

The Industrial Pollution of Phosphorus in the Wuyi River Valley and Its Treatment Measures

【作者】 梁伟

【导师】 孙华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 磷是生物体不可缺少的元素之一。磷元素的丰缺、环境的优劣会直接影响包括人在内的一切生物的生长发育。生活中,磷的存在形式多种多样。最常见的如人们大量使用的含磷洗衣粉与磷肥;工业上用磷酸盐矿石制取的磷单质以及一系列磷的化合物;金属表面处理过程中产生的磷酸盐废水等等。大量含磷化合物的使用与排放,严重破坏了磷的自然循环和社会代谢,造成环境污染,其中水圈与生物圈受磷的影响最为明显。当前过量磷对水体产生的影响集中地表现为富营养化和藻类繁生现象,其实质是耗氧有机物及氮、磷化合物的生态环境效应。它们已成为我国环境保护的热点甚至是十分棘手的控制治理问题。研究表明,磷是引起水体富营养化的主要控制性因子。目前,国内一些主要河流在部分河段出现了富营养化现象,如黄浦江流域、钱塘江流域、长江流域、珠江广州河段等。因此,结合具体流域的自然地理特征和产业结构,监控流域内磷污染的主要来源,研究符合实际情况的磷污染监控管理措施,进行污染整治是具有实际意义的。武义江位于金华江上游,流域附近聚集了大量的表面处理企业。这些企业生产类型繁多,规模、档次参差不齐,分布又较分散。研究表明,武义江水质已经下降到劣V类;由磷化工序企业产生的大量含磷废水是武义江水体磷污染的首要污染来源;武义江总磷平均浓度已经达到水体富营养化的标准。且流域内的部分城市污水处理系统仍未完全投入使用;多数工业、企业的污水处理设施尚未配备或者不完善:关于酸洗、磷化废水的治理和管理技术也无法满足废水的处理要求,急需进一步完善和创新。以上问题对金华江流域以及整个钱塘江流域的水环境、生物多样性以及社会经济发展都将产生不同程度的影响。随着流域内社会经济的快速发展,水污染问题将日趋严重,水环境功能区达标率也将逐年下降,这将严重影响流域内水环境生态与饮用水源水质安全。针对武义江工业磷污染的特性,其污染整治措施也应有别于一般湖泊、水库等把农业、生活作为磷污染首要来源的水体的研究。研究表明,清洁生产与污染最小化技术是改进磷化工序,从源头减少磷污染的主要发展方向;生化法可持续污水处理工艺是除磷和磷回收技术的发展趋势;利用3S技术进行水环境管理;在线监测技术的全面推广;长效的监管机制和部门协调机制;污染物排放总量的严格控制;磷化工序企业的结构调整与区域规划;政府部门正面积极的引导与科研鼓励政策;环境立法与执法工作的加强等等,是目前武义江工业磷污染最有效的整治措施。因此,研究武义江流域工业磷污染对水环境产生的影响与污染整治对策,对改善武义江水质,加强金华江流域的污染控制与生态环境保护、合理利用水资源、优化产业布局、促进流域内社会经济可持续发展,构建和谐社会,保障人民的用水安全,实现水资源的可持续开发有着十分重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Phosphorus is an essential element to various organisms. Its abundance ratio bears a close relationship with the quality of environment, hence has a direct impact on the growth of human beings as well as other organisms. Phosphorus exists in multi-forms in our daily life, such as phosphorous washing powder, phosphorous fertilizer, the elementary substance and compounds of phosphorus derived from phosphate minerals and phosphate sewage resulted from metal surface treatment, etc. The heavy use and discharge of phosphorous compounds have caused severe disorder in the natural circulation of phosphorus and its social metabolism, thus resulted in environmental pollution, among which the hydrosphere and biosphere have been affected the most.Currently, the impact of excessive phosphorus on water bodies focuses on eutrophication and algae overrun, which have been the hotspots and intractable problems for environment protection in China, essentially an outcome of the concentration of the compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus, and the heavy reproduction of aerobe. Study shows that phosphorus is the main cause of eutrophication. Nowadays, eutrophication occurs in some reaches of the main rivers in China, such as the Huangpu River valley, the Qiantang River valley, the Yangtze River valley and the Guangzhou reaches of the Pearl River valley. Therefore, supervising the main source of phosphorus pollution in the river valley, and making practical supervision and control measures for pollution treatment based on the. physical geographic features and industry structure are of practical significance.The Wuyi River is situated in the upper reaches of the Jinhua River, where many metal finishing enterprises are located. These enterprises vary in the types, scales and levels and they are widely separated from one another. Study shows that the water quality of the Wuyi River has degraded to National Grade sub-V in terms of the environmental quality of surface water; The primary source of phosphorus pollution in the Wuyi River valley is the phosphorous sewage drained heavily from chemical plants; The average concentration of TP (Total Phosphorus) has reached the standard of water eutrophication; Wastewater treatment facilities still have not or incompletely been equipped in most plants and enterprises; The treatment and control techniques for acid wash and phosphorous sewage can not meet the requirements of wastewater disposal and need to be perfected and innovated. Such problems will exert impacts on the aquatic environment, biodiversity, and the development of social economy of the Jinhua River valley and even the whole Qiantang River valley more or less. With the rapid development of the social economy in the valley, water pollution is becoming increasingly serious and the attainment rate of the functional zones of aquatic environment decreases year by year, which will threaten the aquatic ecology and the security of drinking water.Owing to the characteristics of phosphorous industry, the phosphorus pollution treatment measures should differ from those for lakes and reservoirs, whose primary phosphorus pollution sources are agriculture and sanitary waste. Study shows that clean production and pollution minimization techniques are primary approaches to improve the working procedures of phosphorus industry and abate phosphorus pollution from its sources; Sustainable biochemical methods of sewage treatment technics are the trend for dephosphorization and phosphorus recycling; Other effective treatment measures against industrial phosphorus pollution in the Wuyi River valley are: apply 3S techniques to monitor the water environment, popularize the monitoring and measuring online techniques completely, adopt long-term supervision and coordinating mechanism among departments, regulate the pollution discharge amount strictly, adjust the phosphorus industry structure and regional planning, adopt positive guidance under local government’s control and encouraging policies of scientific research, strengthen environmental legislation and law enforcement, etc.Consequently, studying the impact of industrial phosphorus pollution in the Wuyi River valley on the water environment, and pollution treatment measures is of both theoretical and practical significance to improve the water quality of the Wuyi River, strengthen the pollution control, ecological environment protection, rational use of water resource, optimizie the industry arrangement, promote the sustainable development of social economy, construct harmonious society, guarantee the safety of water supply, and realize the sustainable use of water resource in the Jinhua River valley.

【关键词】 武义江磷污染磷化整治监控管理
【Key words】 Wuyi RiverPhosphorus pollutionPhosphatingTreatmentSupervisionControl
  • 【分类号】X522
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】242

