

【作者】 陈庆林

【导师】 陈宏光;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 城市房屋拆迁是伴随着国民经济和社会的发展,城市化过程中城市功能调整需要和规模扩大而产生的一种拆旧建新活动。拆迁人和被拆迁人是拆迁活动的主体,同时它又是在政府的宏观调控下进行的。在拆迁过程中,由于各自地位的不同,不同拆迁活动主体之间存在着较为复杂的利益关系,实质上是它们之间在权力、权利和利益方面的一场博弈。从我国城市房屋拆迁的历史实践看,虽然客观上对于城市功能和面貌的改善的确起到了积极的促进作用,但在我国社会主义初级阶段特有的国情背景下,由于被拆迁人在政治、经济及其它社会资源的拥有方面与被拆迁人天然的不对等,更由于作为拆迁活动宏观管理者的地方政府,因为自身利益因素导致其在行使行政权力过程中的角色错位而偏向于拆迁方,所以被拆迁人的合法权益往往容易受到侵害,也很难依靠行政、司法途径得到有效救济,自助行为更是无济于事,一些因拆迁引发的极端事件时有发生。上述问题的产生不是偶然的,它是我国社会从计划经济向市场经济转型过程中各种复杂因素相互作用的结果,是社会上层建筑中不完善的方面对经济基础反作用的反映。从实证的角度具体分析,被拆迁人权益难以得到保护的原因首先在于我国现行关于城市房屋拆迁立法价值取向上未区分公益和商业两种不同性质和目的的拆迁,未能正确处理公权力和私权利、公平和效率的关系,过分依赖行政管理而轻市场调节,司法作用被弱化。其次表现为拆迁许可、行政裁决、强制拆迁、价格评估及补偿安置等制度设计方面也存在诸多漏洞。就现行立法本身来看,由于与宪法等上位法存在明显的冲突,其继续施行的合法性也受到质疑。此外,行政权力的异化也是导致侵害被拆迁人权益的根源之一。在“经营城市”理念诱导下,当地政府受自身利益需求的驱动产生歪曲的政绩观,本能地与拆迁人结成利益共同体,同时由于一些政府工作人员素质低下而滋生腐化行为,使被拆迁人的权益受到双重侵害。房屋是人类安身立命之本,是一个国家中人们最重要的私有财产之一,是行使其它公民权利的物质基础。在涉及对房屋这种公民私有不动产的处分时,必须慎重对待,即使是行使公权力的国家为了公益目的需要拆迁时也不能例外地要遵循正当的法律程序、公平的行政补偿、目的的公共使用原则,更不用说拆迁人为了商业目的进行的拆迁行为了。解决我国城市房屋拆迁中的诸多问题尤其是被拆迁人的权益保护问题,应在对当前拆迁立法、执法、司法的实践进行反思的基础上,积极借鉴其它国家的经验,坚持以人为本,针对上述问题,在立法的价值取向、指导思想、立法原则、立法技术以及制度设计上加以完善或重构。同时要使司法程序及时、有效地介入这个社会矛盾空前聚集的领域,让司法机关在对被拆迁人权益的救济方面有所作为,从而在司法实践中充分发挥维护社会公平正义的作用。从执法的层面来说,关键在于以科学发展观为指导,增强行政机关及其工作人员依法行政的观念,落实执政为民的根本要求,加强对其权力行使的监督和制约,杜绝腐败现象的发生。

【Abstract】 With the development of the national economy, civil house demolition is a movement of tearing down the olds and rebuilding the news, caused by the city function adjusting and expanding. Demolisher and demonishee are the main ports in the demolishing, at the same time which is under the guidance of the authority’s macrocosm control. Due to the difference of standings, there are complicated benefit relationships between the various sides during the demolishing, which, as a matter of fact, is a contest among powers rights and benefits.The house demolish has contributed to the improvement of city function and city outlook according to the practice in the history of it in our country. But against the background of the social elementary stage, demolishers have absolute advantages to demolishees at the aspects of economical and political and the possession of other recourses. Further more, local governments as the macrocosm managers misused their powers to be partial to demolishers as a result of considering their own benefits. So, demolishees’ legal interests are often encroached and can’t be succoured in administrative or judicial ways, and they can’t do it on their own. As a result, some extreme affairs occurs from time to time because of the demolishing.The problems mentioned above are not occasional but a result of interactions of all kind of complicated aspects during the course of transfer from planned economy to market economy in our country, and it is the result of the reaction of the imperfections of the superstructure on the economic base .It is analyzed form the positive view that the reasons that demolishees’ rights and benefits can’t be protected properly, first of all, lie in the present law standards, which have not made the differences between the public and commercial, and demolishing purposes not deal with public powers and private benefits , and not clarified the relation between justice and efficiency and have depended on administrative control too much and despised marking adjustment. As a consequence , judicial rules have been weakened.Further more, there have been many flaws in the regulations, such as demolishing permit, administrative adjudication, forced demolishing, price evaluation and compensation and settlement. As for the current laws, they are conflicting the upper laws like the constitution obviously, so the legitimacy of carrying out the laws continuously is questioned. Besides, the alienation of the administrative power is also one of the roots causing demolishees’ benefits encroached. Induced by the concept of ’managing the city , the local government ,with the wrong achievement views misled by its own interests and benefits associated with demolishers as a company instantly. Meanwhile, some of the government staff are of poor quality and it causes corruptions, which makes the demolishees encroached double .Houses as one of the most important private possessions in a state are the basic conditions to the people, which is the material basis to perform other civil rights. It must be treated carefully when private immovables like houses are delt with, even the state can not carry out the public powers to pull down the private house with a purpose of public benefits according to the process of the law setting, just administrative complements and for the purpose of public use, including the demolishing for commercial purposes by the demolishers.How to solve the arguments and problems in the demolishing, especially how to protect the demolishees’ benefits, should be based on the thinking over the demolishing laws’ setting ,carrying out and the practice of just administration, and experiences in other countries should be introduced and the policy of ’thinking the people as the dominate factor’ should be insisted on. So, the values, ideologies, principles, technologies and system designs of the laws should be perfected and rebuilt. At the same time, judicial process should be interposed in this area in time and effectively, in which contradictions are gathering, and something has to be done to succoring the demolishee’s benefits by the judicial organs, which should play full roles in defending social justice and fairness. As for the aspect of enforcing the laws, it lies in the guidance of the scientific developing view, enabling the administrative departments and their staff’s understanding the conceptions of performing powers according to the laws better, making performing powers for the people practicable and strengthening the supervising and restricting their power performing, and so corruptions in this area can be stopped.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D920.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】467

