

Ambivalence as a Pragmatic Strategy in Commercial English Advertising Captions

【作者】 曹晓萌

【导师】 洪岗;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 广告充斥着人们生活中的每一个角落,并时时刻刻影响着人们的社会生活。广告语言在广告的劝说性和有效性方面发挥着至关重要的作用。模糊语言作为一种语言策略是广告的一个重要特征,前人分别从文体学、符号学、话语分析法、社会语言学以及语义学等方面对其进行了分析研究。然而模棱两可作为模糊语言在交际中的语用运用在广告语言领域尚未引起学界的足够重视。鉴于此,本文试图从语用学角度出发,对英语商业广告语言中的模棱两可现象进行系统的分析研究,使其作为一种语用策略受到广告商和消费者双方的重视。Grice的会话含义理论认为,话语交际双方都有相互合作求得交际成功的愿望。人们在话语交际中总是遵守真实、充分、关联、清楚的“合作原则”。如果在言语交际中说话一方的话语在表面上违反了合作原则,那么,会话含义便随之产生了。模棱两可无疑是通过违反“合作原则”产生会话含义的一种语言表达形式。在广告这种特殊的交际方式中,模棱两可的产生往往基于广告语言对“合作原则”四条准则的违反。因此,“合作原则”对英语广告语言中的模棱两可现象具有充分的阐释力。为使此分析具有说服力,本文从最近几年最为流行的几种英文杂志和经典广告集中选取了22条典型的模棱两可的英语商业广告标题进行归类并逐一分析。经分析可知,模棱两可在英语商业广告标题中的运用主要通过四种特殊句式和三种修辞方法来实现。而礼貌、使广告更具趣味性、美感、节约篇幅以及为自身留退路则是广告商运用模棱两可这一策略的重要动机。

【Abstract】 Advertising permeates our life and exerts a considerable influence on our society. The language of advertising is of decisive importance to the persuasiveness and effectiveness of advertising. Vagueness, a strategy often used in advertising, is a remarkable feature of advertising language. So far the study on it has been approached mainly from stylistic, semiotic, discoursal, sociolinguistic, and semantic perspectives. However, ambivalence, which is a special kind of vagueness, has not been paid much attention to as the pragmatic use of vague language in advertising. Enlightened by this gap, this thesis attempts to conduct a systematic analysis on the use of ambivalence in commercial English advertisements from a pragmatic perspective and tries to draw increasing attention to this pragmatic strategy from advertisers and consumers alike.According to Grice’s Cooperative Principle, both the speaker and the listener in communication are willing to be cooperative in order to achieve a successful communication. In the process of communication, people usually observe the four conversational maxims of Quantity, Quality, Relation and Manner. When the four maxims are flouted, conversational implicature arises. The use of ambivalent expressions no doubt is one of the ways to flout the maxims, which leads to conversational implicatures. Thus, the theory of Conversational Implicature can appropriately be applied to explain the production and interpretation of the ambivalence in advertising.In order to make this analysis more persuasive, 22 commercial English advertisement captions which contain ambivalence are selected from several most popular English magazines published in recent years or from some collections of advertisements and are analyzed one by one. The study shows that four particular sentence patterns and three kinds of figures of speech are employed in creating ambivalence in advertising. Furthermore, being polite, making the advertisement more interesting, being aesthetic, being economical, and providing a leeway for themselves are the major motivations for the advertiser employing ambivalence as a pragmatic strategy.

  • 【分类号】H313
  • 【下载频次】477

