策研究过程中,通过分析新型初级指挥生长军官的素质需求,借鉴外军初级指挥生长军官培养的经验,结合我军新型初级指挥生长军官培养实践的现状,提出了推进我军新型初级指挥生长军官培养发展的六项对策:以科学发展观为指导,强化思想观念创新;瞄准新型素质结构要求,提高顶层设计质量;以“合训分流”模式为基础,加强培养模式的配套建设;围绕关键环节的突破,加大教学实践领域改革;着力形成综合优势,推进育人环境的全面建设;发挥实践育人作用,完善帖近实战要求的锻炼平台。

【Abstract】 Development in our country’s military affairs put forward new requirements for the training of military officers even at the elementary level. Since 1999, PLA has carried out a series of reforms to improve the overall qualities of its military stuff. Nonetheless, there are still a lot of problems and difficulties left unsolved especially in such an era. Therefore, it is both necessary and helpful to further study the training the military officers especially at the elementary level.Based on the domestic and global military background, this paper discusses systemically the training of elementary officers. It mainly covers the following aspects: definition and development of elementary officers training (EOT), experiences and characteristics of EOT in other countries, current status and requirements of EOT for PLA. By analyzing the experiences and characteristics of EOT in other counties, and the problems and characteristics of EOT in our country, this paper puts forward some renovating ideas. They are as follows: to set up the humanism training principle, to carry out quality education, to utilize all educational resources, to take the strategic opportunity of the new era, and to develop harmoniously. Besides, this paper also suggests the ways to optimize EOT, that is, to update training principles, to strengthen top building, to improve training approach and training environment, and to strengthen field practice and further education.

  • 【分类号】E251.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】590

