

On the Cultural Inheritance of Tennis Sport

【作者】 孙志有

【导师】 薛岚;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的与意义:网球运动的历史悠久,具有深厚的文化底蕴,通过对网球运动文化传承的研究,使人们加深对网球运动的了解,从根本上认识网球,体会网球运动的魅力。网球运动的文化传承推动了网球运动的发展,是网球运动文化发展不可缺少的一个条件,没有网球运动的文化传承也就没有网球文化,更谈不上网球运动的文化发展。研究方法:文献资料法、个案分析法、观察法、逻辑归纳与演绎。通过对网球运动文化传承的研究,得出以下结论:球、网球拍、场地、网球服装、“鹰眼”和测速器作为网球运动文化传承的媒介,奠定了网球运动文化传承的物质基础。球、网球拍、场地是网球运动文化传承的物质载体,网球服装从设计、图案与颜色和面料上丰富了网球运动文化传承的内容,“鹰眼”和测速器体现了网球运动媒介的文化增值。网球运动文化传承的途径与方式多种多样,概括起来主要有以下几种:参与、欣赏以及教育、体验、交流、传播。人是网球运动的主体,人的参与是网球运动存在与发展的基础,也是网球运动文化传承的前提条件。从比赛场馆、比赛过程、比赛结果等角度欣赏高水平网球赛事的美学特征。从运动员所取得的成就、绰号和ATP排名波动,领会运动员的魅力。网球运动教育功能的体现,传授网球技战术、规则、礼仪及网球参与者的人格塑造。体验网球运动带来的身心变化。网球运动是结交朋友,促进了解,增进友谊的一种时尚的交流方式。印刷媒介以文字的形式传承网球运动文化的内容。电子媒介以声音、画面的形式传承网球运动的内容。国际网球组织、竞赛制度、规则及约定俗成的礼仪是网球运动文化传承的规范。国际网球组织在机构上对文化传承进行规范,对网球赛事和ATP排名进行了改革。竞赛方法和规则从制度上对网球文化传承进行规范。单淘汰、网球裁判、比赛记分、两次发球、外卡和决赛局体现了网球运动对传统制度的保留和改革。约定俗成的礼仪从传统上对网球文化传承进行规范,体现人的价值:对运动员的尊重、对裁判员工作人员的尊重、对观众的尊重,也体现个人的尊严。

【Abstract】 Purpose and Significance:tennis has a long history and a profound cultural inner-secret.The research on the cultural inheritance of tennis sport makes us have a deep understanding of tennis sport,recognize the essentials of tennis,and know the charm of tennis sports.The cultural inheritance of tennis sport gradually promotes the development of tennis,which is indispensable for the tennis culture development.That is to say,there is no tennis culture,there is no the cultural inheritance of tennis sport,rather than talking about the development of tennis culture.The method of study:document research、individual analysis、observation、logical analysis.Through carrying out the research of the cultural inheritance of tennis sport,the conclusion was drawn as following:Ball,tennis racket,tennis court,tennis suit,"hawk’s eye" and serving velocimeter,which are regarded as the media of the cultural inheritance of tennis sport,prepare the ground for material base.Ball,tennis racket,and tennis court are the material carriers of the cultural inheritance of tennis sport.Tennis suit enriches the contents of tennis inheritance from designing,pattern,colour,and material."Hawk’s eye" and serving velocimeter embody the increasing in culture value of the tennis media.There are a variety of ways to pass on the culture of tennis, and they can be generalized as follows:the participation, appreciation,education,experience,exchange.The player is the subject in tennis playing,and people’s participation is the basis of the existence and development of the tennis sport and also the premise of the preservation of tennis culture. People can appreciate the aesthetic features of high-level tennis games from the angles of the venues,courses as well as the results of the tennis competition,and comprehend the charm of the players from their achievements,nicknames’and their ranks in ATP.Tennis has the educational functions as follows: imparking the competing tactics,rules,manners and cultivating the characters of the tennis players.People can also experience the physical and mental changes brought by tennis playing.Tennis playing is a fashionable social activity in which people can promote mutual understanding and friendship. The press media passes on the tennis culture through the characters and the electronic media through sounds and pictures.International tennis organization,the competition system、the rules of playing tennis andthe accepted manners in tennis standardize the culture continuity of tennis.International tennis organization makes the institution of the culture continuity in tennis standardized,the tennis events and the APT rankings reformed as well.Besides,Competing ways and rules standardize the system of the culture continuity in tennis.The reservation and reform of tennis are also exemplified in the traditional rules,such assingle drop-out、umpire system、match score、double serve、wild card and the final. What’s more,the accepted manners standardizes the traditional culture of tennis,embodying not only people’s value with the respect for the players,the umpires and the audience but also man’s dignity.

【关键词】 网球运动文化传承媒介途径与方式规范
【Key words】 tennis sportculture Inheritancemediawaysstandard
  • 【分类号】G845
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2045

