

Chinese-English Translation of Guides’ Commentaries from the Perspective of Skopostheorie

【作者】 郭艳

【导师】 陈光祥;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以功能派翻译理论中的目的论为指导探讨导游词的英译问题。目的论把翻译视为有目的的活动,强调译者应根据译文的预期功能来决定自己的翻译策略,从而扩大了翻译研究视野。基于对导游词的文本功能、翻译目的以及翻译要求的分析,作者得出导游词旨在向游客提供旅游信息和文化信息从而吸引游客这一结论;并进而主张,本着上述目的,导游词中译英活动的主要准则是:1)以游客为出发点,即向游客传递详尽,准确而且易懂的信息;2)以传播中国文化为取向,即有选择的传播中国文化,并通过文化传播促进东西方文化之间的交流。本研究以《走遍中国:中国优秀导游词精选(综合篇)》及其英译本为案例,选取其中两篇关于中国古典园林的导游词为样本,在目的论理论框架对其进行分析,并检验其翻译是否遵循了目的论指导下的翻译要求。作者在针对样本中文化、语言、以及文本特征三个层面出现的翻译问题做出批判性评价,并运用相应的翻译策略进行改进后提出:在目的论理论框架下,归化和异化两种翻译策略可以很好的统一起来为导游词英译服务。作者进而总结并归纳出一些具体翻译方法,如音译法加解释,直译法加注,直译法加类比等等,以求归化和异化达到互补,使翻译目的的实现可能性最大化。

【Abstract】 The author of the paper has explored C-E translation of guides’ commentaries under the guidance of Skopostheorie, one of the Functional Approaches to translation. Regarding translation as an action with purposes, Skopostheorie emphasizes that translation strategies should be decided by the intended functions of the target text, and thus broadens the vision of translation studies. Through the analysis of the text type, the general Skopos and the translation brief of guides’ commentaries in the framework of Skopostheorie, the author of the paper asserts that the Skopos of C-E translation of guides’ commentaries is to provide tourist information and cultural information to foreign tourists and thus attract their visit, and further proposes that based on this Skopos, the major principles for C-E translation of guides’ commentaries should be: 1) tourist-oriented rule, that is, to present detailed and accurate information and make it comprehensive to foreign tourists; 2) culture-oriented rule, that is, to promote Chinese culture and strengthen the cultural exchanges between Eastern and Western countries.In this thesis, the author chooses two commentaries on Chinese gardens from the book Touring China: Selected Tour Commentaries (Volume I) (both the Chinese and English versions) and brings them into a concrete analysis in the framework of Skopostheorie to see whether the translator has met the requirements stipulated in the translation brief or not. Based on a critical analysis of the translation problems arising from the three levels (namely cultural, linguistics and text-specific levels) in the commentaries concerned and the improved translations, the author of the paper suggests that the strategies of domestication and alienation can be well combined under the guidance of Skopostheorie, and then makes an in-depth probe into several specific translation methods guided by the two strategies, such as transliteration plus explanation, literal translation plus annotation and literal translation plus analogy, hoping to provide some insights into C-E translation of guides’ commentaries.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】770

