

Teachers’ Collaboration in the Circumstances of New Curriculum

【作者】 周燕

【导师】 吴惠青;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 合作是新课程的基本理念之一。它不仅要求学生具有合作的精神和意识,也对教师提出了同样的要求。新课程要求教师转变传统的工作方式与传统的专业成长方式,从孤立走向合作。教师合作是新课程背景下关于教师研究的重要内容。本研究采取文献法、调查法;观察法、故事法对教师合作进行了研究。通过研究希望达到以下目的:第一,明确新课程背景下教师合作的价值,对教师合作的涵义、特点及相关理论进行探讨。第二,对我国当前中小学教师合作的现状进行研究,对其影响因素进行分析,在此基础上提出促进中小学教师有效合作的策略。对教师合作涵义、特点及其相关理论的探讨,有利于我们明确新课程对教师合作的要求。对新课程实施中教师合作现状的研究,有利于我们清晰地看到教师的工作、学习状态及由此反映的教师文化。对教师合作的影响因素分析与策略的构建,能帮助我们更好地解决教师工作方式与成长方式所面临的实际问题,从而促进新课程的顺利实施与教师的专业成长。通过研究发现,新课程背景下的教师合作现状呈现出缺失性和低效性。其缺矢陸主要体现在以下几个方面:在性质上,人为合作多于自然合作,呈现出自然合作的缺失;在形式上,以同学科教师合作为主,呈现出其他形式教师合作的缺失;在过程上,浅显合作多于深层合作,呈现出深层次合作的缺失。其低效性主要体现在教师合作的成效方面,即现在教师合作成效低下。影响教师合作的因素是多方面的。其中竞争的社会环境与传统的等级思想是影响教师合作的社会因素;学校的物质文化、精神文化和制度文化是影响教师合作的学校因素;教师共同价值观的缺失、对合作认识的偏离及合作能力的缺失是影响教师合作的自身因素。基于对目前教师合作的现状特点及其影响因素的分析,我们应从以下几方面努力促进教师合作:在观念层面,树立合作取向的学校价值观,培养教师的合作意识;在组织层面,建立教师学习共同体,促进教师积极合作;在制度层面,完善教师合作制度,改革教师评价体系;在技术层面,在实践情境中培养教师的合作能力。

【Abstract】 Cooperation is one of the new curriculum reform ideas. It requires students to have cooperative spirit and mind, it also puts forward the same request to the teachers. The new curriculum reform asks teachers to change their traditional work-style and developing-style, from the isolation to cooperation. Teachers’ cooperation is an important content under the new curriculum reform.In this research we studied by literature-analyzing, surveying, observing and teachers’ story to achieve our aims. First, find out the value of teachers’ cooperation and analyze its meaning, characteristic, and some correlated theories. Second, investigate the current situation of teachers’ cooperation, analyze the influence factors and give some suggestion. The first work made us know the request about teachers’ cooperation. The second work made us clearly see the current situation about teachers work and study. Analyzing the influence factors and the suggestion can be propitious to solve the problem in fact, and accelerate the new curriculum reform.From the research we know that there is a lack of cooperation among the teachers .It embodies in the following aspects : First, teachers lack spontaneous cooperation, voluntary cooperation and independent cooperation. Second, teachers lack multiplicate cooperative formal. Third, teachers lack deep cooperation. From the research we also know that teachers’ cooperation is inefficient.There are many factors influence teachers’ cooperation. The competitive social environment and the traditional hierachical thought are the social factors. Schools’ material culture, spiritual culture and systematical culture are the scholastic factors. Lack of collective value notion, incorrect cognitive of cooperation and lack of ability are teachers’ own factors. In order to improve teachers’ cooperation, we must make great efforts from flowing aspects. First, we must built up cooperative value onion, foster teachers’ team spirit. Second, we must built up teachers’ learning community to accelerate teachers’ cooperation. Third, we must perfect teachers’ cooperative system and reform teachers’ appraisement. Forth, we must improve teachers’ cooperative ability in the practical setting.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】787

