

On the Security Obligation of Real-estate Service Enterprise

【作者】 陆昇

【导师】 洪伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 物业服务企业的安全保障义务是指在物业管理关系中,物业服务企业依照法律规定或物业服务合同的约定负有保护业主人身、财产免受侵害的义务。违反这一义务应当承担相应的损害赔偿责任。制度的设计需要理论的支撑,物业服务企业安全保障义务制度作为保障业主人身、财产权益的重要手段,亦存在法理依据:法的安全价值的要求、保障个人权利的需要、和谐社会理念的体现、诚实信用原则的运用、危险控制理论的要求、符合世界立法潮流。在司法实践中,如何确定物业服务企业安全保障义务的标准,是一个十分重要的问题,这个问题涉及到物业服务企业是否应承担损害赔偿责任以及损害赔偿责任的大小。通过比较法上的观察和对我国现状的考察,确定物业服务企业安全保障义务的标准有法定标准、约定标准、行业惯例标准、理性人标准。依据这些标准,物业服务企业安全保障义务的内容可分为设施设备的安全保障义务、服务管理的安全保障义务、防范、制止违法行为的安全保障义务和制度建设的安全保障义务。物业服务企业违反安全保障义务,应承担损害赔偿责任。对于责任的性质,参酌国外学说与立法例及国内学者对违反安全保障义务的责任性质的论断,结合我国物业管理行业的实际,物业服务企业违反安全保障义务的责任性质原则上为侵权责任,但也不排除物业服务企业承担合同责任的情况。在物业服务企业违反安全保障义务侵权责任的归责原则方面,当物业服务企业控制的设施设备不符合安全防范要求时,如果这些设施设备是《民法通则》第126条规定的适用严格责任的物,则物业服务企业应当承担严格责任,否则,承担过错责任。在过错责任原则之下,对物业服务企业的过错的认定应采用客观标准说。物业服务企业违反安全保障义务的侵权责任的构成要件为三要件:物业服务企业的过错、损害事实、物业服务企业的过错与损害事实存在因果关系。在因果关系的判断上,应借鉴国外因果关系的相关理论。物业服务企业在违反设施设备的安全保障义务与服务管理的安全保障义务时,承担直接责任,物业服务企业违反防范、制止违法行为的安全保障义务时,承担补充责任。物业服务企业违反安全保障义务侵权责任的免责事由有不可抗力、第三人过错和受害人过错。《物业管理条例》、最高人民法院《关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》等规范性法律文件对物业服务企业安全保障义务的规定弥补了我国物业服务企业安全保障义务制度的立法空缺,标志着我国物业服务企业的安全管理进入了依法管理的新时期。但这些规定存有不足,需要从侵权法领域和物业管理法领域两方面加以完善。此外,物业管理保险制度和物业管理安全基金制度也具有填补业主在物业管理区域内遭受的人身、财产损害之功能。

【Abstract】 The connotation of security obligation of real-estate service enterprise is that real-estate enterprise in the real-estate management relation shall fully fulfill his obligations of protecting proprietor’s personal or property rights according to the law or real-estate service contract. Real-estate service enterprise violate this obligation should undertake the corresponding compensational liability.The design of system needs theoretical support, the system of security obligation of real-estate service enterprise also has nomological basis for becoming an important means of protecting the proprietor’s personal and property rights, which includes: the requirement of the safe value of law, the needs of ensure individual right, the embodiment of harmonious social conception, the utilization of good faith principle the requirement of the danger-control theory, conforms to world legislative trend.In the judicial practice, how to determine the standard of security obligation of real-estate service enterprise is an extremely important question, this problem is concerned with real-estate service enterprise whether should undertake the compensational liability as well as the size of compensational liability. Through observe the standard of security obligation in foreign countries and investigate present situation of our country, the standard that determines security obligation of real-estate service enterprise has legal standard, standard stipulated and the profession standard of usual practice, rational person standard. Based on these standards, the content of security obligation of real-estate service enterprise may divide into the security obligation of facility equipment, security obligation of service management, security obligation of keeping away transgresses, security obligation of system construction.The real-estate service enterprise should undertake the compensational liability if he violates the security obligation. Regarding to the nature of liability, consider the theory and legislative example of foreign countries and the domestic scholar’s viewpoints of the nature of liability that violates the security obligation, combine the reality of the real-estate management profession of our country, the liability of tort is predominant essence of liability when the real-estate service enterprise violates the security obligation should undertake, but it remain contains the condition that real-estate service enterprise undertake liability of contract. About the principle of imputation of liability of tort for real-estate service enterprise violating the security obligation, when the facility equipments controlled by real-estate service enterprise is inconsistent with the requirement of safe ,guard, If these facility equipments are belong to the thing which apply to strict liability of sub-clause 126 of " general provisions of the civil law ", real-estate service enterprise should undertake strict liability, otherwise, undertake fault liability. The judgment of the fault of real-estate service enterprise adopts the theory of objective standard. The constitution of liability of tort for real-estate service enterprise violating security obligation include the fault of real-estate service enterprise, damage of fact, relation of cause. On the judgment of relation of cause, the law adopts the related theory of foreign countries. The real-estate service enterprise violate the security obligation of facility equipment and service management, undertake direct liability, the real-estate service enterprise violate the security obligation of keeping away transgresses, undertake supplementary liability. The immunities for liability of tort for real-estate service enterprise violating security obligation has three situations: force majeure, third party’s fault, proprietor’s fault."Real-estate Management Regulation", the Supreme People’s Court promulgate the "Interpretations of Certain Issues Concerning the Application of Cognizance of Personal Damages" and regulated legal documents ensure the stipulation of the security obligation of real-estate enterprise ,which remedied the legislative vacancy of our country’s system of security obligation of real-estate service enterprise, marks the safe management of our country’s real-estate service enterprise has entered new period managed in accordance with law. But these stipulations have deficiencies, need to be perfected from tort law field and real-estate law field. Besides, the insurance system of real-estate management and the safe fund system of real-estate management also have the function of fill the personal, property infringement that proprietors suffer in the real-estate management region.

  • 【分类号】F293.33
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】259

