

The Design and Realization for Dynamic Labeling in Electronic Map

【作者】 娄倩

【导师】 郭建忠;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 地图注记自动配置一直是地图生产自动化研究的一项重要内容,也是计算机制图领域具有挑战性的问题之一,同时也与GIS的应用和输出密切相关。近20年间,GIS得到了迅速发展,其应用领域已扩展到经济和社会发展的各个方面,这拓展了电子地图的应用领域和产品形式。电子地图是无级、无缝和动态变化的,用户每一次改变显示比例或者改变显示区域都会形成一幅新的地图,为了使电子地图的图面显示更加清晰美观,避免注记信息的缺损,就要求注记的配置具有动态性,需要用算法来动态调整注记并定位。论文参阅相关资料,结合电子地图的特点和GIS开发应用,对电子地图动态注记进行了相关研究。1)分析了电子地图特点,结合电子地图的LOD细节分层显示,论述了电子地图动态注记的相关概念,并对电子地图中动态注记的特点及其实现动态注记的有利/不利因素进行分析和总结。2)对电子地图的动态注记问题进行深入分析,提出便于操作的动态注记的表达模型,对注记配置中的关键问题逐一分析并研究解决方案。分析注记质量评价准则并建立可操作性较强的注记质量评价模型。3)研究适应动态注记配置需求的数据组织管理方法并实现了相关数据结构,利用面向对象的思想抽象和处理数据,提出了在数据结构中建立缓冲区,并把缓冲区的大小作为影响注记质量评价模型的重要因素,优化了注记配置效果。4)分析和研究了现有注记配置算法,结合电子地图动态注记的特点,提出了兼顾地物重要性等级的改进贪心算法,统一考虑地图上点、线、面要素,实现了点状、线状、面状要素的注记动态配置。论文所改进的贪心算法,应用于多个GIS应用系统中,取得了良好的效果。实验证明;算法响应速度快、注记配置质量高,能满足当前电子地图的应用需求,有较强的实用价值。

【Abstract】 Automatic map labeling is an important task of the automated cartography. It is a challenging task in cartography field, and plays an important role in GIS application and output.GIS is developed rapidly in recent twenty years, and it had been used in all fields of economy and society, this heips to extend the using and fortify the preduct of the electronic map .The electronic map is more dynamic, Real-time and alternating in expression, a new map will be shown while the display range or scale of the electronic map be changed by user, the contents are changed too,this required to seek proper palces for map labels by arithmetic in order to show a pretty map and avoid overlapping or absenting some information of label. Whith having refered to enough datas, the authe studies concerned method.1. The paper analyzes the characteristics of electronic map, combining with the Level of detail, discourses upon the conception of the electronic map dynamic labeling and analyzes & summarizes the characteristics of he electronic map dynamic labeling and the advantage / disadvantage of the realizing of dynamic labeling electronic map.2. According to analysis the question of electronic map dynamic labeling, the paper brings forward the descriptive model of dynamic labeling, analyzes the key problems of automatic labeling and studies the methods to resolve the problems. The paper analyzes the estimation rule of label quality and set up more maneuverable estimation model of label quality.3. The paper studies the data organization method and and realized the data structure which is suit to the dynamic labeling. With the object-oriented thought to abstract and deal with data, the paper puts forward that buffer should be set up in the data structure and its size is the important affection in the label quality estimation model. This method optimizes the label organization effectively.4. The paper analyzes and studies the arithmetic of existing on labeling, and brings forward the improved greedy search strategy which considers the class of elements weightiness and the elements of points, lines & polygons, and realizes the label dynamic configurations of points, lines & polygons elements.The greedy search strategy improved by the paper is applied in many GIS and obtains the good effect. The arithmetic can configure the label quickly and get high quality configurations in the test. The improved greedy search strategy is useful and effective in the label configurations.

  • 【分类号】P283.7
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】436

