

【作者】 冷冰

【导师】 储育明;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 股东(大)会是公司的最高权力机关,是由全体股东组成的会议体,是由各个股东作出意思表示而形成决议,从而在公司内部决定公司意思公司法定必备最高机关。股东(大)会决议是股东在股东(大)会会议上所作出的意思表示基于资本多数决原则形成的法律行为。股东(大)会运作依赖于股东(大)会会议的召开,而召集程序又是股东(大)会召开的第一步,召集程序存在瑕疵,会产生多种影响。本文着重从召集程序对股东(大)会决议行为的影响角度,讨论召集程序瑕疵对股东(大)会决议效力的影响以及其补正措施。股东(大)会召集程序的内容主要包括召集权人、召集通知的期限、方式、内容及对象。召集权人是指有权召集股东(大)会的人。什么样的人或机构有权召集股东(大)会是召集制度的重要组成部分,也与召集制度价值密切相关。召集权是一种权利,但是召集权的行使需要具备一定的条件。无召集权人召集,属于召集权的瑕疵,表现为董事会召集中的瑕疵,监事会召集中的瑕疵以及少数股东召集中的瑕疵。召集通知是指什么样的股东(大)会的信息何时及如何到达哪些股东,以便股东出席股东(大)会。召集的通知是股东(大)会召集制度一个重要的组成部分,没有召集的通知,股东(大)会的召集也无从实现,股东(大)会决议将受其影响。召集通知中的瑕疵,在召集期间上,表现为未按法律规定提前召集股东(大)会议,在召集通知的方式上,主要是未按法定方式发出召集通知,在通知的对象上,表现为通知对于股东有所遗漏,在内容上,瑕疵主要是未依照法律、法规等规定发布通知,并且以此进行决议。召集程序的各种瑕疵都会影响股东的意思表示的作出及有效性,进而影响决议行为的效力。比如,无召集权人召集的股东集会缺乏形式要件,根本不能被看作是一个股东(大)会,基于其所产生的决议在法律上也不应被看作是个决议,此决议应为不成立。而召集通知程序中的瑕疵,有的会影响股东的出席,当股东出席不足法定出席比例时,此股东(大)会决议的成立要件即不具备,股东(大)会决议不成立;有的瑕疵则会影响股东作出能反映自己真实意思的表示,基于股东有瑕疵的意思表示所形成的决议行为,应予以撤销来保护股东利益。召集程序的瑕疵虽然会导致公司股东(大)会决议行为的瑕疵,但是,一概令决议行为不成立或可撤销对股东、公司以及第三人可能会产生很大的损失,所以许多国家针对缺陷召集程序引起的决议行为瑕疵,设计了相应补救措施。如在股东全体都出席或者有的利益受损股东放弃行使其时权利,视为决议的瑕疵已经补救,而在召集程序的瑕疵微小的情形时,虽然股东有权请求法院撤销,但应参考日本及我国台湾地区的立法例,赋予法院裁量驳回的权利,以维护法律关系的稳定。我国在公司法的修改时,也应注意吸收这些措施,以利于正确贯彻和实施召集程序。文章最后提出本文的结论。召集程序事关股东(大)会决议的效力,其瑕疵对股东意思表示有重要影响,而股东(大)会决议是由股东的意思表示按多数决议的方式形成,所以决议行为也会因召集程序中的不同瑕疵而受影响。我国公司法未区分各种不同瑕疵对决议行为的影响,一律规定为可撤销不妥当。同时,由于决议行为影响较大,一律规定不成立或可撤销可能会导致公司、股东及第三人权利受损,因此对召集程序瑕疵规定相应补正措施。对此许多国家已有规定,我国的一些部门规章也有涉及,公司法中应该对此加以规定。

【Abstract】 The shareholders’ meeting is the organ that decides the intention of the company. In the meeting, the shareholders make their intention expressed and form the resolution of shareholders’ meeting. The convening procedure of the shareholders’ meeting is the starting point that the shareholders’ meeting operates. It is very important to the meeting. This article mainly talks about the influence of convening system to the effectiveness of the resolution maked by the shareholders’ meeting.The contents of shareholders’ meeting, mainly includes person who has the right, the time limit, the way of the meeting, contents and the people who come to the meeting. The caller is the person who have the right to hold the shareholders’ meeting. The kind of person or the organization have the right to call the shareholders’meeting mainly rely on the calling system. The calling right is a kind of power, and it is also need qualification. If the person who have not the right calling the meeting, it will be a kind of flaw in the meeting. The notify of the calling contains what kind of the information of the shareholders’ meeting when and how arrive which shareholders, for the purpose of shareholder attend the shareholders’ meeting. It is also one part of the calling system. Without it the shareholder’s meeting will no be hold. The circular of call is a shareholders’meeting and would call the system a constitute the part importantly, the circular that did not call, the shareholder’s meeting calls to also have no from the realization, the shareholders’meeting wills resolution and should will is affect by it. Call the minor faults in the circular, during the period of call up, express in order to did not press the law provision to call the shareholders’ meeting in advance, in calling the way of the circular, mainly is to did not press legal way to send out to call the circular, in the object that notify, express for the circular to have the lapse to the shareholder, on the contents, minor faults mainly is to did not release the circular according to the provisions, such as law and laws...etc. and the proceed thus resolution. Various minor faults that calls the procedure will affect the meaning of the shareholder to mean of make the and usefulnesses, then affect the effect of resolution the behavior. For example, didn’t call the power the person call of shareholder hold a meeting to lack the form important item, the root can’t be seen make is a shareholders’ meeting, according to it produce of it is that resolution also shouldn’t be see make on the law resolution, this resolution should for not establish. But call to notify the minor faults in the procedure, have of will affect the shareholder to attend, be the shareholder to attend the shortage legal attend the comparison, this shareholders’ meeting will resolution of establish the important item and does not have namely, the shareholders’ meeting wills resolution not to establish. Some minor faults then will affect the shareholder to make a can reflect the true meaning of oneself of mean, according to the resolution behavior that meaning become when mean that the shareholder has the minor faults, should cancel to protect the shareholder benefits. Call although the minor faults of the procedure will cause the company law modify, also should notice to absorb these measures, for the convenience of carrying through and carrying out to call the procedure in the exactitude.The conclusion of this article is that the convening procedure is very important to the meeting, any flaws in the procedure could influence the effectiveness the resolution, but to protect the interest of the shareholders and company, the law should regulate the means to remedy the flaw.

【关键词】 召集程序瑕疵影响补正
【Key words】 convening procedureflawsinfluenceremedy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】214

