

A Study on American Community Colleges’ Contribution to the Construction of Their Communities

【作者】 马月兰

【导师】 万秀兰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 克拉克·克尔(C.KerrT)曾说,“两年制社区学院的发明是20世纪美国高等教育的伟大革新。”在过去的一个世纪里,社区学院凭借自己的办学特色、多元的办学功能,在美国高等教育体系中独树一帜。它为处于劣势的各类学生提供了更多、更全方位的服务以促使他们获得学术、职业上的发展,为所在社区的居民及各类机构提供更为广泛、更有针对性的服务以满足居民的教育需求,社区的经济发展需求以及安全防卫的需求,这些构成了社区学院建设社区的要素。最引人注目的是美国社区学院的职业教育,它成为世界各国发展职业教育的楷模。在促进学生成功、满足社区需要方面,社区学院对我国的高职院校有许多可资借鉴的宝贵经验。本文将社区学院的社区建设分为了学院社区建设和院外社区建设,这样可以更好地分析社区学院在建设社区中所起的作用。无论是针对学院社区,还是针对院外社区,社区学院都试图通过自己的努力来营造一种服务、互动、互助、合作的风气,社区学院向学生、弱势群体、老人、青少年、企业提供的各种学术类、非学术类服务使他们得到了自己的所需。在为这些人服务的过程中,尤其是为弱势群体服务的过程中,社区学院为了达到最好的效果,充分调动起学院的各种力量以及社区的各种力量,共同参与到服务的行动中来。在这个共同参与的过程中,无论是学院社区,还是院外社区,都形成了一种良好的互助、合作的精神与风气,这种精神与风气不仅有利于社区建设,还有利于公民个人的更新乃至国家的更新。本论文共分六个部分。第一部分绪论,介绍本论文选题的缘由、研究对象的概念界定、国内外相关研究介绍、研究目的和内容以及研究意义和方法;第二部分分析社区学院参与社区建设的思想基础与客观背景;第三部分介绍美国社区学院的学院社区建设,社区学院主要通过向学生提供学术和职业课程,使学生满足学术和职业发展的需求,同时社区学院还提供一系列的学术性和非学术性的支持服务,致力于创造良好的师生关系和学生之间的关系以形成一种服务、互动、互助的社区氛围,最大程度地促使学生取得成功;第四部分从社区学院向社区居民提供的服务、社区学院为当地经济发展提供的服务以及社区学院参与安全防卫来建设院外社区;第五部分从对学生成功的评价标准分析如何衡量社区学院学生的成功,从社区学院对学生、对社区的影响来评价美国社区学院社区建设的成效并提出其发展趋势;第六部分进一步对美国社区学院的社区建设经验进行分析,从而得出中国的高职院校可以从中借鉴的内容。

【Abstract】 Clark Kerr (C. Kerr) said, "The invention of two-year community colleges is the greatest innovation of higher education in the United States in the 20th century." During the past century, community colleges developed a school of its own in the United States higher education system. It has provided more comprehensive services to those disadvantages to develop their academic and professional levels. It has also provided more extensive and more targeted services to meet the needs of residents’ education, economic development of community and security defense. American community college vocational education is most unique, and it became a model all over the world in this field. Community college provides a lot of valuable experiences in the aspect of promotion of students and meeting the needs of community for China.In this paper, the community is divided into two parts: the community of the college itself and the community beyond the college, which can help to analyze the significant of community colleges contribution to the construction of their communities. Community colleges try to build a atmosphere of service, interaction, help each other and cooperation in both college communities and the community beyond colleges. Through academic and non-academic services community colleges make their students, underrepresented groups, elders, adolescence and business get what they need. Through the service community colleges mobilize the source from colleges and out-of-college, to join in the action of service, to make the best effect, especially in helping those underrepresented groups. During this participation process, the community of college and the community beyond the college are all form an circumstance and spirit of helping each other and cooperation. This spirit will make for the construction of communities, make for personal renovate and national renovate.This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the exordium; it introduces the origins of the research, defining concepts of studying objects, domestic and international relative research, studying purposes and contents, the significance of the research and methods of research. The second part analyzes the concept basis and object backgrounds of community colleges participating in community-construction from inside and outside aspects. The third part introduces how community colleges construct their own college community. Community colleges provide students with academic and vocational courses, in order to meet students’ developmental needs. They also provide a range of academic and non-academic support services, to commit itself to creating a good relationship between teachers and students, and forming a ministrant, interacting and mutual-assistance community circumstance, to help their students achieve greatest success. The fourth part introduces how to participate in community-construction outside colleges. There are three ways: providing services to community residents, providing services to local economic development, and participating security defense. The fifth part evaluates effectiveness of community-construction of community colleges in United States and brings forward its development trends, from the evaluation of the success of students and influences on students and community of community colleges. And the sixth part gives further analysis of experience of community-construction about community colleges in United States. Then it obtains some contents which we can draw from, for Chinese higher vocational colleges.

  • 【分类号】G649.712
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】574

