

Research and Design of Highway Engineering Information Management System Based on J2EE

【作者】 马志远

【导师】 潘正运;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来公路建设由于其巨大的社会效益和经济效益而成为投资的热点和重点。在强大的投资倾斜之下,公路建设以超乎寻常的速度发展。与此同时,公路建设过程中的管理方式与方法仍在延续传统的手工模式,适应不了目前管理的复杂性要求,工程质量难以保证、费用难以控制以及进度不尽如人意。因此,设计并开发一套公路工程信息管理系统就显得尤为迫切。实现一套信息管理系统并不困难,困难的是如何用最少的代价构建一个具有可移植性,可维护性和可扩展性信息管理系统。所以本文重点就是给出一套采用J2EE的设计思想的轻量级WEB框架,并在此基础上给出系统的具体设计与实现。本文介绍了J2EE的体系结构及其设计思想,分析了J2EE中的核心组件EJB,指出其不适应中小型信息管理系统。同时,作者结合目前业界先进的设计思想反转控制(IoC)和面向切面编程(AOP),提出一套轻量级的WEB系统软件结构ASH。这套软件结构较为全面的解决了目前中小型WEB系统所面临一般性的问题。另外,作者根据工程的实际需要,采用功能分割的方法,将该系统的分解成为四大子系统,并着重对其中的安全子系统和工程管理子系统的进行了设计。在设计过程中作者采用了面向对象的方法学,分析了系统所需用例图与流程图并对系统中各个实体进行数据建模。最后,结合了ASH框架和对工程的分析,作者实现了公路工程信息管理系统(HWPMIS)。

【Abstract】 Recently, road constructions become the hotspot and keystone of investment for its huge social and economic benefits, In the powerful incline of investment, road constructions are developing incredibly. At the same time, the management during the process of road construction is still applying traditional manual method, which can not meet the requirements of actual complicated management, such as difficulty in project quality, controlling cost and the schedule. Therefore, it needs to design and exploit an information management system for road constructions.It is not difficult to realize an information management system, but what difficult is how to realize it in lest cost, and make it transplantable, maintainable and expansible. So, the point of this paper is providing a light level architecture which based on J2EE design, and implementing this information management system with this light architecture.Firstly, this paper introduce the thought of J2EE and analyze EJB component, the kernel component of J2EE and then point out the EJB component’s insufficiency and maladjustment for medium and small information management system. In connection with the advanced design concepts, inversion of control (IoC) and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), author present a light WEB architecture, named ASH, which solves the popular problem in WEB system. Then according to the requirement of project, author divides this system into four subsystems depending on functional structure and gives the design of security subsystem and project management subsystem. During design process, object oriented method is adopted. Author has analyzed the system demand with use case diagram and flow chart, and also made data modeling for every entity of the whole system. Finally, this paper has described system realization under ASH architecture and analysis of project.

【关键词】 反转控制框架面向方面的编程容器
【Key words】 IoCFrameworkAOPContainer
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】108

