

Study on Compensation for Mental Damage Caused by Breach of Contract

【作者】 陈少翠

【导师】 洪伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 违约精神损害赔偿是指因一方的违约行为致使相对方受到精神损害,受害方可以提起违约之诉,请求精神损害赔偿的一种违约救济方式。当前,我国已在侵权领域确立了精神损害赔偿制度,但并未提及是否在违约领域中运用,由此,引发了违约是否适用精神损害赔偿的争议,但最终以持否定观点的学说占据了主流地位。否定违约精神损害赔偿这一制度带来了诸多弊端。而事实上,否认违约精神损害赔偿的理由纰漏丛生,不足采信。精神损害首先应是对事实经验的判断问题,其次才是法律逻辑规制问题,而现今的立法却将其本末倒置,必然陷入概念法学的为法而法的困顿之中。随着社会不断进步,签订以精神利益为目的的合同类型日益增多。然而立法的不完善,对该类合同不能据法裁判,从而造成司法实践上的混乱局面,有违法之公平正义,严重损害受害方的合法权益。基于此,本文旗帜鲜明地提出对于特定领域的违约精神损害应予赔偿的观点。笔者通过结合当前的法律理论动态,从司法实际出发,运用比较法考察、应然性分析以及实证分析,遵循提出问题——分析问题——解决问题的思维进程,对我国违约精神损害赔偿作深入细致地研究。本文除引言和结语外,主要由三部分组成。第一部分,违约精神损害赔偿的法理研究。该部分先从我国的立法现状入手,通过判例分析,引出我国目前在违约精神损害赔偿方面存在的问题。其次,根据不同理论观点的论述,启发思考,从而寻求理论上的突破,进而肯定特定领域的违约精神损害应得到赔偿,这也正是笔者论述的重点所在。第二部分,违约精神损害赔偿的比较法考察和评析。该部分主要考察两大法系及国际立法对违约精神损害赔偿的立法嬗变和态度转变——各国均在一定程度上承认并给违约精神损害以赔偿。这也表明传统观念和理论并非一层不变或者不可颠破,对违约精神损害赔偿的认同并给予受害人积极保护也已成为一种不可抵挡的国际趋势。通过比较法的考察,反观我国,也应顺应世界发展趋势,认可违约精神损害赔偿制度。第三部分,我国违约精神损害赔偿制度确立与相关立法完善。首先明确提出我国违约精神损害赔偿的适用范围,以“预期精神利益+可预见性”作为圈定违约精神损害赔偿的适用范围,这也是本文的创新点所在。其次是相关立法完善,在对我国的立法模式进行选择后,提出我国当前应以“一般禁止而例外允许型”作为违约精神损害赔偿的一般原则;再次是对相关条文作进一步解释与完善,从而使违约精神损害赔偿有法律依据;最后通过类型化来推进司法实践的进程,对今后的司法实践起到引领作用。

【Abstract】 The mental damage compensation is a remedy for breach of contract that the aggrieved party who has suffered severe mental damage caused by breach of contract has the right to bring an action,petitioning for compensation for mental damage.Currently,the mental damage compensation has been established in our country,but it is generally discussed in tort law domain.While it is no mention that the mental compensation exert in field of breach of contract. So,there are many standpoints discussed this topic.Ultimately,the denial standpoint occupies the mainstream status.The denial point of view brings many malpractices.In fact,there are no reasonable grounds to sustain their allegation.Whether mental damage exists or not should be judged from the matter of fact,then the law.While nowadays the legislation revered the order,we inevitably fall into the odd circle of circle of conceptualist jurisprudence.With the development of our social,the amount of the type of contracts that pursue mental enjoy more and more.However,our legislation faultiness cannot distribute judgment,and the result is caused our justice practice confusion,also cannot protect our legal rights and interests.Therefore,the research holds the attitude that in contract filed we should give compensation for mental damage in a certain extent.The penman combines the theory trend of law,and adopts many methods to demonstrate, including comparative review,be truth analysis and demonstration analysis. The research obeys the process of anamnesis,it can be described as argue problems-analyse problems-solve problems to dissertate the subject in detail.The research is composed of three parts except introduction and conclusion.The first part is about the theoretical study of compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract.Firstly,the part describes our country legislation status,combined with correlation prejudication and many scholars viewpoints to ponder.The result is we should change our concept to accept the idea that the compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract in a way.It is also important to demonstrate in this part.The second part is about the comparative review and comment in compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract.This part mostly though review Common law,Civil law and International legislation, aimed to compare many countries attitude and variation legislation:many countries have been admitted and given damage compensation caused by contract in some certain.This is also reflecting that traditional conceptions and theories are not finally,they can alter gradually.In other words,the tendency of giving damage compensation in contract filed is inevitably in international.Though the review,we should keep up with the world tendency and establish this system in our country.The third part is how to establish our country compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract and perfect correlation legislation. Firstly,restrict the scope of compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract,the criterion can ascribe as "anticipate mental interest and forseeable".Secondly,perfect our country correlation legislation.After choosing the pattern of legislation,the author considers that we should take the model of "general forbidden with exceptions for permission" as our country general principle.Thirdly, though legislation interpret and perfect,as the base to establish our country compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract.Lastly, in virtue of the method of classification to advance justice course, blazing a way in justice practice for our country aftertime.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】108

